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General => General Board => Topic started by: Abu-Fatima on April 25, 2011, 04:32:49 PM

Title: Though this be madness …
Post by: Abu-Fatima on April 25, 2011, 04:32:49 PM
Here-under is a pointer towards the key to unraveling the mystery of religious and political crises in Northern Nigeria:

There is abject poverty in the North. The brunt of the sharpest cutting edge of northern poverty rested squarely upon inhabitants of urban squalor settlements in the North. In these settlements, an amalgam of abject poverty and rapid population explosion provide fertile grounds for the rapid growth of an idle army of un-employed, un-employable, unskilled, and un-educated, drug infested, potentially criminal and violent youths. The idle minds of these impoverished, frustrated, poverty stricken youths remain the devil workshop: a ticking time-bomb for crises in the North. Until something is done, here-in is embedded the potential undoing of whatever we may hold dear to our country, Nigeria.
Title: Re: Though this be madness …
Post by: bakangizo on April 26, 2011, 09:21:22 AM
Well said. Something needs to be done. And fast too. Otherwise I fear that in the future no one is safe, from the rich to the poor, indigene and non-indigene.
Title: Re: Though this be madness …
Post by: Abu-Fatima on April 26, 2011, 11:10:02 AM
Ever wonder what a future there would be, when these youths become elders, parents and guardians?
Title: Re: Though this be madness …
Post by: neozizo on April 26, 2011, 05:51:22 PM
The irony, in my opinion, is that the solution lies with this upcoming generation comprising these disillusioned youths.
Obliviously the departing generation's politicians have failed, are the problem and indeed cannot offer suitable solution.
Title: Re: Though this be madness …
Post by: bakangizo on April 30, 2011, 01:49:19 PM
Quote from: neozizo on April 26, 2011, 05:51:22 PM
The irony, in my opinion, is that the solution lies with this upcoming generation comprising these disillusioned youths.
Obliviously the departing generation's politicians have failed, are the problem and indeed cannot offer suitable solution.

Then you begin to wonder on the future of the country if it is dependent on this dissullutioned, uneducated, violent youth.
Title: Re: Though this be madness …
Post by: HUSNAA on May 04, 2011, 03:17:19 AM
Hmm disenchanted youths. Disenfrachised as well. I can almost swear that the same youths that rampaged the day after the prez elections were the same ones that went crazy again - albeit in a different way - the day after the guber election in Kano. The mode of  celebrating the election of Kwankwaso was sheer irresponsibility! We were driving along BUK road near the kofar Kabuga junction and this weirdo on a bike came literally flying from somewhere  on his motorbike. His arms were outstreched and his bike was weaving along the road at a more than moderate speed, and it was like he was spaced out, which he probably was as he showed no signs of fear or that he was inconveniencing other road users. He then made straight for a crowd which parted inadvertently to make way for him. Then later on, some other guy high on a substance came to our car window soliciting for alms. One could clearly see that he was not in his right frame of mind. NO one gave him anything, but I became worried in case he might turn violent on us for non compliance with his wishes.
RMK ka dawo, amma I hope mulkin ka will not consist of accomodating 'yan iskan gari.
Title: Re: Though this be madness …
Post by: bakangizo on May 04, 2011, 09:17:42 AM
Quote from: HUSNAA on May 04, 2011, 03:17:19 AM
RMK ka dawo, amma I hope mulkin ka will not consist of accomodating 'yan iskan gari.

Lol, ai kuwa tuni ake ta party a sabon gari da ire-iren su, in anticipation of sheke aya a Kano. The general feeling among 'yan iskan gari (who by the way constitute the majority of his supporters) is that dabdala ta dawo. Lets hope he surprise us for not repeating his first tenure's mistakes by putting his foot down.

On those youth, I fear that no one is safe if it continues like that. My voting unit is at Tarauni, and I remember that during guber election while on queue, one of those youth, on a high substance like you mentioned  ;D, faced us and categorically said, "wallahi dole a ba kwamkwaso. In ba haka ba mu kona musulmai yadda muka kona arna!!" :o  In public fa yake fadan haka. I was like, mun shiga uku.  Wadannan sune manyan gobe?