Started by Nuruddeen, December 28, 2004, 11:21:30 AM

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Jibo Nura,Nigeria.

(27th December, 2004).

The recent t?te-?-t?te between the two P.D.P?s top echelons finds valour in exposing self vilification and indictment of vengeful acrobatics among the ruling party men whereby majority of Nigerians are left confused ( this writer exclusive) , because there are more to it than meet the eye.

President Olusegun Obasanjo- the self acclaimed born-again, is a man that Nigerians are yet to understand  due to his political intrigues and intricacies, which even his ?close friends? find it very difficult to predict. Because of this general pang of uncertainties inflicted by OBJ, certain people like IBB, who played great role in OBJ?s first election and second selection bid, wants to be sure about the ?qud pro quo? deal of a sort that would determine his ( IBB) fate as the 2007 presidential card carrying villain.

On the other hand, the Vice President Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, who since 1999 registered his loyalty and unflinching support with Obasanjo, is eager to know if the ?born-again? man can, out of religious conscience reciprocate same by making the V.P actualize his day-dream of becoming the no.1 citizen.

Therefore Audu Ogbeh?s factor and role at this material time is crucial. For his ?silent? but ubiquitous letter and/or message to Mr. President has opened a new Pandora?s Box amidst the P.D.P caucuses. Though Ogbeh?s mission letter, especially those parts related with Anambra chronicle has revealed nothing but the absolute truth. But is Ogbeh not part and parcel of that Anambra game of shame? If for instance, Obasanjo can be accused of an Act in negligence, likewise Ogbeh, because P.D.P being the ruling party in Anambra is answerable to the main body of the P.D.P, which is headed by Ogbeh. Hence, both Ogbeh and Obasanjo can equally sermon the two warring men (Governor Ngige and Chris Uba), or call them to order. But their lackadaisical attitudes on the matter have escalated the crisis to the extent of shying away from this responsibility by labeling it as natural and godly phenomena, which is beyond political and social solutions. What balderdash!

Probably, we need to remind Mr. Ogbeh and co. of the way they deceitfully deceived Nigerians by exercising an undue influence on Obasanjo to lift up the emergency rule on Joshua Dariye even when he had committed felonious offences that are punishable by total impeachment and also even when the wound he inflicted on the people of Plateau state is yet to be healed. We should also remind Ogbeh the time he was running helter-skelter to see that Chief Solomon Lar and Theophilus Danjuma are back into P.D.P after being suspended by their party constituency members for lack of discipline.

Whatever be the case and no matter the degree of accusations between the duo ( Ogbeh and Obasanjo) this, is just a clear case of robbing Peter to pay Paul where Paul would continue to be haunted due to his mischievous acceptance of  unwholesome settlement.

Left to me but all these disco dancing and political drama by these P.D.P caucuses is not unconnected with 2007 power succession struggle among the trio ( IBB, Obasanjo and Atiku). For one; why does it take Obasanjo eight good months to challenge Audu Ogbeh?s National Working Committee (NWC) financial impropriety if not because of his recent blames of Anambra crisis by the P.D.P chairman?

Mr. Ray Nnaji?s internal memo of 20th April 2004 to the National Chairman of the NWC (Chief Ogbeh) and other members, was an eye opener because it has indicted the committee as being fraudulent. But why does it take Obasanjo men so long a time to work on this is what some of us are curious about. Secondly, we were told that Ogbeh escaped sack due to the support he enjoyed from all members of the NWC and also due to the faulty approach adopted toward the matter. But why is it there was recent proposal by Chief Chris Uba and others that the entire team (NWC) should be dissolved?

Perhaps, it could be that Uba and Obasanjo men meant well to epitomize the entire party the way they did in Anambra but Ogbeh and his clique thought otherwise.

Nonetheless, it is interesting to note here that about 28 P.D.P Governors were not in support of Ogbeh?s suspension and/or sack despite Chris Uba?s dissolution proposal and in spite of that understanding ensued between Uba and Obasanjo men. That is to show for now Obasanjo is also not comfortable with Ogbeh as P.D.P Chairman, perhaps due to the fact that somebody- somewhere has surreptitiously caught him unawares by trying to hijack the Party?s ?big shots?! And for this reason, definitely there should be another change in that Chairmanship so as to allow Mr. President do what he intends doing- giving a big surprise for Nigerians!

Therefore, IBB should please watch out because one man is seriously behind all these and that man has started his ground work well but the irony of it all, none of us know pretty well about the President?s political mindset.

Contact Nura at: jibonura@yahoo.com
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


You know something! the president is a kind of a {play boy} no wonder, he make promises he never keeps,he says what he never meant,and always behave like he is not awere. look! my friend, that guy will take us all for SUCKERS
m an advocate for the maintenance and preservation of the northern cultural heritage.and advocate for the movement of the northern agenda and its actaulization.



Ogbeh must be commended to the extent that he says what is right as in the case of the damning letter he wrote Obasanjo. We must remember that he chaired the party that perpetrated the most heinous of all electoral frauds in Nigerian History.

The letter he sent OBj and the letter OBJ sent in reply tell us alot of the PDP. That is, it is a house of villians run by wicked traitors and supported by theives, thugs and the poor and unemployed hoodwinked hired-masses. I pity them all for that day will come when they have to answer, for to us- NIgerians, then God the Almighty.

I am impressed by their candor in admitting their insult to the good people of Anambra and NIgeria as a whole.

God help us all......


Radina billahi Rabban,
Wa bil Islami Dinan,
Wa bi Muhammadin Nabiyya!"



Quote from: "myadudu"salam

Ogbeh must be commended to the extent that he says what is right as in the case of the damning letter he wrote Obasanjo. We must remember that he chaired the party that perpetrated the most heinous of all electoral frauds in Nigerian History.

The letter he sent OBj and the letter OBJ sent in reply tell us alot of the PDP. That is, it is a house of villians run by wicked traitors and supported by theives, thugs and the poor and unemployed hoodwinked hired-masses. I pity them all for that day will come when they have to answer, for to us- NIgerians, then God the Almighty.

I am impressed by their candor in admitting their insult to the good people of Anambra and NIgeria as a whole.

God help us all......

It is true Myyadudu, we will Insha Allah appear b4 God and these people will definitely offer concrete explanation to God and us. As for Mr. OBJ he thinks he is the ultimate but  he is mistaken...We know the kind trick he wants to play on us. I really pity those who think they will succeed him.
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


Quote from: "bobboss"You know something! the president is a kind of a {play boy} no wonder, he make promises he never keeps,he says what he never meant,and always behave like he is not awere. look! my friend, that guy will take us all for SUCKERS

A BIG DRAMA BOY INDEED BOBBOS!!!! He thought he can way lay us the way he way laid his otta boys. Lie!!! lie!!!
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


oday s beautiful moments are tomorrow s golden memories.


Obasanjo is one topic i rarely discuss because he is someone though my so called leader i have no considerations for, on that i will say let : them do what they can do before they can do no more.
orget about it