Yobe Conflict, who is to blame?

Started by Bagumel, January 11, 2004, 07:08:26 PM

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It is the collective responsibility of the Muslims to rectify any problem that may arise among them before it goes out of hand. Regarding the recent unfortunate incident which occurred in Yobe State during which some radical Youths went wild which resulted in ransacking a Police station, the situation called for a reappraisal in the Society. According to the Information received these irate radical Youths were not so keen with the way things were going in their States and other neighbouring States that introduced Sharia. The youngsters were mainly intellectuals who were the product of University Maiduguri and other Universities resented to the way things were going in the So Called Shari?a States. As they could not do anything they decided to migrate and shun the Society with the intention to build an egalitarian free-corrupt society devoid of sins and other vices. They were said to be living peacefully in their self-curved domain for over a year until recently when the unfortunate fracas between the police and the Youngsters resulted in the killing of seven of them.
      Meanwhile why have the youths resorted to this sort of brand new idea of creating their own State within a State? Well of course since the introduction of democracy in our Country people are free to choose whatever they like. This is why I can confidently say Nigeria is the most democratic Country in the Whole World. The reason I say so is no where can you find a Country where democracy go hand in hand with the Shari?a System except in Nigeria. This is why I disagree with some people
Who are crying foul about the Way the things are running in our Country. At least  the Federal Government has given the States freedom to run things as they like this is why Governor Sani of Zamfara state initiated the introduction of Sharia which he owes him my respect and credit for his foresight and  I pray  the system will continue till our posterity. One who introduces good will continue to accrue the same goodness without his reward being diminished. In this case we can say congratulations to Governor Sani for your initiative.  Although since the introduction of Sharia I have not been home to see how things are going but from the information I gather things are not going very well. So this why these   unfortunate irate youths decided to take law into their hands   which resulted  in clash between them and the police which quickly gave new names as the Taliban of Nigeria.
      Well before jumping to conclusion why such youngsters who are from responsible family decided to shun our Society. Is the Sharia operating or not? Unfortunately   according to reports evil is so dominant in our Society that has resulted   in letting them down. People are so far away from Deen that they regard good as evil and turn evil as good that resulted in procrastination among the Society
And they could not get out of this qualm and quandary   unfortunate situation.
       These laws abiding Citizens were said to be living peacefully in their self-Curved
Enclave  for a year or so until recently  when we were told  they attacked Police which resulted in clashes between the Youths, the Army and the Police as they  left the sleeping dog lying across without any problem. We must learn to tolerate each other in our Society both the democracy and Shari?a in our Country have given us ample opportunity to put into practice what we preach. Those who are calling for openness  must be ready to accommodate  their opponents and those States were Sharia are being introduced must fully conform with the tenets of Sharia they should not  let the Society to  degenerate that may lead to such an unfortunate incident which could result in the anger of Allah which We seek refuge. Therefore  everyone should learn to tolerate each other by being fair and just so as to enable  Sharia and democracy to continue go hand in hand in our Country which is the only Nation operating such a System in the whole World.

  Babandi Abubakar Gumel


Ni agani na mutanen nan a Yobe yan Ta'ada ne.
Not matter what your grouse with the govt or the society is, you have no right to burn the flag of that country which is your country of birth. It is infact treasonable. So had they been charged to court, they would have been found guilty of treason and hanged afterwards.
Having said that, one  ought to ask, what motivated these poeple to act in the manner in which they acted? The answer is simple:
neither the Sharia states nor the unsharianised states are looking after the needs of the people (the fundamental responsibility of govts) .
There really isnt any difference, in terms of governance, between how Jos and Bauchi or between gombe and Jalingo are governed.
Secondly, the ecomonic situation in the country is such in a depressing state that the only job gradutes tend to have is Violence and Aids propagation.
For the talibans here is a thought:
" if you are so infuriated with how Nigeria is being run then, just like Anabi Muhammadu (SAW), you need to emigrate from your homes and leave for the  outskirts of Zinder (where there is lots of opportunity to do da'awa and perhaps become merchants of Kanwa)."
As for me, being a fundamentalist Dan Izala, i believe in challenging the system intellectually. Through election if you know what i mean!
PS: Mullah umar Allah yayi jagora.................. amin