Started by Abu-Safwan, May 06, 2010, 01:21:26 PM

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He must be an ever-lasting target of the enemies of Islam since he was uniquely credited with revivalism of Shari'ah in Nigeria in modern time. As Muslim, he should be judged on the basis of his religious provisions - with Shari'ah and by Shari'ah - as guaranteed even in the constitution. All those nonsensical protesters and all those backing them (insiders or outsiders they are) were in fact traitors in Islam if they were Muslims; and enemies of Islam if they were unbelievers. For any one professes Islam, to protest against a slight provision of Shari'ah law shows that one has a clear sign of hypocrisy, and unbelief to some extents. Yarima was a Muslim and what he did was really Islamic. Even if he was to be judged by the constitution he should be judged by section 38/1 of the Nigerian constitution where freedom of religion was guaranteed. The enemies had just begun to raise false alarms among the people. They have been heard saying Yarima has violated constitution when he was faulted with child abuse, forgetting that the constitution which they have been talking about guarantees freedom of religion under section 38/subsection 1. What was his fault? He married 13yr old girl, they say. Nonsense and ridiculous! I indubitably believe that 13yrs old Arabian, American or European girl is both internally and physically healthier and more registered to marriage, compared to 18 or 20yrs old black African girl like those insensible women protesters. Let them go to the doctor if they have qualms about my argument.

The enemies and secularist as well are just distorting reality to tarnish Islam. Recently, in Europe and America church priests and Bishops were faulted with sexual child abuse. This time the abuse was even worse because it was out of marriage. Sin upon sin! But what do those women protesters did to air their grievances against those Christian perpetrators?. Going by this, we may come to know that it was the work of the enemies (both insiders & outsiders). They are doing their best to show the world that Islam is bad.

The weakness from the Muslims is always seen in their negligence to practical response to such ignominious psychological attacks by the enemies. As some agents of 'secularist feminists' movement staged their protest against Islamic legal marriage, then the agents of 'Islamic feminists' movement should staged counter-protest in support of Islamic legal rights and to express what Yarima did is Islamically legal and in conformity with the constitution. True Muslims should know very well what they are really committed to. Our rights are not optional; they are absolute obligations upon the government. Therefore, we shall offer no compromise in this struggle; Shari'ah is our divine as well as constitutional right which must be granted to us by the government.           
                                                Submitted by salimullah


What Yarima did is not haram in Islam.
However, knowing that he is a symbol of Islam in the senate and the nation in general,what yarima did, is to me, a mistake.
The enemies of Islam are looking for any possible reason to smear Islam and Yarima just gave them that.

I fault him for two reasons.
First,why didn't the wedding take place in Egypt?
Secondly,he shouldn't have denied that the girl is 13 years old.

Yarima should have just kept silent regarding the girl's age since it could easily be ascertained.
If egypt has banned marriages to girls of such age then it becomes improper for him to bring the girl in to Nigeria and marry her here.
As a symbol  of Islam, Yarima should know that whatever he does will be a yardstick to be used by the whole world in Judging Islam and Muslims in Nigeria.

I would like to pose a question as well.
I would like to have examples from the hadith's, of sahabas and tabi'is that married young girls (apart from Nana Aisha).
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment