Announcement: >:( :( INEC officials, take note!
I, the Hon. President elect of A.P.P have stepped down
my position for the president elect of A.M.K to continue
with the presidential election inorder to win the next
upcoming elections. I hereby wish to announce my self
as the A.M.K vice President!
I hereby wish to announce that all the A.P.P members, will
join an alied forces team of the A.M.K to beat out the A.O.P.P
party out of the next upcoming elections.
Signed: Hon. Tsumburbura of A.P.P (Aljanu's & Peoples Party).
Wai shin, Tsunburbura, let me ask u a question, kin taba yin wani abu mai suna gamu ? :-/? Hhhmm :-X :-X :-X
;D A.M.K
This is really be the only way for us to win.
Nice one tsimburbura 8)
Lallai kin san folitics sosai!
Announcement: ? >:( ? :( ?INEC officials, take note!
I, the Hon. President elect of A.P.P have stepped down
my position for the president elect of A.M.K to continue
with the presidential election inorder to win the next
upcoming elections. I hereby wish to announce my self
as the A.M.K vice President!
I hereby wish to announce that all the A.P.P members, will
join an alied forces team of the A.M.K to beat out the A.O.P.P
party out of the next upcoming elections.
Signed: Hon. Tsumburbura of A.P.P (Aljanu's & Peoples Party).
Which eber way ze fendulum swings....we r ready 2 hear it!!!
Chairman, A.O.P.P
Which eber way ze fendulum swings....we r ready 2 hear it!!!
SIgned: Chairman, A.O.P.P
By ze way, GIMBIYA, Zezezee, DanBanza, Twinkle, Ibro2G, 1/2 SY, .... rest of the
kanoonliners, why are you ignoring zis party ne?
Come in & let's make this party great!
I know you all want your PAM-POM Fura da NONO! right?
By ze way, GIMBIYA, Zezezee, DanBanza, Twinkle, Ibro2G, 1/2 SY, .... rest of the
kanoonliners, why are you ignoring zis party ne?
Come in & let's make this party great!
I know you all want your PAM-POM Fura da NONO! right?
Ku dai fadi gaskiya a kome zaku yi! ::)
PAP-POM Fura da NONO ??? ??? ???
Quote? ?
? ?Wai shin, Tsunburbura, let me ask u a question, kin taba yin wani abu mai suna gamu ? ?:-/? Hhhmm ?:-X ?:-X ?:-X
lol Twinkle...wai ay nan aljana ce (uhm)! to yaushe kuwa za'a yi wa aljana zancen gamo!
Aljana de anan ta shiga
Ku dai fadi gaskiya a kome zaku yi! ? ::)
PAP-POM Fura da NONO ???? ??? ???
Kai ma dai ka fada ??? ??? ???
Pam-fon fura da Nono ??? ??? ???
Announcement: ? >:( ? :( ?INEC officials, take note!
I, the Hon. President elect of A.P.P have stepped down
my position for the president elect of A.M.K to continue
with the presidential election inorder to win the next
upcoming elections. I hereby wish to announce my self
as the A.M.K vice President!
I hereby wish to announce that all the A.P.P members, will
join an alied forces team of the A.M.K to beat out the A.O.P.P
party out of the next upcoming elections.
Signed: Hon. Tsumburbura of A.P.P (Aljanu's & Peoples Party).
'To Allah mai yarda munji mun gani mun kuma yi alliance da Aljanu.Rigimar duniya ubanwa takashe? tell them tsunburbura. coz in GOD we trust.
i hereby announce myself as the treasurer of A.O.P.P,coz i like money too much.
wai yaushe ne zamu shiga office ne ??? g-naka, kayi shiru baka ce komai ba? ko dai dagaske ne maganar nan ta.......?
we are so eager to take over the office, you guys have to announce us in office by next week. or else, we will take power by force(coupe de etat)! don kunsan muna da makamai kamar me.
new members, oya make you join this party now.
kofa were have you been? ko kaima ka koma dan a.o.p.p ne ban saniba? masoyi wai kuna ina ne?
we have to sit down and discuss a bloody coup de etat takeover, since these guys have been looting the kanoonline accounts! and dont want to give up their seats for us to takeover.
wai yaushe ne zamu shiga office ne ??? g-naka, kayi shiru baka ce komai ba? ko dai dagaske ne maganar nan ta.......?
we are so eager to take over the office, you guys have to announce us in office by next week. or else, we will take power by force(coupe de etat)! don kunsan muna da makamai kamar me.
new members, oya make you join this party now.
kofa were have you been? ko kaima ka koma dan a.o.p.p ne ban saniba? masoyi wai kuna ina ne?
we have to sit down and discuss a bloody coup de etat takeover, since these guys have been looting the kanoonline accounts! and dont want to give up their seats for us to takeover.
Wai ke haryanzu baki hakura ba ? ai ya kamata ki gane
cewa mutane tsoronku muke, tunda kika ga haka.
kuma don allah ki daina cewa kina sona, don gaskiya
kwanakin baya na daina shigowa kanoonline saboda wani
mafarki danayi ya tsoratardani.
kiyi hakuri, wata ta rigaki.
Ga hotona nan da d'a na na farko!
Wai ke haryanzu baki hakura ba ? ai ya kamata ki gane
cewa mutane tsoronku muke, tunda kika ga haka.
kuma don allah ki daina cewa kina sona, don gaskiya
kwanakin baya na daina shigowa kanoonline saboda wani
mafarki danayi ya tsoratardani.
kiyi hakuri, wata ta rigaki.
Ga hotona nan da d'a na na farko!
Lololololololololololololololol, hahahahahahahaha, stomach...aah! it hurts.....! my stomach! ha!
My apologies!
Wai ke haryanzu baki hakura ba ? ai ya kamata ki gane
cewa mutane tsoronku muke, tunda kika ga haka.
kuma don allah ki daina cewa kina sona, don gaskiya
kwanakin baya na daina shigowa kanoonline saboda wani
mafarki danayi ya tsoratardani.
kiyi hakuri, wata ta rigaki.
Ga hotona nan da d'a na na farko!
LoL ;D
Why were you afraid ?
Is that the pic of your son ? allah yaraya.
talk about a face that even a mother cant love!
tsumburara...! kaı!
heyyy what r ur objectives??? what do u have in mind? increasing the forests? whats the chase?
make me the campaign manager! that is if u allow humans in ur thang!
speaking of being a campaign manager! pls do make me ur make up artist...!
but on a serious note count me in! if humans r allowed ba...
talk about a face that even a mother cant love!
tsumburara...! kaı!
heyyy what r ur objectives??? what do u have in mind? increasing the forests? whats the chase?
make me the campaign manager! that is if u allow humans in ur thang!
speaking of being a campaign manager! pls do make me ur make up artist...!
but on a serious note count me in! if humans r allowed ba...
Good initiative Fulanicoius. Support APP for these reasons:
Unity 4 Aljannu da Mutane, since we are all creatures of one Deity. In thatway, no more harm between Aljannu and Mutane again.
Tackle corruption. Zamu yi maganin barayin gwamnati.
Food for all. No more Yunwa. Fura da Nono will be available 2 every body.
For more, I will refer U to APP constitution.
As the new Zonal INEC commissioner, I will like to announce the new registered parties C.M.C (Ci Mu Ci). N.D.K (Ni da kai/Ke), H.D.M (Handama)..... other names will be announce soon after confirmation from the INEC Chairman goganaka.
Tsumburbura...I dont know...emmm
if you can...
okay just I like your picture. ;D ;D ;D ;D
QuoteAs the new Zonal INEC commissioner, I will like to announce the new registered parties C.M.C (Ci Mu Ci). N.D.K (Ni da kai/Ke), H.D.M (Handama)..... other names will be announce soon after confirmation from the INEC Chairman goganaka.
kaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :o who apointed u Zonal Commisioner??? kaji shi fa G-naka!!
where is kanolicious>??????????
where were u then? 8 ??? bakwa son zuwa meeting, sai yawan adawa :P
Kai Farisi u r commiting an act of treason,self appointment,falseful allegation e.t.c....
constable kanolicious do your job pls.....
kharuldeen I completely think just like you.