This is not a debate or a democratic system, rather a guideline to ensure that a relaxed atmosphere for holding dialogues is maintained.
Whilst the forum is provided for you to discuss matters in the Diaspora, rules are needed to see that discussions are held in an unperturbed manner and it is the obligatory duty of the Admin and the moderators to oversee that all the forums are conducive.
By clicking the ?I agree? bottom when you registered, you approved that your usage of the forum to post any material or make available matters will not incur any liability. To remind you: false, defamatory, abusive or vulgar, hateful or harassing, obscene, sexually oriented, threatening or profane, materials is not permitted. You also agreed not to post any material which will invade any members privacy or anything which is in violation to the law. Therefore, we hold the right to remove or erase any message containing unacceptable materials. For that reason, we reserve the right that after careful considerations if one fails to abide by the rules will result in having his/her membership terminated with or without prior notice and future post will not be allowed. Mind you, we are keeping an eye on banned members who camouflage to register again. Hence, it is your necessary duty to accord to these rules otherwise it will result to the loss of your association with the forum.
We want to keep the main forum pages presentable and friendly-free, therefore please we urge you to abide by the following:
1. The opinions and comments made in posts should not interfere with respectful rights of any member. The forum will not tolerate lack of disrespect and assumes all members will value each other.
2. Topics about activities which would temper with the law or defame any religion will result to automatic erasure.
3. Members are to respect designated TOPIC AREAS when posting their message. Those who post messages that do not relate to the topic area, will have their comments deleted or their topic closed. Furthermore, members should please ensure that the topics they bring on board is not an already held in discussion.
4. Please do refrain from posting messages in ALL CAPS. Otherwise, it may be edited, or deleted, at the discretion of the Admin or Moderators.
5. The forum is made available as a free time intellectual exchange board and no dealing or private party advertisement will be allowed.
6. The inclusion of pictures in posts is allowed on this site, but please do not post copyrighted or protected images without an express written permission from the owner.
Finally, the enforcement of rules by the Admin and moderators cannot be argued because of the terms and conditions each and everyone of you agreed to, before joining the forum which makes it binding on you that you agree to indemnify and embrace harmless forum conversations with respect to any claim based upon transmission of your message(s).
While we encourage lively debate, and receive your membership with the greatest pleasure it is also a needed favor from you that you do not obstruct these simple rules from taking effect as bridging these rules will not be tolerated and may suffice to the termination of your membership.
If you have a problem with another member's comments in a posted thread, we beg you not to respond to avoid aggravating the situation but we welcome you to make a report and you it will swiftly be dealt with to the best of our ability. We are here to see that the supervision of this site is made for your enjoyment so please do not take matters in your own hands but you are freely welcomed to sought our help. Members have two options of recourse....
A. Email the Administrator or you can seek assistance from the moderators to tackle.
B. Or try and resolve the problem with the other party via PM or email.
C. If you have complaints against any of the moderators or administrator, kindly bring it to our knowledge privately and we will try to rectify the problems.
Everything here said is in order to provide you with a comfortable zone for intellectual talk and with your cooperation will it be achieved.
?But remember that the membership of this forum is not a birthright but rather it is an opportunity for our own benefit. As privileged as you are, we love to see the flowers of all kinds and hues in our garden but the Administrator and moderators are always on the watch to weed out the ?thorny? shrubs that try to suffocate other plants!? [/color]
An opportunity in place is to express gratitude you for your immense contribution to the forum.
Thank you,
The Administrator of Kanoonline.
hey admins ur forum is vuln..
dont bother checking for my ip cuz its a proxy:)
i didnt deface ur site cuz u guys look nice and im after extremist muslims sites.
i dont wanna tell much about ur vuln here so others wont use it so i msged myself (admin user)
with details.
p.s. if anyone here see this msg let the admins or mods know about it.
have fun ppl, israel loves u.