of all the people in my life
from beginnin to the end .....
u've been a special blessin,
my dear and faithful friend.
u've filled my life with laughter
shared sorrows joys and tears :'(
u've stood by me and held
my hand, walked with me
thru the years
when i needed someone to listen
i knew yu would always be
there, when i weathered the storms
of life yu were always the one who cared.
so in the circle we call life
from beginnin to the end
i was blessed to have yu
beside me, my dear and faithful friend
tho your gone we will always be best friends,
because yu still live in my heart and soul
i love yu and will always do. :'( :'(
thanx so much for bein there sugra :'( :'(
may your soul rest in perfect peace :'( :'(
dedicated to fatima yayale.
:'( :'( :'( that just a poem that i wrote in 2001 when i lost my best frnd, her dead really touched me so much..... :'( :'( :'(
I'm so sorry...
? I cant Imagine how tough it is to lose a best friend...when my J Bro lost his, he got devastated, its been more than a year now, he still doesnt have a friend much like him. At all.
? I'm glad you understand life goes on, and the very best you could do is help her with prayers, she'd very much appreciate that I'm sure.
? ?....and If u are looking for a shoulder...K-online is here... as long as NEPA is working ;) ;Dhaha.
? ? ? ?Live!
The poem would make anyone cry...it's hard to lose a friend.Life's always like that people come and go,like flowers they bloom today and tomorrow they .....Allah ya jikan mu gaba daya.Ameen
Amin Amin. Allah yasa mu cika da imani
sorry about yah friend baby gurl...
anyway ur poem great.. keep it up
thanx................ 8) 8)
i wish i had someone that could write such a good poem and dedicate it to me :-[
Not 2 worry G-naka if u answered d almytys call b/4 I du, I will write u one.
I pray subhanawata'ala will grant her mansions in d heavens above, and may her soul rest in peace Ameen.
Alot of us includin maself hav all lost our dearest onces. But we kan all pray 4 Allah to shower his blessin upon lost souls
So keep urself strong, wen God taketh he giveth anoda one. Even thou she is not d same anoda one. U du hav loads of freinds!!!. U've got us here!!! kanoonline family!!! Havent u? So dont worry keep her in ur prayaz & close 2 ur heart as I can c u've even dedicated a poem. Thats a gud one.
Allah ya kikenta.
thanx so much ummita and to ya all kanoonliners.....
thanx ummita but then i'll not get to see it.
why wont yu get to see it are yu? if i may ask ::)
she said she'd write me if i kick the bucket...so u see if i'm not reincarnated i wont see the poem...and i dont believe in reincarnation
8) 8) 8)i see ayya
May her soul rest in peace, babygurl. Mu kuma idan tamu ta zo Allah Ya jikan mu...Ya sa Aljanna ce makomar mu...Ameen
Amin Amin ihsan thanx Allah yasa mu keka da imali amin.