Started by Lawwali, June 23, 2010, 06:16:19 PM

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Yesterday 22nd June, 2010 about 1:00pm I was at a banking hall of one our banks. I and one other customer watching channels news, noted with dismay a news bar captioned "fighting broke in the House of representatives". After the super eagles have finally spoilt my evening, the NTA 9:30pm network news aired the story. The news caster said " 11 members of house of reps were suspended during the day's planery, but no without attendant drama". The next thing was to see the members in full brawl, tearing their clothes, injuring themselves and after the house settled, a member told the house that one of the protesters was in the House with something he suspected to be a dagger with which he injured another member. This morning I bought dailytrust newspaper wich reads "Fracas in House of Reps"

This is the most dishonourable thing I have seen so far in this century. Please what happened? To me this is the product of our previous elections, and that is where Jega's nomination comes in.
it takes oppressed and oppressor for oppression to occur


so many people have condemned the action of the 'progressives'
but, i go different direction, because, majority is not always right.

i watched their proceedings each time there is a sitting at the house
and i used to notice this undemocratic utterences of mr. bankole
and on so many occasions he says the Nos have it when you can
clearly here that it is the Yes that have it.

on one occasion, he blatantly refused dino melaye (leader of the
progressives) to speak at the house simply because he was not
wearing his ties - these and other back stage businesses in the
house of representatives led the formation of the 'progressives'

it is a pity that in nigeria, if you dont know how to catch a thief
the thief will definitely put you on cross - this is what happened to
these guys and i believe, only history will clear their name, that is
if EFCC's investigation is tempered with.

"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


@db, on wat part is d majority wrong? i hope not in condemning d fight.

those guys shld be sacked, impeached, watever, just get rid of them, we dont need that, we see fights everywhere daily, just go to any motor park or market n u ll have ur fill of sudden fights, but in a place where the future of our dear country is being shaped (never mind dat they are not really doing dat), its a big NO NO.

if the speaker is rude n disrespectful, there are ways to handle that, n im sure fighting aint one of them!