KanoOnline.com Forum

Member Showcase => Member Poetry => Topic started by: Anonymous on March 02, 2003, 05:59:59 PM

Title: try...
Post by: Anonymous on March 02, 2003, 05:59:59 PM
It really hurts if your heart had been broken before and it really does hurt if you found someone and develop a robust relationship and in the end turn out to be a fuss. Looking for a dream love involve taking risk. You may be touched by love but it doesn't work like that, it needs trust and complete devotion. When love is finally found, embrace it with great! passion and enthusiasm. Be careful not to be a victim inflicted with betrayals. Love hurts.
Title: Re: try...
Post by: Ibro2g on March 03, 2003, 03:13:41 AM
fantastic words....but poetry or prose? You have to take it easy and find what each is. Best of luck. Try harder...try
Title: Re: try...
Post by: Kameel on March 03, 2003, 03:29:31 AM
That's so nice and true!!!!!!!!!