Started by Berlisconi, June 07, 2004, 12:45:26 PM

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Words that (don't) rhyme
A trend slowly develops: there is no relation between spelling and pronounciation. This gives rise to interesting (non) rhymes.
Unexpected rhyming words
A nice collection of 6 rhyming words is Mayor, Layer, Lair, Hare, Where, and Camembert.
The mayor,
is a hare.
But where
is his lair?

Any rhyme with all six will be gratefully accepted.
Choir rhymes with Higher, Hire, Dire, and Dier.
Do not use ough for rhymes
The following series of words is nice, you add a letter at a time
You can make a sentence out of that lot: I am making a tough trough through thorough design.
Just like in the followin sentence  

A thoughtful ploughman strode through the rough streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough while eating dough, he coughed and hiccoughed.
Apparently, there are 8 ways to pronounce the ough in this sentence...
Cow - ploughman, slough
Ball - thoughtful
Cool - through
Duff - rough
? - Scarborough
low - dough
of - cough
Up - hiccough
How about ow and ough?
Do you pronounce them like vow? Low?
Cow, Cough
Slow, Slough
Words that do not rhyme with any other word
Hmm, I have stopped collecitng them. People disagree violently,  Apparently, the English language has words that do not rhyme with any other word (kind of a prime number of linguistics).  
Purple (there is a theme developing here)
Nothing (surely something rhymes with nothing?)
Silver (?)
Month (Marcus)
Orange  "There are no words that rhyme with 'orange'," Says this sign beside my door-hinge.)
Please note, names/places are not allowed (either to disprove a rhyme, or to point out a word which doesn't rhyme). Rhyming is clearly a contentious item.
I think this sounds a bit clear and proofs question 11 quite well or what do you say guys :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
e who mounts the tiger most continue to ride it .Else......