KanoOnline.com Forum

Member Showcase => Member Poetry => Topic started by: Jibo on October 09, 2008, 11:02:01 AM

Title: Sleep My Babe Sleep!
Post by: Jibo on October 09, 2008, 11:02:01 AM
Come soft, come cool, come hot night
You tender that must sleep at night
Sleep; sleep your fill at night

Whence sorrow and terror would not disturb
Sweet babe, sleep thy days away
For this mortal world is cruel to your dreams
To those born of yesterday, today
The unborn of tomorrow and
The others of yesterdays

Our leaders' blind folded greed
Have your tomorrow doth destroy
The future is blinking and black

All thy secret smiles and thy soft desires
All thy hopeful joy
Were but shattered by the reckless greed
Of those who desire to make
A desert of thy home and future smiles

Sleep; sleep my babe, sleep!
Wake to eternity's peace
So, sleep, sleep deep into your days.