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General => General Board => Topic started by: Dan-Borno on November 24, 2008, 02:53:13 PM

Title: How they treat RIBADU is wrong!!!!
Post by: Dan-Borno on November 24, 2008, 02:53:13 PM
its graduating time, Ribadu is seated among fellow
draduants when some security men came and usher
him out.

i dont know when my country will start behaving the
right way, or is it a deliberate attempt to disgrace the
young police officer even after he was demoted?

why shouldnt they have told him that he will not be
allowed to attend the graduation ceremony in the
first place?

no body knows who did tihs to this young man, is it
Baba Go Slow, Inspector General of Police or the Big
Shots he has mishandled when he was the EFCC boss?
Title: Re: How they treat RIBADU is wrong!!!!
Post by: bakangizo on November 24, 2008, 04:30:32 PM
It is karma. Simple. Duk abinda aka gina a akan rashin gaskiya, a wofi yake karewa sooner or later.
"Baba Go Slow"  kuma? Kai da mutumin naka?
Title: Re: How they treat RIBADU is wrong!!!!
Post by: gogannaka on November 26, 2008, 07:30:40 AM
Yesterday's daily trust newspaper headline read 'Ribadu bought houses in Dubai,Leeds'. Meanwhile another of their headline read 'Power generation drops by 1000MW' But that one didn't get the elaborate boldness.
I friend whom we were glancing the paper was so furious at the Ribadu story that he didn't even notice the 1000mw headline which to me was more important a news than the Ribadu 'Circus'.

Can't Nuhu Ribadu purchase a house in leeds or Dubai?
Ko shi haramun ne ya saye gida in any part of the world.
How much does a house cost in Dubai or leeds,especially with the current recession?
How much did he use to earn as emoluments while he was EFCC chairman? Don't you think that would have been enough for him to purchase a house in dubai or leeds? If his salary and entitlements couldn't affors him a house then how can he possibly fight corruption?
Couldn't he obtain a loan from a bank to facilitate his buying a house in leeds or Dubai,....or even the Champs Elysees for God's sake.

Why is it news please,when the nations power supply in one day drops by 1000MW i.e one thousand million watts. Here's the maths:
Kano needs 250MW to be blackout free
Kaduna needs 200MW
Bauchi needs 130MW
Adamawa about 80MW
Sokoto- 80MW
Taraba- 50MW
Zamfara- 50MW
Gombe- 50MW
Katsina - 70MW
Jigawa - 40MW
Borno - 90 MW

Imagine,that is like the whole power that the north needs. But that is not worth a BOLD headline news item. No sai don Ribadu ya sai gida a leeds (kauye ma ma mallam) and dubai (where houses are damn cheap),,,,wato shikenan shi ya zauna talaka saboda rakiya ya zo duniya.
Title: Re: How they treat RIBADU is wrong!!!!
Post by: Dante on November 26, 2008, 11:53:50 AM
Conspiracy theory! Only the wise will think or ask how the power generated was dropped. Most government use tactics like these to distract the majority especially in developed countries. Thats why the media is controlled by the govment.
Title: Re: How they treat RIBADU is wrong!!!!
Post by: HUSNAA on November 26, 2008, 12:04:07 PM
Quote from: gogannaka on November 26, 2008, 07:30:40 AM
Yesterday's daily trust newspaper headline read 'Ribadu bought houses in Dubai,Leeds'. Meanwhile another of their headline read 'Power generation drops by 1000MW' But that one didn't get the elaborate boldness.
I friend whom we were glancing the paper was so furious at the Ribadu story that he didn't even notice the 1000mw headline which to me was more important a news than the Ribadu 'Circus'.

Can't Nuhu Ribadu purchase a house in leeds or Dubai?
Ko shi haramun ne ya saye gida in any part of the world.
How much does a house cost in Dubai or leeds,especially with the current recession?
How much did he use to earn as emoluments while he was EFCC chairman? Don't you think that would have been enough for him to purchase a house in dubai or leeds? If his salary and entitlements couldn't affors him a house then how can he possibly fight corruption?
Couldn't he obtain a loan from a bank to facilitate his buying a house in leeds or Dubai,....or even the Champs Elysees for God's sake.

Why is it news please,when the nations power supply in one day drops by 1000MW i.e one thousand million watts. Here's the maths:
Kano needs 250MW to be blackout free
Kaduna needs 200MW
Bauchi needs 130MW
Adamawa about 80MW
Sokoto- 80MW
Taraba- 50MW
Zamfara- 50MW
Gombe- 50MW
Katsina - 70MW
Jigawa - 40MW
Borno - 90 MW

Imagine,that is like the whole power that the north needs. But that is not worth a BOLD headline news item. No sai don Ribadu ya sai gida a leeds (kauye ma ma mallam) and dubai (where houses are damn cheap),,,,wato shikenan shi ya zauna talaka saboda rakiya ya zo duniya.

GGNK, its not even the same Ribadu. Its another Ribadu not Nuhu Ribadu. From what I heard he doesnt even own a house of his own, let alone buy one in Dubai. Kasan irin abinnan ne. Ka jefi mutum da wani abu, it will slide off, but it will leave a stain, that is what they are trying to do to Ribadu's character- besmirch it.
Allah Ya Isar masa. We are all behind him what ever he is purported to have done.
Title: Re: How they treat RIBADU is wrong!!!!
Post by: bakangizo on November 28, 2008, 03:10:18 PM
Quote from: gogannaka on November 26, 2008, 07:30:40 AM
Can't Nuhu Ribadu purchase a house in leeds or Dubai?
Ko shi haramun ne ya saye gida in any part of the world.
How much does a house cost in Dubai or leeds,especially with the current recession?
How much did he use to earn as emoluments while he was EFCC chairman? Don't you think that would have been enough for him to purchase a house in dubai or leeds? If his salary and entitlements couldn't affors him a house then how can he possibly fight corruption?
Couldn't he obtain a loan from a bank to facilitate his buying a house in leeds or Dubai,....or even the Champs Elysees for God's sake.

Ka manta it was the same unsubstantiated accusation Ribadu used to put Shekarau in his infamous list of the indicted? Wanzami ne da bai son jarfa. It was the same (mis)treatment Ribadu handed out to opponents of his Master those days. It is now coming back to haunt him. He did worse than what is happening to him now. In those days he sat like a collosus, determining who is corrupt and who is not. Of course in those days, the definition of who's corrupt is determined by the colour of one's affiliation to Obj. Those days when Ribadu consistently and conviniently flaunt courts injunctions and orders, arresting everyone who dares to be even a perceived "enemy" of his grand master. Clearing the way for the worst election in the world. Pronouncing people as "indicted" and guilty, even though only the court can do that after one must have been tried and found guilty in a court of law. Banning ppl from contesting in election, and at the same time clearing (or ignoring) those who were glaringly corrupt to roam free. So it is Karma. It is poetic justice. Duk wanda yayi rashin gaskiya, haka zai gani. Kadan ma ya gani. Da saura.
Title: Re: How they treat RIBADU is wrong!!!!
Post by: IBB on November 28, 2008, 09:14:04 PM
BakanGizo I hail ur comment. Amma gaskia zata fid da kanta, in shine toooo, in kuma ba shine bama zamu gani!
Title: Re: How they treat RIBADU is wrong!!!!
Post by: Muhsin on November 29, 2008, 11:11:36 AM
Irin wannan sakayyar scares me, wallahi. For, I, as well as other Nigerians, do believe that (that) man--Ribadu, has had done quite a work during his reign as EFCC boss. Although, OBJ and co-others have had used him as their 'watch dog', who chase, frighten, nab, etc who they thought over-stepped their boundries. Amma dai he, exceedingly, helped in x-raying some bad actors in Nigeria ko anki ko an so.

I pray Allah ya bawa mai gaskiya nasara, amin.