Kano Babes na Wa O!

Started by *~MuDa~*, March 20, 2004, 08:45:01 PM

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Quote from: "HUSNAA"
Quote from: "amira"thats it fateez, u've done n dusted it for them, now its up to d guys to choose the rite broom and the rite lady and get to work :lol:

Rite broom rite lady...lol. They will sweep her off her feet...and into a rubbish tip!!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: (with their false promises)

Hehe, spoken like a true cynic. U r right though, it's totally up to him on

what happens next. but everyone definitely has a chance to make her fall

4 him no matter what.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."    ~ Mark Twain


Quote from: "*~[iMuDaCriS~*"]I rather use a strong broom and smack ze pace op such material Committed girls. Tizzle u know, Girls in Kano rather loose ze quality guy as long as he is not as pinancially ufgraded as zey want. So seriously which eber broom u use wouldn't jinx zem, execft may be ip ze broom was recommended by Filius Flitwick...lol!

Hehe, Muda, u r beginning to sound like those

"I failed my exam because the teacher hates me" attitude.

What I'm saying is sure some girls might like money, for whatever

reason, but the thing is maybe it's not only the money they are after.

maybe they also want someone who is charming for instance, so they

asked for loaded and they got charming and loaded. Of course they'd

think "what have we got to lose?"

Say maybe i offer you $10m, you would accept it ba? Ok what if i then

offer you $10m and a 3-bedroom house. Which would you prefer??? It is

only natural for you to accept the house and the money because the

world is in such a state that money = security and comfort.

What if i then offer you only $500 with an English Neo-Renaissance

Victorian style 20 bedroom mansion (Which by da way, is worth a fortune

but you cannot sell). U have to pick one from either the $10m, the $10m

& house or the $500 and mansion. Which would you pick? tsakani da Allah.

The money represents the wealth and the house represents character.

What I'm saying here is, if da character is good enough, even da lady

that has declared "in ba Bill Gates ba sai rijiya" cannot resist. Don't blame

da girls being materialistic for your "lack of game". U think a girl is frontin

for you, then check youself. Are you da one asking for it?

It's really sad that money is synonymous to influence. But i tell you,

Humility, Dignity and self respect is better than money. So respect urself,

so that u may be respected.  :!:  :!:

As for using a broom to hit her face, tun kafin ka ma auro ta har ka

fara domestic violence? Hitting da face of some1 u like, boy u do have a

funny way of showing affection! While u r at it with Flitwick, how about

cooking up a polyjuice potion to look like Bill Gates or put her under the

imperius curse to make fall in love with ya! :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."    ~ Mark Twain


U see u got it all wrong or u just fretendin' to fick on me...am not talkin' about lack op game, damn im talkin' about pellas who got game but lack cheddar, how many guys habe started steamin' relationshifs wit some girls por real but as soon as anoda gameless guy wit flenty cheddar stefs uf on ze girls pront door ze relationshif hits ze rock? U know wut i mean dont u?? Ko karya nake Husnaa? I dont really trabel much but i know zat in Kano...GIRLS WILL KILL to go out wit ze gameless but rich guys. i know zat to court a girl u depinately need to pinancialised ze relationshif to some extent but eben wit zat it doesnt work in kano when za gameless rich comes interruftin', Ushud c how girls in BUK 4 examfle go mushy at ze site op zeir priend's gameless rich dude during a bisit. I will fersonally only tolerate zat ip ze gys game aint tight, ehen...but ip ur game is tight and ur girls dumfs u because some gameless rich guy who is a somebody or who's dad is a somebody zen u shudnt be surfrised coz u r in Kano.

And as por ze Folyjuice fotion...u sound like u r in suffort op "yan Karya"...ip u dont know wut ze term means just holla i will break it donw por u. Capiche? Lol!
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Muda u dey talk like say u don loose to one rich guy?
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Quote from: "gogannaka"Muda u dey talk like say u don loose to one rich guy?

LOL that is hitting below the belt!!! :lol:

Quote from: "[color=redMuda"]how many guys habe started steamin' relationshifs wit some girls por real but as soon as anoda gameless guy wit flenty cheddar stefs uf on ze girls pront door ze relationshif hits ze rock? U know wut i mean dont u?? Ko karya nake Husnaa??[/color]

Muda how I go know now? Abi that one no be my game.  :lol:
But I can tell u this, u are absolutely right. However what was good for the goose was also good for the gander. So it works both ways. Kano guys are as bad in trying to milk rich girls. There are many sons of Alhazan birni together with their dads who will only marry names attached to money and local reknown.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


I knew i was sfeaking some sense...zis is a pact op libe, at lest am not just making it uf, it haffens in Kano!
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


This does not only happen in kano it happens everywhere. In this world we are living money seems to be everything nowadays.The prophet while discussing with some sahaba's said that normally people wed women due to one of four reasons.
1.Due to the womans wealth
2.Due to her beauty
3.Due to her family ties
4.Due to her religion
He advised to wed a woman due to her religion.U can see that the issue has been in existence since.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Allahu Akbar...G-naka has spoken. But i think there shud be a pemale bersion op zis ahadith...wut do u think?
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Love for Allah's sake.But I have never heard where its haram to also love for all the other reasons.
Come.From my point of view I sometimes cant say I blame the girls.Common look at the way marriages and relationships are turning into these days.A guy comes tiryan tiryan da dadin baki daga shi sai slippers,she marries him for "love" and they stay thru dusa da dawa.Later he 'makes it' and voila! new babes.
Toh o.k another girl gets a rich guy and marries him,check the marriage .Its probably an unhappy one.He leaves her home, unfulfilled, and has a fine time all over the world.Cos lets face it mazan hausawa haka suke,they just think da sun aure ki shikenan ke kuma baki da wata bukata a rayuwa illa ki zauna gida don kin samu miji,thats it.
So girls say lets get us  rich guys,where they fail we can do a little shopping,or set up a little biz so that whatever happens we have something to fall back on.
Whats wrong with that?


So girls say lets get us rich guys,where they fail we can do a little shopping,or set up a little biz so that whatever happens we have something to fall back on.
Whats wrong with that?

That's a confirmation of the materialism of our gals under debate here.


Quote from: "precious"So girls say lets get us  rich guys,where they fail we can do a little shopping,or set up a little biz so that whatever happens we have something to fall back on.
Whats wrong with that?

Nothing what soever!!

Quote from: "Bakan~Gizo"That's a confirmation of the materialism of our gals under debate here.

Niko ina mamakin wani abu. Ko da yake Hausawa kan ce 'laifi tudu ne. Sai Ka taka naka ka hango na wani'.
In ana zancen materialism, I think men should not even lift up their heads because of the magnitude of their materialistic nature. Men love money more than women do, because they kill for it. I havent heard women killing for money; only marrying for it. So who is worse abi?
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Haba Yaya Husna :!: . How comes :idea: ? Haven't you heard when a woman sold her born baby for money in southern Nigeria? I heard this story genuinly in Freedom radio some months ago. And this is one.

Secondly, you yourself had said you married because of money. Yes, isn't that killing oneself? Whatever is built upon a bad foundation must oneday one time collapse. To me, marrying 'cuz of money is as worst as killing that you pointed-out men do 'cuz of money. Isn't it? :roll:  

A woman belives to even sits without having anything pass throght her lips but to sends the money given to her for chefane to Gidan Dashi for saving. What can you about this also? What that signifies, isn't that a materialism? LOL :lol:
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Quote from: "Muhsin"
Secondly, you yourself had said you married because of money. Yes, isn't that killing oneself? Whatever is built upon a bad foundation must oneday one time collapse. To me, marrying 'cuz of money is as worst as killing that you pointed-out men do 'cuz of money. Isn't it? :roll:   [/size][/color]

Dear Dear Me that is a very serious allegation Muhsin. Now be so kind as to show me where I made that statement of marrying for money.. I think I am going to faint.........swoon!!( falls to the ground)
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


WHOA!!! Its gettin HOT in here. This topic has brought on the heat

Precious i agree with you on wat your sayin, mallam bahaushe ai sai shi da wannan aiki.

but if your lucky a mazan hausawa akwai kwarori masu tunawa da Allah, tausai da sannin yakamata, that would not dare do that to their wifey as they have seen the wahala they both went through at the start to the point they started making $$$$ from d slippers he was wearn as you said :lol: to d point that aka fara fesa D&G etc.
*Each day is definately defining me and finding me*


Quote from: "HUSNAA"
Quote from: "Muhsin"
Secondly, you yourself had said you married because of money. Yes, isn't that killing oneself? Whatever is built upon a bad foundation must oneday one time collapse. To me, marrying 'cuz of money is as worst as killing that you pointed-out men do 'cuz of money. Isn't it? :roll:   [/size][/color]

Dear Dear Me that is a very serious allegation Muhsin. Now be so kind as to show me where I made that statement of marrying for money.. I think I am going to faint.........swoon!!( falls to the ground)

A'a'a'a! I today commited a severe crime? Where can I put myself? Where can I go to extricate? :(

If  you really didn't mean that in your post that preceded mine on the list, I must have miscalculated you Husna. By the way, isn't that true that a woman marries because of money? Just forget about who said it but answer my question yaya Husna :?:
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.