Started by mlbash, February 23, 2006, 11:31:53 AM

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Well, firstly I was condemned as the use of the word Norms and Values;
   According to my dictionary, Norm refers to standard, behaviour or ability that is regarded and generally acceptable.
   Whereas values refers to standards or principles; ideas about the worth or importance of certain qualities especially those generally accepted by a particular group.
   Now in religion the norm and values of any given believers should be marshaled and pivoted by their book. In this case the Holy Qur?an and Bible. Now considering the state of continuum in which the Bible was subjected led me to say ?In Christianity unlike in Islam? this refers to the kind of alterations the Bible is being subjected by continues revision over the centuries.
   Secondly, for a Muslim to be a complete Muslim He/She must believe in God, the Almighty who has neither beginning nor an end, Has no father, no wife and no child. Then a Muslim should believe in Angels, the Prophets and the books revealed by God to his selected prophets. Hence for one to be a Muslim, one must believe in among other things Jesus (Isah A.S) and the holy Bible (but the unadulterated, original Bible called Linjil).
   The Muslims respected the Christians because they are ?people of the Book? but the unfortunate gesture displayed by the Christians against the Muslim is highly unacceptable.
   We have our believe different from Christianity, Muslim are expected to follow the regulations of their religion 100%.  That is fixed sand no one on earth can alter that. It is a complete religion and the Almighty Allah (SWT) is protecting it until the day of judgement.
   Now why do they, the unbelievers interfere with our religion? If they modernized their religion to suit their selfish and corrupted way of living, why do they have interest in our religion? If the Muslims do not interfere with the Christian way of life then what is the course of all the excitement about Islam and it is jurisdictions? Yet the questions remain unanswered!  
   Beside, the Criticism of the Islamic jurisdictions, some unscrupulous individuals among the Christians exhibit an animalistic acts disguising under freedom of expression. There was never a time when a Muslim exhibit such an acts against the Christianity, why because doing such will temper with his faith (Iman).
   Considering the oppressive, inhuman and maltreatment and the Jews and the Americans are subjecting our brothers and sisters in Islam, thus, Palestine and Afghanistan/Iraq respectively, then we are bound to regard the Christian/Jews as our enemies!
   At this juncture let me categorically state that Islam is a peaceful religion that commands respectfulness, peace and tranquility, but that does not mean if we are being harmed we should just stay idle.
   Over the years the Muslim are being challenged about their Shari?ah Legal System. The most outstanding of all was that of Safinatu from Sokoto, the case that became of international interest. Safinatu was tried according to Islamic jurisdiction and was found guilty of fornication that resulted in pregnancy and birth. Islamically she was sentence to death. The man she accursed denied the allegation. Hence Islamically there is no further inquiry, so he was freed. The whole world responded, injustice was said to be done. Unknown to the unbelievers her punishment here on earth would have been the best for her. As for the man who denied, his punishment hereafter shall be immense; (Allah knows the best).
   Therefore, I strongly call on the Christians and other non-believers alike to please for peaceful co-existence especially between the two major Religions, try an understand the Islamic jurisdiction and jurisprudence. To comprehend the simple fact that Qur?an unlike the Bible has not been revised in any way and no any alteration in regards to the context of the revelation can be effected, never! It was reveled to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and He has completely and precisely taught the Muslims Ummah all that is in Islam before his death.
   A Muslim today has two guides, Qur?an and Hadith of the Rasul (PBUH) anything contrary to these two is null and void in Islam.
   May Allah increase our IMAN and may He guide us right and empower Muslim with the ability to strictly follow His True Religion, Ameen.
t is my intention to make the neglected aspect of our societies viable


QuoteBeside, the Criticism of the Islamic jurisdictions, some unscrupulous individuals among the Christians exhibit an animalistic acts disguising under freedom of expression. There was never a time when a Muslim exhibit such an acts against the Christianity, why because doing such will temper with his faith (Iman).
Considering the oppressive, inhuman and maltreatment and the Jews and the Americans are subjecting our brothers and sisters in Islam, thus, Palestine and Afghanistan/Iraq respectively, then we are bound to regard the Christian/Jews as our enemies!
At this juncture let me categorically state that Islam is a peaceful religion that commands respectfulness, peace and tranquility, but that does not mean if we are being harmed we should just stay idle.
It is obvious that the writter is ignorant to the christian faith and refuses to accept.  The writter does not understand the difference between christian values and western values I wonder why he is refering to western ways as christian ways.  He further goes on to talk about christains displaying animalistic acts against muslims, if possible the writter should please give us an instance in the history of nigeria that people belonging to the christian faith instigated and attacked muslims killing them as well as destroying their property in the name of religion?  Also does the writter see any parallels between what he said about what is happening in palestine/afganistan/iraq etc with what is happening to christians in northern nigeria?

QuoteNow considering the state of continuum in which the Bible was subjected led me to say ?In Christianity unlike in Islam? this refers to the kind of alterations the Bible is being subjected by continues revision over the centuries.
The writter again displaying gross ignorance of christianity and the bible he has obviously not followed previous discussions on this topic but if he wants it he can start a thread we will contribute.

QuoteTo comprehend the simple fact that Qur?an unlike the Bible has not been revised in any way and no any alteration in regards to the context of the revelation can be effected, never! It was reveled to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and He has completely and precisely taught the Muslims Ummah all that is in Islam before his death.
A Muslim today has two guides, Qur?an and Hadith of the Rasul (PBUH) anything contrary to these two is null and void in Islam.
Again this is a whole topic on its own that has been touched on previously the writter may want to also start a thread on this subject matter he will be given references on issues of the validity of the present day quran some of the references are even from muslim scholars.

QuoteOver the years the Muslim are being challenged about their Shari?ah Legal System. The most outstanding of all was that of Safinatu from Sokoto, the case that became of international interest. Safinatu was tried according to Islamic jurisdiction and was found guilty of fornication that resulted in pregnancy and birth. Islamically she was sentence to death. The man she accursed denied the allegation. Hence Islamically there is no further inquiry, so he was freed. The whole world responded, injustice was said to be done. Unknown to the unbelievers her punishment here on earth would have been the best for her. As for the man who denied, his punishment hereafter shall be immense; (Allah knows the best).
First of all some of the crimes are handled differently between different countries that practise the sharia legal system and that is where the problem starts and the question becomes how much of it is mans manipulation? So for a legal system that is expected to be consistent in all countries that practise it why is it so different? who is manipulating it?  again the issue was touched on previously but you are welcomed to take us back, but look at what you have written carefully and be careful what you say.  You say that Safinatus punishment is on earth is better yet for the man his punishment hereafter is immense, does this statement not worry you and raise questions in your mind?  Do you think we will hav a fair and just society here on earth if we practise laws the way you have put it here?[/code]