a sudden storm

Started by Anonymous, December 01, 2002, 12:24:49 AM

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the wind howls,the trees sway,
the loose housetops sheets clatter and

the open window shuts with a bang,
and the sky makes night of day.

helter skelter the parents run,
pressed with a thousand minor cares.
'hey.you there!pack the house-wares
and where on earth's my son?'
home skip the little children:
'where have u been,you naughty boy?'
the child feels nothing but joy,

for he loves the aproach of the rain.

the streets clear,the houses fill,
the noise gathers as children shout
to rival the raging wind without,
and nought that can move is still.

a bright flash! a lighted plain;
then from the once-blue heavens,
together with a noise that deafens<
steadily pours the rain.


amp;quot;die famous"



Aydee Fella

This things got real african flavour,reminds me of a book i read in Junior secondary Called "Reading African Poetry" its a really good book
never rat out yur friends n alwaiz keep yur mouth shut"