Stop Ganging Up, Karibe-Whyte Warns North

Started by mallamt, August 17, 2008, 08:21:39 PM

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Nigerian Gaurdian newspapers - 17/8/08

RETIRED Supreme Court Justice, Adolphus Karibe-Whyte, has cautioned the North to desist from ganging up against the rest of the country.

He said this is done through the regular gatherings of the 19 States of the region, thus "behaving as if there are no States" in the country.

The erudite jurist spoke exclusively to The Guardian during the South-South Legislative Retreat on the Constitution Review put together by the Vanguard Newspapers Limited in Port Harcourt, which he chaired.

Similarly, radical critic and leader of the Peoples Salvation Party (PSP), Dr. Junaid Mohammed, has labelled former governors Bola Ige, Abubakar Rimi, Balarabe Musa and Jim Nwobodo as non-performers and mere political rascals without bases.

Fielding questions from The Guardian in Kano, the socialist-inclined follower of the Aminu Kano brand of politics, said the quartets, who were governors in the Second Republic, bandied the "progressives" toga during their political heydays.

Karibe-Whyte spoke against the background of the lopsided nature of the Nigerian Federation and the lack of political will and patriotism to effect fundamental changes that would make it a truly federal system.

He said: "Now, you watch. The North is still behaving as if there are no States. They keep on having the northern States gathering for meetings.

"If the southern States also do the same thing, then it will be the North and the South that we will be talking about. You will not be talking about States again, when, in fact, the Constitution is talking about States."

For Mohammed, the concept of the '9 Progressive Governors' Meeting of the Second Republic had nothing to do with the plight of the common man, governance and democratic ideas.

"They (governors) just turned the word into a slogan to mean, to be a progressive is to be a rascal and to be one who only opposes for the sake of opposition," he said.

He described them as "people who could not deliver on their jobs," citing the late Chief Bola Ige as "one of the leading lights of the progressives whose record as a governor of Oyo State was disastrous."

Mohammed, who commented on the life and times of Aminu Kano, as the leader of the poor (Talakawas), also has harsh words for Rimi, Musa and Nwobodo.

"The same thing applies to Balarabe Musa, who never had a base and still doesn't have a base till date."


Aminu Kano was a great man when I was in Kano and among his other campaigns for justice, honesty in public leaders and relief for the poor he was main campaigner for the education of women in the North. He believed that if you educated the mothers you educated the whole nation. His party may have swept into power had he lived.
I designed some posters for him but they never got used because of his untimely passing

He died too soon and just when he was becoming a very powerful political figure. He may have become the honest leader that Nigeria needed.

In my opinion the North of Nigeria needs a good dose of socialism.


If Karibe White doesnt like the way northerners are uniting then he can go stuff his head and hang it up on his living room wall. I really get riled up when  so much xenophobia keeps emanating from the southern part of Nigeria. Southerners have always viewed northerners with contempt. This board is just an example, how many southerners  ever bother to register and contribute their mite on this forum? It is not because of anything save that the name Kano online smacks of  core islamic Hausa Fulani elements.
Soludo came out with some constructive criticism of the North about something which we northerners have been aware and concerned about. Because of that every bloody tom and jerry thinks he has the right to criticise the North on the flimsiest of excuses... ganging up indeed!  If anything Karibe Whyte should vent his malice on Afenifere or the Ohaneze (?). These are  organizations based on monotribal sympathies, more than anything else.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Thank you Husnaa.
The way it is, it is o.k for them to gang up against the north.
Just check websites like nairaland and Nigeriavillagesquare and see how the north and northerners are abused.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Quote from: HUSNAA on August 18, 2008, 04:46:11 AM
If Karibe White doesnt like the way northerners are uniting then he can go stuff his head and hang it up on his living room wall. I really get riled up when  so much xenophobia keeps emanating from the southern part of Nigeria. Southerners have always viewed northerners with contempt. This board is just an example, how many southerners  ever bother to register and contribute their mite on this forum? It is not because of anything save that the name Kano online smacks of  core islamic Hausa Fulani elements.
Soludo came out with some constructive criticism of the North about something which we northerners have been aware and concerned about. Because of that every bloody tom and jerry thinks he has the right to criticise the North on the flimsiest of excuses... ganging up indeed!  If anything Karibe Whyte should vent his malice on Afenifere or the Ohaneze (?). These are  organizations based on monotribal sympathies, more than anything else.

Husnaa dont hurt!
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Asari Dokubo:

''I am not a Nigerian and God never created me a Nigerian, so if Nigeria is tensed up that is the business of Nigeria. I am an Ijaw man. That is where God created me. Ijaw nation was forcefully taken over by the British which eventually lumped it into an entity called Nigeria. The treaties are there.''

''It is the so called leaders in the South-south, South-east and the South-west who have been allowing these absurdities. Whatever crumbs the North offers, our leaders take without asking questions. If our leaders will continue with this kind of rubbish, then it is the time for we the ordinary people of the South-south to stand up and say enough is enough''.

''The whole black race is backward because of the Hausa-Fulani People. It is about their dominance. In Asia, the Chinese are the dominant people and the entire Asia is progressing today because of the progressive nature of the Chinese. Why is Europe progressive today? Is it not because of the influence of the Anglo-Saxon with superior minds and adventurous nature? Why is Africa not progressing today. Is it not because the Hausa-Fulani are the largest ethnic group in Africa, and they are corrupt, bankrupt and primitive. That is why the whole of the black race is in darkness.''
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


"This board is just an example, how many southerners  ever bother to register and contribute their mite on this forum?...........Husnna".

Well, look at me. I registered and have contributed very positively and significantly. Am I not here Southerner? Stop spreading disinformation.  ;D


Quote from: King on August 19, 2008, 03:13:39 AM
"This board is just an example, how many southerners  ever bother to register and contribute their mite on this forum?...........Husnna".

Well, look at me. I registered and have contributed very positively and significantly. Am I not here Southerner? Stop spreading disinformation.  ;D

Ok let me rephrase and add an addendum to that:

This board is just an example, how many southerners  ever bother to register and contribute their mite on this forum? ......very few

Even you King werent contributing positively to begin with, during yr heydeys of various aliases. All u wanted was to stir up negative emotions. That and the fact that you have or had a fiery temper that exploded at the slightest provocation.. lol wasnt it ironic that you tried to incite as much as possible yet, couldnt take the heat when directed at you.... ;D ;D ;D ;D  Anyway all in the past now. Like you said, u did contribute positively or tried to at least and you have held that infamous temper of yrs in check for most of the recent times you'd been contributing.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Thanks Husnna. My goodness see how buddy buddy we are now? This is a welcome development. Things are changing in Naija O!


A very funny and friendly encounter between Husnaa and King. LOL ;D ;D ;D I had not seen it but now.

May God Almighty unite us more, amin.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.