Started by bamalli, July 12, 2008, 07:13:16 PM

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Academic Jobs

* TAIBAH UNIVERSITY* includes 22 colleges in the fields of: Medicine;
Education and Humanities; Science; Computer and Engineering Science;
Financial and Administrative Sciences; Community; Engineering; Applied
Medical Sciences; Dentistry; Pharmacy; Family Science; Arts & Science; and
Applied Sciences. Taibah University is equipped with a chain of Language;
Computer; Clinical; and Science laboratories. It has also a closed-circuit
television system having 13 studios. It aims to impart quality education
through innovative delivery of instruction by highly qualified and
experienced faculty in all domains to satisfy the needs of our students.

Bachelor of Education, Science, Medicine, Applied Medical Sciences,
Pharmacy, Dentistry, Engineering, Computer & Engineering Sciences, and
Financial & Administrative Sciences are offered by Taibah University. In
Arts, Education and Science disciplines, postgraduate degrees are offered in
different majors. The administration of Taibah University envisions the
development of such an academic culture that has strong emphasis on lifelong
learning, personal growth and service to the community. Therefore, we are
eager to have the services of such faculty and staff who are committed to
teaching excellence and provide exceptional service to student community.
Applicants should have the highest degree in the appropriate academic
discipline, provide recent evidence of teaching effectiveness, and
demonstrate an interest and experience in interdisciplinary and
student-centered teaching. Successful candidates will teach undergraduate

* Salary and Benefits*: Competitive salary based on academic qualification
and teaching experience in the specialized field. Rank is determined by
previous employment history. Other benefits include: Housing allowance;
Transportation allowance; medical coverage; maximum four air tickets to
Madinah Munawwarah on employment & upon final departure from the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia KSA to country of origin; four round-trip air tickets to
country of residence with 60 days paid vacation; end of service gratuity.

Job Openings: Job openings are available at the following colleges of
Taibah University, Madinah Munawwarah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

An ideal candidate (Male/Female) should have or have had a University
position, teaching experience and qualifications from any of the North
American, European or Australian universities with at least three years
post-doctoral teaching experience at university level. He/She should have
leadership qualities in curriculum planning; research & administrative
pursuits with excellent communication in English; interpersonal & IT skills
as well as team work spirit

Please *download the application form*, fill it up and send us with a letter
of interest, current CV and names and email addresses of three professional
references to below given address:

Prof. Mansour M. Al-Nozha, President, Taibah University,

* P.O.Box. 344, Madinah Munawwarah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia*.

* Tel: 00966-4-846 0020 Fax: 00966-4-846 1172*

* OR*

* e-mail recruitment@ sa*

* download the application form
<http://www.taibahu. Jobs/TEXT% 20OF%20ADVERTISE MENT%20FOR% 20TAIBAH% 20UNIV.%20% 20WEBSITE. pdf>