A right of reply from my mail box 1

Started by Nuruddeen, January 07, 2005, 09:32:38 PM

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This reply was sent by a Tiv lady on my " Northern peace conference beyond the orchestrated hysteria" Enjoy.

From: "Ritdimwa Orga [ MTN - Churchgate ]" <RitdimO@mtnnigeria.net>  Add to Address Book
To: "'jibonura@yahoo.com'" <jibonura@yahoo.com>
Subject: Brilliant Article! a must read for every political conscious nort herner  
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 09:24:47 +0100

Hello Jibo I want to say this article one of the most brilliant articles I have read so far and I believe it has made my top 5 articles of the year (globally).
I must confess that I am one of those northerners who believe that separation could be looked upon as an alternative because of what has transpired over time all the mindless killing and violence.
The truth is that if we Northerners can't learn to live by each other then we do not have a future.Of course there strong suspicion amongst the tribes .Let me give you an idea and use my self as an example honestly this is how I a Christian Tiv lady in my case thinks.I view the Hausa Fulani ethnic group as trying to impose Islam at whatever cost on not just my tribe but other minorities in the middle belt.You cant blame me because of what we see everyday.
You know its rather sad that in the 21st century our main concern is who you are or which ethnic group you belong to. Where as we are a united people can feed Africa ten times over .However you hit the nail on the head by writing on the state of our economy and the desired change of it for the gain of not just northern Nigeria but the country as a whole .What future do we as a people have when over 70% of our population live on less than a dollar a day ?
I also would say I am ashamed of myself and thank you again for this article now I can see beyond our differences and hope for a collective change for Northern Nigeria
I will also look out for more  of your articles    
best wishes
Ritdimwa Orga

NB I went to Abu zaria graduated in the year 2000 .
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


I am happy to see you have received a reply from the Tiv lady. I had expected many replies to your diagnosis when you first posted but nothing came.  Perhaps your ideas trouble many forumites but prosperity and honest government are two sides of the same coin. Nigeria is blessed with huge resources and huge potential. These are all being squandered because of bad government. The unrest caused by failing government in Nigeria leads to tribal and religious tension as one set of politicians blames other politicians or other tribes or other religions to cover for their own incompetence or thievery.
The common people of Nigeria need to understand they are being used as pawns by the big men who have been stealing the nation's future for nearly fifty years.
Nigeria spitting up will not solve this problem. Only high standards of honesty and morality in those chosen to lead can make the difference.


Quote from: "Dave_McEwan_Hill"I am happy to see you have received a reply from the Tiv lady. I had expected many replies to your diagnosis when you first posted but nothing came.  Perhaps your ideas trouble many forumites but prosperity and honest government are two sides of the same coin. Nigeria is blessed with huge resources and huge potential. These are all being squandered because of bad government. The unrest caused by failing government in Nigeria leads to tribal and religious tension as one set of politicians blames other politicians or other tribes or other religions to cover for their own incompetence or thievery.
The common people of Nigeria need to understand they are being used as pawns by the big men who have been stealing the nation's future for nearly fifty years.
Nigeria spitting up will not solve this problem. Only high standards of honesty and morality in those chosen to lead can make the difference.

O yeah! Mc Dave Ewan, I think some of us here in d forum were somewhat shying away from this simple realities of life. But there is no two ways about us being together. That's God's willing not man's willing wo!May God help us.
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).