My mind mentally experiemented;
but i'm going insane
My heart emotionally experimented;
but i'm loosing love
My soul spiritually experimented;
but i'm loosing faith
Nothing is constant, that I know
But Love isn't suppose to come and just go
Especially if you have tried so hard to attain love
I close my eyes seeking for answers from Above
Love is about the hardest thing humans have to go through
Coz if your partner doesnt appreciate,he'll make a fool outta you
Its like Nobody appreciates honesty, trust, hardwork and dedication
All they want is freedom, lies, deceit, dirt and fornication
This is what is happening today in the world
I guess I am just an old fashioned girl
I want real love stories my fore parents once told
Stories that I wish for myself and all mankind I could mould
What happened to the time when a man is seen a hero?
When he never puts his wife and children next to zero
What happened to the time when a woman respects her man?
If he gets financially declined, she must try to understand
Whats happening to the children of now- a -days?
The horrors of intoxicants and indecency they must face
What happened to the time when the Poor were given attention?
Its like most of the Able would just keep their ZAKAT in suspension
What happened to the time in a friend, trust u can find?
Now its almost impossible for any kind of trust to bind
I could go on and on.......
But the more I think of the WORLD TODAY
my mind bellows in agony
my heart shivers in sympathy
my soul cires out sorrowfully
me going insane
me loosing my love
loosing my faith.......
pls NOTE: when I referred to "loosing my faith" I DID NOT MEAN RELIGEON...I meant LOOSING FAITH FOR THE HOPE OF THE WORLDS SOLUTION.
Assalamu alaikum;
This poem, the poem you have just favor us with, is really, really deep and I think it comes to us from deep within you to show and give us a little glimpse of what you are (Strong, Good and Kind). I have already had a little glimpse of what you are (Strong, Good and Kind...) through other dealings with you earlier.
Thanks for this poem, the poem you have just favor us with, and please remain and continue to be Strong, Good and Kind.
Haza Wassalam.
I guess black folx really do blush....
i am so so....honored....
but the thanx all goes back to u..coz u made this place for all of us to display our work...thank you very much!
fi amanALlah
Salisu is absolutely right!!! ?I see the makings of a great writer here.
and duh! i could tell you were not refering to religion when you said you were loosing your faith.... it was rather obvious y'know:D
keep em coming
DUH ofcourse sum peeps like u will understand and DUH some people will not...and DUH i obviously wrote that coz someone has asked me DUH i dont want anyone to misunderstand me again...and so DUH
hehehe i luv that word..DUH
thanx bro..homey...peace out......much luv u made me smile too
hehehe i luv that word..DUH
Time really change.
Quotemy mind bellows in agony
my heart shivers in sympathy
my soul cires out sorrowfully
Just as i thougth. it sorry 4 us .
Quotewhen I referred to "loosing my faith" I DID NOT MEAN RELIGEON...I meant LOOSING FAITH FOR THE HOPE OF THE WORLDS SOLUTION.
i have "faith" in those solutions.
;)Ohhhh....u r amazing...ama go write mine!!!! :-* ;D