KanoOnline.com Forum

Member Showcase => Member Poetry => Topic started by: Jibo on September 08, 2008, 02:17:59 PM

Title: Third Night Call
Post by: Jibo on September 08, 2008, 02:17:59 PM
I heard the divine call
When the beautiful breeze blow on call
The Lord, God, Himself on me
Seeking to be asked of me

My needs and wants He will grant for good
Only for me to pray and ask for good
But this breeze that makes me yawn for sleep
Sneaks gently cool massage into my veins

And the other minutes methinks would yield the sleep
I turn from my right to the other left
Thinking I could doze for the minutes left
Then comes the rays of light on my face

Only to hear the talking children to school
Another day has begun with unguided quest