What have I do
With the world of mansion?
Of corruption, full
Nations by power blinded
Men by wealth, beguiled
People with parched souls
Wounded spirits and troubled gaze
Their hearts heavy
Sadness is their way of life
Where's the profit if you win
The world
Here, life is worth nothing
The dead is worshipped
The death's cheaper than breath
It's world distraught
Where the youth aspire to crime
The old despair of meaning
No worth for man without money
Neither for loyalty, nor friends
Nothing for love but disdain
What shall it profit a man
If he gains the whole world?
Burns this world
Rend it asunder
Away, take it
Take the world from my sight
Hanker after it
Grab what you can
And keep it.

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ADAMU IDRIS TANKO Ph.D., lectures in the Department of Geography, Bayero
University, Kano. He specializes on Water Quality for Irrigation Projects and has
published in many national and International Journals. A honorary visiting
Fellow at the School of African and Oriental Studies, University of Sussex, UK,
he is also a council member of the Nigerian Geographical Association. His other
literary works includes An Emotional Suicide (A novel).
Contact: Department of
Geography, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.
Email: aitanko@buk.edu.ng