Almagiranchi what a useless and meaningless culture

Started by dan mama, March 25, 2006, 06:51:51 PM

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dan mama

It hurts me deep inside how we sit and watch things happen without voicing out and trying to stop them when we know that such practices can be dealt with and stopped. I still dont know why we havent risen up against the issue of almagiranchi. we say we are moslems and that we belive in being our brothers keeper then why arent we standing up for issues that will really show that we indeed are moslems and are our brothers keepers?very unfortunately for us we have a very very senseless and meaningless government and leaders(northern leaders) that have being lying to us and decieving us. instead of dealing with real issues they are just there using religion as a tool to decieve us and make us do what they want us to do for them instead of tackling the things that will better our lives, they are busy bringing policies that have no dirtect bearing on us as human beings. why should we fold our arms and watch the lives of millions of our childern being destroyed for nothing? why should we sit down and watch our future leaders turn in to criminals because of some stupid traditon that has no use to us all?Almajiranchi ya dade yana chi mana tuwo a kwarya .
Islam is in every way against almagiranchi so why do we fold our arms and do things that islam does not condone.An average almajiri's life is just a dangerous disaster because his life is completely worthless and of no value to him as a person, some of us treat and respect our animals more that we do the almajiri, we value our animals more that we value the average almajiri. an average almajiri does not know love because he has never been shown love in his live he does not know tolerance because he has never been shown any in his life . i was walking down the streets of kano one day when a saw this almajiri of about 8 years old on the ground seriously bleeding because of a very big injury he sustained, upon all the pain and trouble he was in, his  fellow almajirai were beating him and blaming him for sustaning that kind of injury. when they themselves knew that he sustained the injury accidentally (because he was running and he fell). i just gave this illustaration to show us how an average almajiri thinks. because of they hardship and suffering he is going through, he thinks and behaves like a wild animal cos all he knows and sees is evil. all what the almajiri gets from the people around him is total disregard,disrespect, lack of care and attention and thats how he grows thinking thats how the life is, people treat them as if they were some animals and they grow out to be animals. my personal research has shown me that these almajiraia do not really get to accomplish their primary assingment which is learning the koran and abiding by its laws,  thats their primay assingment . an end should be put to these all because its not just knowing the koran thats makes u a moslem, its knowing the koran and abiding by its laws and principles that makes you a moslem they almajiri just goes around learning the holy koran and not practising and applying what it teaches in his life because it doesnt make sense to him and the situation he is in wont allow him to understand the life he is living talkless of abiding by the laws and priciple of the holy koran. so  what are we talking about here? what is the use of all these non sense? why cant we just allow these children grow up in their parents houses  and learn the way life is because there they will learn  love, tolerance, and how to be law abiding.
An average almajiri does not know love
An average almajiri does not know tolerance
An average almajiri does not know how to be law abiding
An average almajiri does not have respect for others
An average almajiri does not know honesty
An average almajiri does not know cleaniness and tydiness
An average almajiri is a thief
An average almajiri is a liar
An average almajiri is a treat to the society
so if an almajiri posseses all these dangerous attributes then why do we still have them on the streets? we argue that there are there to learn the koran but they dont abide by the very laws and principles the koran teaches which i listed above. these useless culture should be stopped, are there no moslems amongst the yorubas? why arent they invove in this evil parctice? are we not in the same country and going through the same economic hard ship? its time all of us notherners to sit back and reflect on these menace and try to find a way of dealing with it because weather we like it or not it affects us either direcetly or indirectly. instead of our leaders doing things that are of no importance to the people they should try to see that they put and end to this useless culture and practice
ets always stand for the truth no matter how bitter it is.


Best way to stop Almajiranci?
Birth control.
The fault mostly lies with the parents of these children who literally abandon them to some one (the mallam, who cant fend for himself let along others), and then  salve their conscience by telling themselves that its all in a good cause - the kids are off to imbibe islamic education!!!
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


A very fine piece dan mama.
But this has been already said long time ago.
And one thing that has greatly compounded the situation is our attitude to blame governent for inaction while we do nothing ourselves to beter the situation.
What line of action do you suggest we take (you and us) to remedy this menace in our society.

Husnaa i believe in our society to encorage birth control is as herculean a task as to discourage almajiranci.

Fulani Poet

While it is true that we have to do something ourselves, there is a need to assist and cooperate with state authorities. First, would it be possible for us to raise the awarenes of our parents to the importance of proper schooling? Whilst saying that, it is also important to impact moral education and responsibility in our young ones and some form of responsible almajiranci is possible. I suggest that parents, scholars and the state team up to provide some form of regulation for the set up, management and curricula of almajiri schools. Those who fall short of some form of standards should be closed down.
haring my life in simple poems


Fulani Poet

Yes, I do believe that the CRA could help! But as you are aware, the concept is perceived as 'western' driven. But I think all societies should see their children as their most important resource! I also believe we shall get there! I really don't think we even need legislation to take care of our kids! We, through commitment and pleasure, brought children into the world and we are fully responsible for their upbringing and socialisation. For me, my kids come first!
haring my life in simple poems


Quote from: "Fulani Poet"For me, my kids come first!

Now we know which way the wind blows!! (Refer to yr thread 'For Men Only')  :)
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum

dan mama

Am still of the opinion that almagiranci should be eradicated totally, its of no use to us as humans its worse than slave trading to me cos slave trading is injustice being carried out on humans by other humans of another race but here we have injustice carried out on humans by their parents and people around them people of the same race and same religion isnt it a shame that we have almajiria in the first place i just cant understand this. why give birth to childern and end up destroying them? i just cant, if u know u cant take care of ur kids then dont have them at all
ets always stand for the truth no matter how bitter it is.

Fulani Poet

Lol, HUSNAA, talking about almajiranci and my thread are two different things!

Well, Danmama, you should know better. I think that almajiranci has its merits. We only need to modify how it is done. May be we should not let kids leave their parents but have them go to school in the morning and then receive religious instructions in the evening, say with other kids in their wards. But if it will mean not going to school, then the system should be abolished!
haring my life in simple poems


Quote from: "Fulani Poet"Lol, HUSNAA, talking about almajiranci and my thread are two different things!

Of course, but the statement fits well with that thread, No? :wink:

Anyway, The meaning of almajiri in the original sense is a student not a beggar. However it is synonymous with the latter meaning nowadays. The whole system of almajiranci as practiced (that is children singing for their supper) should be abolished because it is outdated.

Because poverty is what drives ppl to abandon their kids to almajiranci in these present times then its really up to the govt to see that something is done about it.

I think the govt is just dragging its feet over the issue of how to eradicate this social malaise. Many private educational institutions now  incorporate a great chunk of Islamic education as part of their basic curricula. All the govt has to do at state and local area levels is to establish proper qualitative Islamic primary schools which teach english and arithmetics and some social studies as the supplementary courses rather than the main courses. At the same time, it needs to provide at the very least, school lunches for its students and they should be nutritious so that if the child has to go without at least one of the three daily meals he/she has to have, his/her health is  not seriously affected. Soya bean is relatively cheap and has about 98% protein content. Herbaceous vegetables are really inexpensive especially if you grow yr own. Places like Doguwa Local Govt have soils that can produce what we consider exotic vegetables (because we dont really use them in our daily dietary intake)

What is more, the school week should be extended to six days a week instead of five days a week and the extra day should be utilized teaching kids vocational courses like carpentary, metal welding, 'kanikanci', agronomy and the like. Children could be taught to grow their own vegetables as well (I remember when I was at boarding sch, we used to grow maize in the rainy season!)

At the same time the advantages of birth control should be drummed into parents. Which is better? to have three to five kids you can manage and bring up to a productive adulthood, or 15 kids that you can never have enough  resources to look after (as an average middle class person, or a very poor villager?)

PS  DONT....!!  :x anyone bring up any money issues, like the govt doesnt have enough financial resources blah! blah! The govt is more than capable of undertaking this venture, all that is needed is transparency in handling the financial side of it.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum

Fulani Poet

Well HUSNAA, I believe you hit the nail on the head. It is an issue of poverty. But there are issues around responsibility as well, such as you mentioned - family planning, for one.

Poverty doesn't just happen, it is caused by injustice and inequity. As regards almajiranci, you hardly see the children of the rich in the system. One can say that an equivalemt of the word almajiranci in English is discipleship. Is it okay to say that the poor are usually more religious than the rich? As I wrote in one of my poems, 'God is the poor man's bread.' Food for thought. I think the rich encourage almajiranci in its current form in order to perpetuate the status quo.

Key issues: Parents should plan their families and practice responsible parenting, religious leader should be more responsible to the needs of the child, government should ensure that it creates an enabling environment that removes all forms of injustice and inequity, the rich should share their prosperity with the less fortunate and we should all contribute to raising awareness on the issue.
haring my life in simple poems

dan mama

ets always stand for the truth no matter how bitter it is.


Quote from: "husnaa"Many private educational institutions now incorporate a great chunk of Islamic education as part of their basic curricula. All the govt has to do at state and local area levels is to establish proper qualitative Islamic primary schools which teach english and arithmetics and some social studies as the supplementary courses rather than the main courses.
.Private educational institutions are for the rich who never allow their kids to partake in any form of almajiranci.
But i agree wholrheartedly with you that islamic studies should be given more serious attention side english and arithmetics.I also agree with you on school feeding,this is very important and could go aong way in convincing poor people to adopt conventinal schooling rather than almajiranci for their kids.I believe our govts could easily afford this but there is room for participation by private institutions as well as memebers of society.
Quote from: "fulani poet"Key issues: Parents should plan their families and practice responsible parenting, religious leader should be more responsible to the needs of the child, government should ensure that it creates an enabling environment that removes all forms of injustice and inequity, the rich should share their prosperity with the less fortunate and we should all contribute to raising awareness on the issue.
Well said,althoug we all know how it is easier said than done

Fulani Poet

Easier said than done, yes, but it should start with individuals. I have made up my mind to practice what I preach, have you? Before any practice or way of life can gain community-level acceptance, a few indivuals have to lead the way! Meanwhile, let us keep on raising awareness on these issues!
haring my life in simple poems