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General => Health Matters => Topic started by: Anonymous on October 07, 2003, 01:24:22 PM

Title: male contraception?? wat on earth is da world.....
Post by: Anonymous on October 07, 2003, 01:24:22 PM
Hey guys, have u heard of the new male contraception injection which will stop males from giving birth, well i don't mean da male give birth but ..yeah kun gane de..... wat is da world turning into......
Anyway wat do u think cos i think in terms of population control it's kool, but in terms .............. anyway
it's all sciences

;D hey any of u  males interested, ;) don't be eager,  it'll be available by 2005 as the scientis said  lol ;) ;D
Title: Re: male contraception?? wat on earth is da world.
Post by: Bashir on October 07, 2003, 01:45:16 PM
yeah cool. no more scenes like these:

boy: come on, it will be cool. u will enjoy it.
girl: what if i get pregnant?
boy: i know onanism.
girl: ok


girl: (sob) am pregnant.
boy: so y r u telling me? its not mine u whore!!
girl: but u r d only one.
boy: (walking away) that's ur problem,

it will just b bliss all d way. hurrah for science.
Title: Re: male contraception?? wat on earth is da world.
Post by: Anonymous on October 07, 2003, 01:50:49 PM
oh is dat da usaul scene.
Oh poor Bash but don't worry by 2005 u won't have 2 experience dat scenes again ;)
Title: Re: male contraception?? wat on earth is da world.
Post by: Ibro2g on January 28, 2004, 01:10:49 AM
You know, Islamically, politically and economically, Population is an Obligation, advantage andto some extent, power!
The reason why this population control is going on is to cripple africa and Asia...dont u see?
Title: male contraception?? wat on earth is da world.....
Post by: Anonymous on April 06, 2005, 10:48:28 PM
Contraception is allowed in Islam (i.e. the hadith on 'azl).
Title: male contraception?? wat on earth is da world.....
Post by: Anonymous on May 07, 2005, 06:16:38 AM
Guest I totally gotta agree with you.
Title: male contraception?? wat on earth is da world.....
Post by: Aria on March 05, 2006, 10:46:38 PM
That would be an interesting discovery, to say the least. Now both men and women can take contraceptives to make "double" sure. LOL...
Title: Re: male contraception?? wat on earth is da world.....
Post by: Dan-Borno on May 01, 2007, 12:59:15 PM
Any medical doctor around?
Please tell me more about this
male contraceptives.
Title: Re: male contraception?? wat on earth is da world.....
Post by: Ihsan on June 08, 2007, 10:39:14 PM
I think it is good to have both male and female contraceptives.  Sometimes it is the man that doesn't want anymore children but becoz of selfishness (or something else) it is the woman that ends up having her tubes tied of using some kind of contraceptive. Now tell me this, what wud happen if they got divorced or the husband dies and she got married again?...the new husband wants to have kids with her but unfortunately she can't have any bcoz her tubes have been removed or her womb is damaged due to the contraceptives she has been taking.  So what i always say is if the husband doesn't want to have anymore kids HE should get a vasectomy!!! and as it so happens, it is reversable (though not effective in all cases).  And if it is on a mutual consent, both spouses should use some kind of contraceptive and not just one spouse.  That's IMHO

Dan Borno...I'm not a doctor...but I believe male contraceptives come in different forms (as do the female ones).  This injection basically is a reversible nonhormonal injection that provides contraception of upto 10 years (as they claimed).

oh yeah, there's also a pill  ::)

check this site ... http://www.malecontraceptives.org/ (http://www.malecontraceptives.org/)
Title: Re: male contraception?? wat on earth is da world.....
Post by: Dan-Borno on July 23, 2007, 08:48:44 PM
Thank you Madam Ihsan for this useful information.
I will soon report back after visiting the site you
referred me to.