Ruling Regarding Changing One's Name After Reverting to Islaam

Started by bamalli, February 22, 2007, 08:48:22 PM

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Ruling Regarding Changing One's Name After Reverting to Islaam

Shaykh Abdul-Azeez ibn Baaz

Reference: Majmoo' Fataawa wa Maqaalaat Ibn Baaz, Vol 4.

Does the one who declared his [reversion to] Islaam have to change his previous name such as George, Joseph and so on?

He doesn't have to change his name, except if he was called 'the slave ('Abd)' of other than Allaah. However bettering his name is legislated. So bettering his name from a non-Arabic name to an Islaamic name is good and suitable. However, as for it being Waajib to change it then the answer is 'no'. If his name is 'Abdul-Maseeh or names like that which mean that a person is the 'slave' of other than Allaah, then it is an obligation to change it. Because there is an Ijmaa' (consensus) by the people of knowledge, as has been transmitted by Abu Muhammad Ibn Hazm, that this is a form of devoting worship to other than Allaah. And with Allaah is all success.