Parties registation begins!!!!

Started by zezezee, January 20, 2004, 05:20:07 AM

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Quoteyeah k-online members here comes the joined parties. A.M.K & A.P.P (PEOPLE POWER POSSIBILITIES) and we gonna c that we carry the votes.

Yes Kofa, tell zem the truth!

You either be wid us to win, or be with them to fail.
it depends on you kanoonliners  ???


Quoteyeah k-online members here comes the joined parties. A.M.K & A.P.P (PEOPLE POWER POSSIBILITIES) and we gonna c that we carry the votes.

U guys habe not reached uf to a conclusion uf 2 now! Ur not eben stable ;D
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Gaskiya tafi komai..........هو الذي



U guys habe not reached uf to a conclusion uf 2 now! Ur not eben stable ;D

who told u we r not stable? mu biyu ne kawai. kuma am d presido.jinn is my vice. we r not interested in ragowar posts din. mun barwa ragowar mutane su ci. got problem with that muda?
n GOD i trust


 :)hi to all kanoonline people :D I am new around here and i can't contest just yet,stay cool people. 8)
at u see is wat u get........................RMS


Quote?:)hi to all kanoonline people :D I am new around here and i can't contest just yet,stay cool people. 8)

?u r welcome figorms. we all start by introducing our selves in the WHO IS WHO post. muna maraba dakai.

      amma kayi hankali akwai irinsu wane da wane acikin gidan kar su canza ka.kace nagaya maka.
n GOD i trust



?u r welcome figorms. we all start by introducing our selves in the WHO IS WHO post. muna maraba dakai.

? ? ? amma kayi hankali akwai irinsu wane da wane acikin gidan kar su canza ka.kace nagaya maka.

Gaskiya tafi komai..........هو الذي