KanoOnline.com Forum

General => Education => Topic started by: Anonymous on March 17, 2003, 02:20:31 AM

Title: Some Recommended Books For Reading
Post by: Anonymous on March 17, 2003, 02:20:31 AM

  Assalamu alaykum my brothers and sisters.  Here are some wonderful books to read.

    Title: Muhammed(Biography)
    By: Martin Langs(an American Christian who converted to
    Comments: This book was put together wonderfully,
                    almost in a scholorly manner.

    Title:  Olauudah Equiano An Interesting Narrative (Bio)
    By: Oloudah Equiano

     Comments:  The story of a Nigerian Igbo who embraced
Title: Re: Some Recommended Books For Reading
Post by: sdanyaro on March 17, 2003, 05:35:10 AM
Assalamu alaikum;
Ebrahim Hamzah,

Thank you very much for this recommeded readings. Please lets have some more...
Title: Re: Some Recommended Books For Reading
Post by: Anonymous on March 18, 2003, 01:15:55 AM

  Assalamu alaykum and greetings to all.  Salisu Danyaro I appreciate your response.

 Title: They Came Before Colombus.
 Author: Ivan Sertima

  Comments: An extraordinary book of the Western Sunanese and Islamic culture in the Americas before the coming of the new world.
Title: Re: Some Recommended Books For Reading
Post by: Ibro2g on April 16, 2003, 08:30:56 PM
I recomend "the choice...Islam and christianity" by Ahmad deedat
Title: Re: Some Recommended Books For Reading
Post by: Barde on June 08, 2003, 01:56:16 AM
QuoteI recomend "the choice...Islam and christianity" by Ahmad deedat
I also recommend Izharul haq [revelation of truth]vol one and vol two by Ahmad Deedat.
Title: Re: Some Recommended Books For Reading
Post by: gogannaka on October 01, 2003, 02:05:17 AM
if anyone is interested in reading the biography of Prophet Muhammad(saw)heres a good book:
Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum.(The sealed nectar)

The book was awarded first prize by the muslim world league at the worldwide competition on the biography of the prophet(saw) held at makkah in 1399h/1979...
Title: Re: Some Recommended Books For Reading
Post by: EMTL on January 22, 2004, 12:40:10 PM
Assalamu alaikum,
How can i get this book? My nos are 08023725647, pls call.

Title: Re: Some Recommended Books For Reading
Post by: Twinkle on January 22, 2004, 02:07:32 PM
Collector's Opus
The Life of Mohammad, The Prophet of Allah

By Etienne DINET and Sliman Ben IBRAHIM

Etienne DINET and his Arab collaborator Sliman Ben IBRAHIM tell the history of the prophet Mohammad by a selection of the most important episodes of his life, accompanied by picturing the religious doings of his disciples, scenes of Arab life and views of the Hijaz, his native land.


No portrait of the prophet himself, nor any picturing of events in which he figures as the hero are issued, as this is, according to the true principles of Islam, strictly forbidden.

The authors dedicated this work "to the memory of the valiant Moslem soldiers, particularly those of France and England who, in the sacred cause of right, justice and humanity, have piously sacrified their lives in the great war of the nations".
Title: Re: Some Recommended Books For Reading
Post by: Twinkle on January 22, 2004, 02:18:46 PM
I would like 2 highly recommend this book.
       "WHO GOES THERE ?"
      by JOHN W. CAMPBELL, JR.

STATED 1ST EDITION published by SHASTA PUBLISHERS - Chicago - 1948 - 230 pages
TO THE READERS OF SCIENCE-FICTION, that fascinating type of literature dealing with that which can happen, but has not happened yet.These are stories that will be avidly read again and again. The pages of this book will transport the reader into fabulous realms of the imagination that he will long remember.

WHO GOES THERE? is a book for the reader who wishes to escape a too-concrete world and a too-limited, matter-bound sphere wherein man must remain shackled in discontent; for such a reader these fascinating stories will be a release to an adventure in imagination.
Don't miss it!!!!!
Title: Re: Some Recommended Books For Reading
Post by: EMTL on January 22, 2004, 06:21:33 PM
Assalamu alaikum,
If you could let me know how i can send u the book price i would then request u to mail it to me.

Here in the village such books are not available to us. But i like the village...........it is quite and peaceful and beside no NTA to see OBJ announcing the latest anti-people policy................. and wastefull projects such as COJA...etc.
Title: Some Recommended Books For Reading
Post by: Anonymous on April 30, 2005, 10:32:47 AM
Twinkle I definitely agree with you.