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General => Islam => Topic started by: bamalli on January 09, 2010, 03:13:58 PM

Title: Islam the Misconcieved Religion
Post by: bamalli on January 09, 2010, 03:13:58 PM
Cry Islam; Cry my beloved faith!

'...and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction; but do good; for Allah loveth those who do good'. Qur'an 2;195

Much has been said, and still being said about Islam by both Muslims and non-Muslims. Many from the Muslims who have said something about it are either based on emotion or out of ignorance. While those who have voiced out from the non-Muslims did so either out of mischief or deliberate attempt to cause internal dissention and animosity amongst the Muslims. Yet if you ask any of them they will say to you we are trying to educate the Muslim about the correct Islam; while they all misrepresent it. The real cause of this menace is the sustained silence of the well grounded scholars from making public comments and corrections. I would not refuse to give in if someone tells me that there is an organized cartel from within and without to block any distinguished scholar from the media, and boosting the voices of those who only relate themselves to Islamic scholarship. Either way is not only treacherous to the Muslim ummah, but also very detrimental and cataclysm to the international communities. The trend will also increase population and interfering  of halve-baked, misinformed and dangerous scholars to dominating our lives, and thereby indoctrinating and programming of our innocent adolescents against us, such of the age group of the recently alleged terrorist, Umar Farouk Mutallab.

Today some unscrupulous people are working very hard to discredit Islam by comparing it with football matches where both the players and spectators become emotionally charged to the extent of causing carnage to themselves and the public for no understandable rationale. There are also reasonably educated Muslim clerics but who out of deliberate mischief chose to exploit young and feeble-minded people with wrong interpretation of the Islamic literatures through taking undue advantage of their inexperience and age discrepancy. So also are emotionally and sentimentally enthused people of different educational and cultural background arrogating to themselves Islamic scholarship. These same groups are unflinchingly not only misinterpreting it, but grossly misguiding both its new and 'born-into' adherents. Such tendency is what really bred the malicious production of audio, video and print materials that play with the psych of the weak or unintelligent young men and women all over the world. Consequently, the popularity and easy accessibility of the internet aid and abate to the advantages of these dangerous human beings of our future generations.  There are several fraudsters, cyber-fondlers, cyber-muggers, cyber-predators and indoctrinators of all sorts, online looking for easy preys.

These days similarly, there are well educated young Muslims in the Western education in various field of sciences who if they put their knowledge to proper use could make tremendous positive impacts on the international scholarships, but alternatively choose to vie for human destruction in the name of theoterrorism or 'jihad'; as if jihad is about causing carnage to innocent human lives and destruction of their properties. If Islam proscribes the taking of one's own life by whatever means and for whatever reason, then how can any rational mind push innocent minds to kill guiltless lives in the name Allah again?  In Islam taking care of one's old parent regardless of their faith is more loved by Allah than venturing into clear-cut jihad! The Messenger of Allah has turned back many a young enthusiasts from partaking in any expedition on the ground of having their parents alive. The concept of 'fa fihima fa jahid' (your jihad is in your obedience to them) was strictly adhered to throughout the early Muslim epoch. That is say, theoterrorism is not only abhorred but unwelcome in the realm of Islam through whatever means it's construed.

The mission of Islam is to save man from worldly and eternal bondages. It also liberates him from enslaving himself to remaining a free servant creature of his Lord. Islam protects and preserves every creature, and has made the human lives very sacred and sacrosanct. No human or animal live should be taken but for absolutely 'justifiable' reasons beyond any iota of doubts. Allah the Almighty has not put any person, civilization or race as the custodian or trustee of anybody's survival with absolute liberation to kill at will. Similarly, no one has any right to commit suicide for any reason whatsoever. Islam therefore abhors in strong annotation the feeling of superiority of one sole over another notwithstanding the discrepancies in social, educational or cultural orientation.

Therefore, only legitimate authority has the total right to safeguard its citizenry from the domination and oppression of the weak by the strong, or the exploitation of the have-nots by the haves. Thus, both human and animal souls are solely the possession of Allah, the Creator and the Lord of the worlds.

Terrorism in the name Allah has never been regarded as an integral part of worship at any point of time and space. Divine laws or Shari'ah are not mere outcome of human whims or hatred; they are direct legislation of the Creator to His creatures in order that they organise and conduct themselves civilly on this earth. Allah says in the Qur'an Chapter 5: 32

''On that account: we ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief In the land - it would be As if He slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be As if He saved the life of the whole people. then although there came to them Our apostles with Clear Signs, yet, Even after that, many of them continued to Commit excesses In the land''.

Therefore, any misconstrued, misconceived or misunderstood legal framework or interpretation of any section or parts of the Qur'an or Sunnah to suite the personal, sectional or cultural motive or purpose of group or race to the detriment of any member of the human race is not coming from Allah or His messenger. Islam is about good life, liberty, welfare, peace, progress and community.

Consequently, terrorism is not only a crime against humanity, it's also a misdemeanour against Allah and His Messenger, and thus attracts very severe chastisement and retribution; Allah says again in Chapter 5: 33

''The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace In This world, and a heavy punishment is theirs In the Hereafter''.

Accordingly, the concept of terrorism in Islam is that of an ostracized and proscribed intention or action, as one of the major sins which deserves condemnation in this world, but severe retribution in the Hereafter. Terrorism perpetrated at whatever level by state, groups or individuals is abominated by Allah in very tough terms. In fact any attack against calm and innocent people through predatory, carried out by a criminal state or organization or individuals, be it via stealing public wealth and property, spreading any kind of mischief of psychological or moral dimension, or instilling insecure and fear to the people, is punishable by Allah as manifested clearly in the aforementioned verse of the Qur'an.

Another important historical instant of fact that was recorded by the Qur'an to further substantiate the uncompromising position of Islam on terrorism; Allah says in surah al-Ankabut: 36;

''To the Madyan (people) (We sent) their brother Shu'aib; then He said: "O My people! Serve Allah, and fear the Last Day: nor Commit evil on the earth, with intent to do mischief."

No doubt, the case of Umar Farouk Mutallab as far as the populous black nation and percentage of Muslims therein, should be treated as a very isolated occurrence especially when taking into account the security lapses and porousness of the international security agencies' check points at the various ports. Mutallab's father should not only be regarded as our national hero, but an international symbol worthy of emulation by all parents.  Similarly, President Barack Obama deserves commendation for his daring and objective public reaction on the incident and his boldness in acclamation of the father of young Mutallab. I will also like to use this medium to request President Barack Obama to revisit his decision on his blanket black listing of Nigeria among the Bush's 'axis of evil' for the sin of an exploited inexperience young man out of over 150 million Nigerians. Please Your Excellency do alter justice with mercy and delist us from the black list.  Consequently, the international community therefore, should continue to treat all Nigerians on individual worth or demerit. The Nigerian public commentators especially those of the southern extraction, should desist from politically localizing the incidence as if the calamitous consequence will befall the Muslim northerners only. The American and European media did not localize the incident; to them it was an international concern of importance. So also should sensible and patriotic Nigerians consider it as such.

Parents generally should create time for their wards and children especially those of them that study far away from home or outside the Nigeria shore. Those that study here, parents and teachers should have time to closely observe the movements of the young men and women, as well as have time to document every strange moves and sudden behavioural changes. Reportage to the authority on time saves innocent lives from terror death.  Allah says in the Qur'an Chapter 5:93

'If a man kills a believer intentionally, His recompense is Hell, to abide therein (for ever): and the wrath and the curse of Allah are upon him, and a dreadful penalty is prepared for Him'.

Finally, good knowledge is not only a trust but also sanctified and sacrosanct to those whom Allah has blessed them with.. People with repository of beneficial knowledge should endeavour to use it for the progression of humanity, rather than its destruction. Thus, any misuse of knowledge is not only mischief to humanity but it is deliberate transgression of Allah's bounds culpable of eternal chastisement in the abyss of the hell fire!

Allah indeed has spoken the truth, He says:

'And fear tumult or oppression, which affecteth not In particular (only) those of you who do wrong: and know that Allah is strict In punishment'. Qur'an 8:25

Title: Re: Islam the Misconcieved Religion
Post by: Muhsin on January 21, 2010, 01:37:01 PM

I always do more than crying. The situation is worsening, wallahi. Today here, tomorrow there.

Just as I have just said on another thread, some of our Muslim brothers (and sisters) urgently need some kind of "remedial" programs; Islam is not all about killing, bombing, suicide and the likes. Islam, in fact, denounces such practices overtly. Islam encourage moderation and discourage extremism. The Prophet says in one hadith: "destroyed are those who are extreme (in religion)". Unless our people realize that we will never be "free" from all sort of rubbish heaping at us by non-Muslims.

May Allah come to our rescue, amin.