Hi I did not know where to post my topic.
It started when I was replying to a topic in the automotive forum about Tata's cheap car. i raised the issue of co2 emissions. At that point I remembered our dear state, the one this site got its name from.
This state is blessed (i wonder) with achaba riders. Ever noticed if you are in a junction waiting for the lights or the police men to give the go sign, its not just oxygen you breathe in, is it? And when the traffic light gives the go sign. its like a bomb igniting, the sky turns from clear sky blue to gray sometimes blacker. Certainly not pure oxygen. The achabas are the one contributing enormously to this problem followed by those big trucks.
I don't know a lot anything about these pollutions, but this one I'm afraid.
Respiratory illnesses especially by the riders and also skin problems is what I think will result in these smokes.
I'm afraid of lung cancer due to this or someone should bail me out if I'm wrong that this isn't possible.
I've noticed that cancer is increasing in our population and so is overweight (I wouldn't like to call it obesity).
Back to the stuff, cancer too can be of the skin, so that too is another probability. It might not affect us but our children.
I can remember my sister's children, they did not reside in Kano but when ever they came, their sleep won't proper.
One for example will be sleeping but will be making a sound like he's trying to gather sputum from his throat.
When asked why, he will say his throat is itching him. Immediately leaving our state, he will stop.
What are we doing too reduce this? With this smoke are we trying to protect the health of our next generation? I believe nothing.
Imaging those already having respiratory problems.... Adding kerosene to the fire!
Arubuta, this is a well thought issue that we r facing in our country, but i'm afraid nothing is going to be done anytime soon :( :(.
I had the same problem as well, the last time i was in nig. its like ur body is giving u warning signal that u r breathing air that u not supposed to, i kept coughing and my airways felt as if they were automatically shutting off, it wasn't easy.
The issue of cancer and all these air borne diseases that are caused by bad air pollution, should be high priority for the government to do something about the issue of this achaba mess in our beloved nation. ;D
Well done Madam Arubuto for starting the Achaba
thread, i tried before now, but sentiment didnt allow
me, because two of my very close friends (Baballe
and Dogo Chairman) are full time Achaba riders and
finding solace in their profession.
Though, a nasty profession, but most of its riders
find joy and happiness in what they are doing, and
no matter how we condem them, it will never solve
the problem. The most disgusting and disturbing
thing is most of our governments accept distributing
'okada' as a mean of alleviating poverty, especially
to youth.
As for me, what I hate most is their mode of accident,
because which ever way round kai mai mota will be at
suffering end (taking him to hospital and repairing his
As for environmental effect, dont even bring the issue
in Nigeria, common bola ma bamu iya kwashewa talkless
of abin da ke yawo a iska. Ko kadan, gwamnati bata
sa wannan a agenda dinta.
i know that it is a difficult matter but by saying it it can go to
the proper place that it can be addressed.
the achabas i think can help a little bit by trying to make proper
mixture of the petrol and engine oil. i'm sorry for them cause most
of then got no other choice. i;m sorry for their health too.
bola kuma ai its, apart from polythene, biodegradable.
we are not doing anything to protect our environment
you are right DB, gwamnatin mu bata komai. like kano
yanzu sai dai dada raba achaba take yi
I feel most passionate about this issue.I hate it when I see all those rude Achaba riders.The smoke,the noise,the terrible driving,and the women still comfortable on the backs of the achaba.No wonder ma ake cewa dan achaba rigar ka bata sallah.
If I was a guy I'd ban my wife from hawa achaba.Ko yaushe ta fita sai wani dan achaba ne zai dinga feeling heat din,if y'all know what I
mean.Kai shouldnt this thread also be in chitchat?
Anyway,seriously,I hate Achaba.Duk ko ina cities are trying to cleanse their atmosphere and mu ko sai lalata ta muke in every way possible.
More accidents,so much so that theres the achaba ward in Asibitin Murtala.More deaths.More ruined cars.More people spending on gyaran mota instead of abinci.More people spending on asibiti instead of abinci or leisure or education.And the list keeps growing.
I just wonder if the Govt happily giving out achaba to its people is really interested in the peoples welfare.
In ten years time theres really going to be an outbreak of cancers,respiratory problems,skin problems,etc.
Our ozone layers gonna go.more people will lose their manners.Kun san rashin kunyar tasu ma is in the achaba not the drivers.Babban mutum mai mutunci ma ya na fara achaba sai ya canja ya zama dan iska.Honest.
Actually I could go on and on and on.I just wish someone would tell the Govt that we need more roads,even the achabas they are distributing have no roads to be driven on.They need to tackle the desertification.Just look outside,Kano ba komai sai sand,turbaya.Yanzu ma ko an shuka bishiyoyin ma the achaba fumes would just kill them.We need to take care of water,electricity ,drainage and kwata problems.And the education thats more or less not education.Oh theres so much the Govt should do instead of distributing Achaba.Instead of killing us softly.
Quote from: precious on January 20, 2008, 05:33:34 PM
more people will lose their manners.Kun san rashin kunyar tasu ma is in the achaba not the drivers.Babban mutum mai mutunci ma ya na fara achaba sai ya canja ya zama dan iska.Honest.
That is absolutely true.
Quote from: precious on January 20, 2008, 05:33:34 PM
Actually I could go on and on and on.I just wish someone would tell the Govt that we need more roads,even the achabas they are distributing have no roads to be driven on.They need to tackle the desertification.Just look outside,Kano ba komai sai sand,turbaya.Yanzu ma ko an shuka bishiyoyin ma the achaba fumes would just kill them.We need to take care of water,electricity ,drainage and kwata problems.And the education thats more or less not education.Oh theres so much the Govt should do instead of distributing Achaba.Instead of killing us softly.
The politicians believe that raba achaba is the only means of eradicating poverty.
Keep the pressure and i bet you one day they'll have to stop it.
Kwanakin baya sarkin kano sai da yayi ta yin magana akan achaba.
Rashin kunyar tasu tayi yawa wallahi.
Wani malami a radio ana yin irin phone in program din nan sai wani ya tambaye shi, wai yana da achaba kuma he told the achaba man not to be taking female passengers but the achaba man declined saying that they bring in more money.
The malam was really bitter about the issue,in the end he prayed that Allah ya la'anchi sana'ar achaba and that he'll not talk about them anymore.
well of course now one of the leading causes of death and injuries in our dear country, oh my God where does one start from the pollution or the accidents can you imagine it has reached a stage where hospitals have special wards for them. and I dont think there will be any solution to this any time soon except prayers of course