Contemporary civilization is a complex system of interrelationships between human beings and nature, humans and technology, and between people themselves. The 20th century is gone and the 21st has jused nosed in. Addicted as we are to a culture of convenience, we forget how inconvenient it is to contract the many negative aspects these two centuries have brought to our domain.
Radiation and Cell phones
Cell phones work by emitting radio frequency radiation (RFR) that transmit through the antenna on your phone. This antennae lies right next to your brain. The potential risk of a mobile phone comes from its emission of low levels of radio frequency radiation (RF), the same type of energy that comes off a microwave oven. The RF pulses off the device's antenna right next to the user's head, and that proximity to the brain is what concerns some researchers. It is well known that high levels of RF can produce physiological damage through heating effects (this is how the microwave oven is able to cook food). However, it is not known whether, to what extent, or through what mechanism, lower levels of RF might cause adverse health effects as well.
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Levels
Human exposure levels to mobile phones are measured by testing the Specific Absorption Rate, referred to as SAR .The SAR measures how much energy is absorbed into the body. Individual countries set SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) guidelines, which indicate to the public what level of radio or other electromagnetic waves emitted by electrical appliances, is safe.
What are the preventive measures available?
Limit time spent on your cell phone.
Use a phone design that moves the antennae away from the head.
Discourage children from using them.
Don't use a cell phone if the signal is weak. The phone shoots out more radiation to compensate for a poor signal.
Health Risks linked to using mobile phones
Mental health: some study looked at addictive, problematic use of cell phones and found a link between low self-esteem and problem cell phone use. A study measuring the link between cell phones and mental health found that teens who used cell phones the most were more likely to be hyperactivie: anxious and depressed. According to another report, to be published in the journal Epidemiology, the risks are increased if the child then uses a mobile themselves before the age of seven. The programme surveyed 13,159 children born in the late 1990s. Results showed that mothers who did use handsets were 54 per cent more likely to have children with behavioural problems. That figure increased to 80 per cent when the children also later used the phones themselves.
Bullying: Text messaging is increasingly used by bullies to torment their victims. Cyberbullying, psychological harassment in text or instant messaging, is more often perpetrated by girls, who initiate inappropriate messages or spread damaging gossip.
Eye strain and "digital thumb": Just like other repetitive strain injuries that can result from computer use and other repetitive tasks, these conditions can result from focusing continually on a small screen and typing on small buttons.
Bacteria: Because of the close proximity to the mouth where germs can be passed from breathing, coughing and sneezing, most cell phones are crawling with bacteria. Additionally, many people use their phone everywhere, even in the bathroom or the leu.
Brain tumors and low sperm counts. While some research investigating the effects of electromagnetic radiation from cell phones in close proximity to the body have found statistical associations, other studies have found no increased risk.
Lack of sleep: one study found that some teen cell phone users are likely to be woken at night by incoming text messages or calls, and are therefore more likely to be tired and less able to focus throughout the day.