Quote from: aneton on April 18, 2007, 02:52:43 PM
My important quastion is: how much, which and where are universities in Nigeria? Pleace help me. It is very importatn for me.
Are you looking for private or government Uni? Here's a list of popular
universities in Nigeria and their websites, hope it'll be helpful
*University of Nigeria Nnsukka
http://www.unn-edu.net/ (http://www.unn-edu.net/)
*Ahmadu Bello University
http://www.abu.edu.ng/ (http://www.abu.edu.ng/)
*University of Benin
www.uniben.edu (http://www.uniben.edu)
*University of Port Harcourt
www.uniport.edu.ng (http://www.uniport.edu.ng)
*Bayero University Kano
http://www.kanoonline.com/buk (http://www.kanoonline.com/buk)
*University of Lagos
www.unilag.edu (http://www.unilag.edu)
*Usman Danfodio University, Sokoto.
www.udusok.edu.ng (http://www.udusok.edu.ng)
*Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife.
www.oauife.edu.ng (http://www.oauife.edu.ng)
*University of Nigeria (U of N)
http://www.universityofnigeria.com (http://www.universityofnigeria.com)