nigerian police

Started by kharuldeen, February 01, 2004, 10:43:53 PM

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One day my grandmum was on her way home from the airport when a police man stopped them ( it was quite late). Police din yace da driver ya bude bayan mota, aka bude and he saw a pullman. Ya bude jakan and was checking to see what he'll get to complain about...he cudn't find anything but some pills. Haven't got anything to complain about, he said " hajiya ina reciept din wannan maganin?" tace yana can inda na siyo shi coz I left it there. And the police man was like ni kam gaskiya ban yadda ba sai kin bani reciept...she said (sarcastically) to kai driver sai mu koma can garin mu kawo mashi reciept...still the police man was like oho ni dai sai an bani reciept. Police man ya kawo grandmum wuya, sai tace da shi "kai kasan wane (she told him her husbands' name)?" he replied yes. And so she told him idan safiya tayi kaje wajen shi ka karbi reciept din. Come see how di police man died standing! and he was saying to the driver haba kai kuma ba sai kayi bayani ba  ::)
greetings from Ihsaneey


Be careful of wat u r saying coz if my father had u he will arrest u for dat acuse, I m just advising u. ;D

Hmmm, U see, U'll soon put urself 4

trouble, Kabir I no dey o! ?

;D ;D ;D ;D
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."    ~ Mark Twain



My dear
There is almost no innocent or good policeman just as much as there isnt any innocent or good Nigerian. This words might have too many implications but I'm afraid not everyone or should I one is innocent. Besides circumstancxe is what makes us Nigerians, and circumstance is what makes Nigerian police what they are. Bottom line, u dont need to be a policeman to become a humiliating national icon; Every Nigerian is!
Wanna Bet?
Ibro2g, What all dis debate, majority carry the vote...Hala baka taba shiga sharrin police bane, as his uniform be black na so be his heart. Poloce no serve God talkless of I beg U. All what police no na egunje...May de sharrin police remain with him and if he has any good make it remain to him..U no see kano online Police no gree to wear that blaki Uniform..



its a good story!!!yeah funny but outdated!thank god i know u personally!!!


Be careful of wat u r saying coz if my father had u he will arrest u for dat acuse, I m just advising u. ;D

    if your old man is a policeman, i don't mean him so i'm sorry,kai ba haka ake yi ba. :P :P :P


Idan kanolicious ya ji kun shiga uku!
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


QuoteOne day my grandmum was on her way home from the airport when a police man stopped them ( it was quite late). Police din yace da driver ya bude bayan mota, aka bude and he saw a pullman. Ya bude jakan and was checking to see what he'll get to complain about...he cudn't find anything but some pills. Haven't got anything to complain about, he said " hajiya ina reciept din wannan maganin?" tace yana can inda na siyo shi coz I left it there. And the police man was like ni kam gaskiya ban yadda ba sai kin bani reciept...she said (sarcastically) to kai driver sai mu koma can garin mu kawo mashi reciept...still the police man was like oho ni dai sai an bani reciept. Police man ya kawo grandmum wuya, sai tace da shi "kai kasan wane (she told him her husbands' name)?" he replied yes. And so she told him idan safiya tayi kaje wajen shi ka karbi reciept din. Come see how di police man died standing! and he was saying to the driver haba kai kuma ba sai kayi bayani ba ?::)

I tot sumbody will talk :o :o :o
color=blue]NOBODY is PERFECT and I am NOBODY.[/color]