KanoOnline.com Forum

General => General Board => Topic started by: tofutokwa on June 24, 2007, 10:56:50 AM

Title: I know I'am a clown in this forum but please
Post by: tofutokwa on June 24, 2007, 10:56:50 AM
Salamu Alaykum

If anyone could translate me the meaning of the this word in Native Hausa or Fulani languagek, wallahi I wont post again. I'am writing a story and I need some Hausa word. Could you translate me the following word. I can assured you that I have no bad intention of using it

"How are you?"
"Spare him, He is our visitor"
"He is a bad boy"

This is the only Hausa and Fulani words that I like to have translated. I know I should asked my boyfriend but I would be damm damm crazy if I do that. I had no intention of letting him know my suprises for him. Wallahi, If this was answer I would never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever post any topic again even in Gen Post or Islam or Any room



Title: Re: I know I'am a clown in this forum but please
Post by: gogannaka on June 28, 2007, 09:11:51 PM

Why wont you post again?
Title: Re: I know I'am a clown in this forum but please
Post by: IBB on July 01, 2007, 07:26:40 AM
Father- Mahaifi
Mother- Mahaifiya
How are you- Kana lafiya
Coward- Matsoraci (male) Matsoraciya (female)
Spare him, hes a vistor- Babu ruwan shi, bakwo ne
He is a bad boy- Baya jin magana
Dont- Bari
And- Da
Please- Don Allah
Title: And to finalize it all
Post by: tofutokwa on July 01, 2007, 10:37:30 AM

I will keep my promise. I wont visit this site again, not ever. To have more credibility, I will give to you my password. Use it if you how much you want

My code name is Tofutokwa, which is a combination of Fukien,(Canton or Sezchuan????) and Mandarin meaning "Bean Curd" which is my favorite food. It is really that healthy. If you find oriental store, try to taste it. It is protein packed.  Tofu is from the North and Tokwa is from the South. I was on the East and I'am chatting with the West. Everything was according to Balance

My password is "gerard" in honor for the memory of my deceased (and most beloved) cat. I have now boyfriend with me and I dont need to live in total gloomy desperation.

Goodbye, kanoonline