KanoOnline.com Forum

General => Health Matters => Topic started by: Abbas Bubakar El-ta'alu on August 26, 2008, 10:47:46 AM

Title: The relationship between Over Acidic Diets and body Fat!
Post by: Abbas Bubakar El-ta'alu on August 26, 2008, 10:47:46 AM
          In contributing to a topic "Obesity and Eating in Islam", I tried to explain the fact that, healthy bodies are not overweight or underweight. A healthy body naturally maintains its own ideal weight.The increasing prevalence of obesity and its negative impact on overall health have promoted the study of factors (both genetic and environmental) that control weight gain. An excess of fat in the body occurs because there has not been a proportional decrease in food intake. When greater quantities of energy (in form of food) enter the body than are expended, the body weight increases. It is important, however, to realize that the body weight is relatively constant in both lean and obese individuals. Thus, obesity, as you mentioned in your post, does not indicate perpetual weight gain, but represents an equilibrium between caloric intake and energy expenditure that is achieved at an increased degree of adiposity. This relationship is described by the simple equation expressing the conservation of matter: Input=Output+Store. Obesity is, therefore, caused by energy intake in excess of energy output. For each 9.3 Calories of excess energy that enter the body, 1 gram of fat is stored.
          Over acidic foods are one of the factorss that make a person fat, and that is a reason for high cholesterol level. For the above equation to be conserved, one must valeologically mind and his diet. Click to the below written site, and you would, for sure, learn alot about the topic at hand.
