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Abbas Bubakar El-ta'alu


El-Ta'alu, A. B*., Goncherenko, M. S**., Esomonu, U. G***; Azeez Akande,O****

*Dept. of Human Physiology, ***Dept. of Anatomy, ****Dept. of
Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Bayero University,
Kano, Nigeria; **Dept. of Human Physiology, Kharkov State University,

Medi-Link Journal. ISSN 1595 - 5621, VOL. 6, Series 55. Dec.,2005. Nigeria. Pp. 30; 33-34.

   Psoriasis is essentially a genetically-determined chronic skin disorder characterized by epidermal hyperproliferation and inflammation. The condition can progressively affect other body systems producing
serious complications.
   Pathogenesis of psoriasis involves disorders in the metabolism of collagen and glycozaminoglycans (GAGs) that are present in the connective tissue matrix. The level of urinary hydroxyproline (free and protien bound) reflects the extent of metabolism of the total collagen
constituent in the human organism [Prozovskaya et al,1986]. It has been reaffirmed [Tseraidis & Goncheronko, 1988] that morphological changes that occur in the connective tissue metabolism are closely related to the intensity of collagen degradation, which typically becomes higher than normal in psoriatic patients. Such changes according to them, are also associated with disorders in calcium content, functions of calcium transporting systems in cells and calcium homeostasis in general.
   Calcium ions are universal regulators whose abnormal increase in the body fluid may precipitate increase in cytoplasmic concentration and may result in disturbances of their regulatory functions. It has been suggested [Goncherenko,1986] that such disturbances may be
normalized either through the activation of Ca-ATpase or through suppression of calcium flow by employing blockers of calcium canal, such as finoptine. This will, ultimately lead to the removal of excess calcium, normalize calcium ion inbalance and, thus enhance prognosis in the management of the disease. Psoriasis clinically show up with periodic flare-ups of well defined red patches commonly covered by silvery, flake scales often located on the extensor surfaces and scalp and may extend to other areas of the body.
   Although other precipitating factors have been implecated in the initiation of the disease's plague, which include infectious agents such as pyogenic bacteria (e.g. staphylococcal and streptococcal species) and immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections [Murray et al], as well as
trauma, obesity, alcohol ingestion, weather and drugs, the epidemiology of the disease has not been adequately elucidated due to paucity of data and research. Globally, psoriasis affects between 1 and 3% of the human population and prevalence appears slightly higher among women than men. However, [Kruegar & Duric, 2005] noted that though the disease primarily
affects adult population, it occurs equally in men and women. Apart from the aforementioned triggering factors [Tseraidis & Goncherenko, 1988], linkage to human leukocyte antigens HLA-CW6 and DR7 have been found to play significant roles, particularly in individuals with early onset of the disease.
   The study of the effect of calcium lactate and finoptine on the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline comprised 15 males (8 patients and 7 apparently normal subjects) of between the ages of 25 and 40. Stegnman-Staeder's method, as modified by Utevsky and Persky was used to
determine the concentrations of the hydroxyproline in their unrine. The method is based on condensation reaction between products of hydroxyproline oxidation and
n-dimethylaminebenzoaldehyde (DABA).
   Analysis of the results obtained showed that calcium lactate stimulated increased production of hydroxyproline in both psoriatic patients and apparently normal subjects (control group). However, finoptine appeared to have considerably inhibited the activity of calcium lactate, particularly in psoriatic patients, as compared to control group, leading to remarkable reduction in hydroxyproline produced by the former. The outcome of the study underscored the reports
[Goncherenko, 1986], which reiterated that the calcium metabolic disorder that occurs during psoriasis is often manifested in the profound level of hydroxyproline produced in the patients.
   It has, therefore, been establishrd that while disorders in calcium homeostasis in the human body are capable of precipitating psoriasis, administration of finoptine, thus serves to reverse this action, thereby enhancing prognosis.

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