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That which we know,
But others don't know,
They shouldn't know,
Better if they know.
Better if they know.
Why should they know ?
They must know!
As self judges we know
Others from the past and know,
Our deeds in toto he know

Lets us better late know
That our highs are lows
Beyond our cleverness are laws
Secret must be exposed
Secret must be kept and upheld

İAliyu Salisu Barau -

On christmas day:
He bestrode a burnt log
Clad in tattered cloth
With sunken eyes , cloudy
A protruded stomach ,null
And dirty dishevelled head
Enjoyig his play with bullet shell

On New year day:
His first meal was raw cassava
Washed down by water from barrage
Missing songs of Hallelujah
Only smile lit face was his gesture
Suddenly in the noon he foundered
Of cholera his ghost transpired

On children's day:
Potentates with their gaudy siren
Crave the day's glaring parade
Where they coughed ceramic phrases
Which only wax as phantom cloud
That will never rain for the child

İAliyu Salisu Barau - 2001

If not for the Earth's hard lumps
Everywhere will be unstable or uncertain
They're robust roots of our abode
Hammered, carved and polished
By scissors of myriad millennia
They're Master Constructor's sign
If not for these big nails
Africa will kiss and coax Europe
A bloody and insane push to Arctic
Australia will swim around the world
Around the clock to punch islands
The tail of Latin America may swing
To caress the fist of North America
Never! the vision is all a mirage
Because of father Himalayas'family
That's the family that offers effervescent
Gifts of aesthetic panaroma
A refined sweet rock sweat
And consoling ecstatic breeze

İAliyu Salisu Barau - 2001

pure wells
clean breeze
dark nights
sparce huts
muddy tracks
birth highs
ample deaths
meagre drugs
little chalks
silent days
singing birds
hathcing seeds
river boys
dam girls
faith houses
fauna force
blinking stalls

İAliyu Salisu Barau - 2001

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Aliyu Salisu Barau:

Aliyu S Barau is a graduate of Geography from Bayero University, Kano. An environmentalist and prolific writer, Barau is a member of the Association of Nigerian Authors and the Environmental Link. He has published articles on the environment locally and internationally. He is also Panda passport holder.

Email: aliysbar@yahoo.co.uk

- Entire contents copyright İ2001-2001 by KanoOnline.com, all rights reserved. -

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