Started by MySeLf, November 26, 2008, 01:25:14 AM

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Honor killing is barbaric act which is always associated with Islam/Muslims by the enemies..
I remember there was once hot discussion same subject on this board, in which the starter
of the thread heavily blamed it on Islam and Muslims, I think it was Ete.. With that in mind I
thought to bring this story to his attention and others like him..

Dua khalil Aswad is a 17 year old teenager from the Kurdish Yazidi religion in northern Iraq.
She was stoned to death in public last year by her own family and members of her community..
Her crime was falling in love with SUNNI MUSLIM BOY... Did u get that Ete & co? she was
stoned to death for falling inlove with a Muslim..
The yazidi's hate Islam and Muslims even though they are Arabs too
The killing was captured on mobile phone which circulate on the Internet.

But you know what, even though was clearly stated that she is not a Muslim and was not
stoned by Muslims, those Ignorant haters are still blaming it on the Muslims.

You can read more, See Images and Watch the video  here:-

The story is also in CNN, Search for it in their website..
!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!


Its not an islamic thing. Its Arab culture unfortunately. I think it stems from their killing their female daughters (mentioned in the Quran as a haram thing to do).
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


no matter how we Muslims are going to exonerate
ourselves from this practice, i think we still need to
answer for it, especially Arab Muslims.  If this practice
is prevalent in the arab world, how many percentage
of muslims are there? how come they cannot
reverse this trend if they did not endorse it? what is
their leaders (Islamic) doing to avert future occurence
of this practice? definitely, to the eye of the illiterate
non muslim he will be left with no option than to accuse
Islam and Muslim since the practice is still in active
in Muslim countries.

these are questions the Muslim Arabs need to give us
answers and NOW.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Sadly there have been quite a number of honour killings of young women in the UK,mostly by men from Pakistan/India


Very sad indeed Dave, Is so barbaric and inhuman, is really really upsetting such action is associated with Islam, 
bcos no where in the qur'an honour killing is mentioned, and if there is someone should bring reference please..

Quote from: Dan-Borno on November 26, 2008, 12:35:51 PM
no matter how we Muslims are going to exonerate
ourselves from this practice, i think we still need to
answer for it, especially Arab Muslims.  If this practice
is prevalent in the arab world, how many percentage
of muslims are there? how come they cannot
reverse this trend if they did not endorse it? what is
their leaders (Islamic) doing to avert future occurence
of this practice? definitely, to the eye of the illiterate
non muslim he will be left with no option than to accuse
Islam and Muslim since the practice is still in active
in Muslim countries.

But haven't you watched the horrific video?....Uniform police officers were present at the scene, she was
actually dragged through them but did nothing to stop it, So who else can?  Is also in the fledgling democracy
created by the western power who are still there..

The only thing we can do is enlight those that are Ignorant such action is not Islamic and not
all Arabs are Muslim.....
!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!


Allah Ya Jikan Saddam Hussein. Under his regime, they wouldnt have dared to publically execute the girl for such a flimsy excuse...
I hope that Bush gets kidnapped after he leaves office and I hope he gets tortured, so he can feel what its like to be persecuted.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Wayyo Allah Husnaa! ;D.... Amin to ur prayer......Allah ya jikan Saddam yasa yana Aljanna firdaus..
Kisan since his falling honor killing is in the increase with almost 50% ...and this is new liberated Iraq
by bush and blair..... Allah ya kyauta!
!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!


Husan lol. Ah e don do! & Myself lol. A few bad "things" overshadows a zillion "good things" and so good deeds of an individual no matter how small only ties well within the public eye when a bigger evil lands. And that is when we begin to appreciate the lesser evil after "the" worst evil surfaces lol. Not that Saddam was 100% good but the way he was labelled horrifically was just beyound sanity eyes. Everybody made a "who-ha" about him

As for honour killing, it is an action predominantly exercised by Asians (Pakistan & India) to be specific. Though, islam is what they say a jusfitication for this immoral and unholy act. BUT THE HOLY BOOK OF ISLAMIC FORBIDS IT! Pls let it get through their thick skulls! >:( But what I think is the cause of honor killing within the Asian society is because it is easy to reach out to the more vulnearable persons, overpower them physically or phsycologically and kill them. The biggest cause of honor killing is fear of stigmatisation, which is caused by ignorance. For fear of being shamed or stigmaticed within the community a girl will be killed as honour just because the Pakistani girl finds love in the heart of a muslim Boy from the Kashmir area! An area located between India and Pakistan. This is a boundary conflict for heaven sake! Where is the honor of killing or the religious motive behind it? Another girl is killed because she rejected a an arranged marriage to her friends father who was a rich tycoon. For crying out loud. How can you force someone into marrying another and also for selfish gain interest and because that person objected, you slice and dice them! What exactly is honor is this situation?Another case was yet another Indian man who due to jelousy because his wife was having an affair, killed her and her two children and facts had it that her parents permitted him to kill his wife as she cannot bring them to shame. Bear in mind, that too was an arranged marriage and there was constant events of domestic violence and she threatened to leave and before she had a chance to do so, he minces her and "their" kids too. Honor? No! Madness? Absolutely!

What the hell is exactly theee honor in killing or rationale behind it? >:( I can understand intent killing with malice aforethought, or maslaughter or unintentional killing but I cant quite fix a termiinology for "honor killing" Honor is what you get by earning high respect or getting merit respect or special merit - you know or something done for the good of mankind, or for good reputation or name, or recognition. Or just like the Nobel laureate I received last year for my outstanding performance period! There is honor for military recognitions, honor given to professional persons or bodies.

But honor feel or awardment of honor to a decoded murderer is what I simply dont understand!!!!!!!!!!We surely dont have these sort of honor killings here in Nigeria and am sure all Nigerian cultures would frown upon it. Actually, I have never even heard about events of honor killings in Nigeria. Na hunger dey kill pessin here nobi honor! >:(
What you see is what you get[/b]


o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


Watching that video all i was saying was innalillahi wa'ina ilaihir-rajiun along with facial expressions.
that is terrible and it is predominat among the asian society, there was i story
i heard, where this sikh girl was in love with this muslim guy, but no way her family wouldnt
have it ( actually it was on the news a couple of years back) as she was bring shame or dishonour as
they call it and must be dealt with buy means of putting an end to her life. I mean its just crazy, love is blind.
*Each day is definately defining me and finding me*


Quote from: amira on December 02, 2008, 09:41:03 PM
Watching that video all i was saying was innalillahi wa'ina ilaihir-rajiun along with facial expressions.
that is terrible and it is predominat among the asian society, there was i story
i heard, where this sikh girl was in love with this muslim guy, but no way her family wouldnt
have it ( actually it was on the news a couple of years back) as she was bring shame or dishonour as
they call it and must be dealt with buy means of putting an end to her life. I mean its just crazy, love is blind.

Gaskiyarki yar uwa.Abin ne sai dai dua. Allah ya kiyashe mu aikin dana sani Amira.
o try and fail is atleast to learn. That will save one the inestimable loss of what might have been (positive or negative).


That was bad, really and utterly thoughtless. I had never heard nor read of anything like this. That made me mute initially. Allah ya kyauta, amin.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.