When We Were Yung!

Started by *~MuDa~*, April 18, 2004, 09:31:38 PM

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"I had a Long John but no Silver
No gold or plat
I was simply red from the years I been holdin' back
With 2 sides to a book I lick stamps and light matches
And set fires in garbage pales and cabbage patches
A child of the corn been wild since I was born
Climbin' over barb wire clothes got torn
Shoes got muddy and my click turned cruddy
Wherever I go they went they my buddy
I brush teef brush naps and cause treats
Dreamin' of Cadillac with wheels and plush seats
Cats with gold teeth and raps with such beats
Macks with no grief and some sacks of green leaf
When I loaded my cap gun I was ready for ACTION!
Starin' at beer cans and a moment to crack one
Wanna hang with the big boys and play with the big toys
And be with the people makin all that goddamn noise"
                                               -Ludacris ..."Growing Pains"

Yeah!!! It's Been long i didnt stroll in hiya, how una dey? Yaya strike din Serba? Allah ya kiyaye gaba. i was sitting @ home wondering n fondering 'bout ze escafades i did when i waz a kid...naturally...most ppls named Mahmmood r very stubborn n froblematic, very troublesome, ba suwa jin magana, zey habe 2much kiriniya inbuilt wit zem, u can now habe ze ficture op ze kynd op ferson i waz when i waz bery young. So i pelt it would b a great idea 2 come hiya n narrates some sings we did when we were yung kun gane...? :D

am going 2 gibe u an examfle...zere waz zis woman , a priend n neighbour op mah moza, she waz bery hepty in pizic, on zat paitpul day, her Maigida waz 2 come bak prom a journey...so she waz frefaring his pabourite meal, when she pinished mixing all ze sfices n waz waiting por ze pood 2 get boil, she now went in 2 fray her Zuhur frayer, n i, being ze debil zat i was, creft into her kitchen, ofened ze drawer, took ze salt kontainer, remobed ze lid n turned it ufside down in2 her almost ready fot op soup. Ba kawai sai da mijin ta ya dawo ba, she was lucky b por she serbed him ze meal, she tasted ze soup, she screemed, u had 2 c ze container op salt, it was massibely big, more zan a tin op Bombita medium size....lol....walllahi when she found out, she flogged me liyk wut...mah mama saved mah ass, ze woman cried, her husband was so hungy zat he had 2 go 2 a restaurant...na bata mata runs...hahhaha. there is more 2 tell...lets hear ur own terripic tales. Shoot!
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Hahahaha, men this is so funny.... hahahahaha

If i was her, i would have made u eat all the sup.  :lol:
Gaskiya tafi komai..........هو الذي


hey boy!!!
   very stubborn!but i thought you do something worse,like candles in soup or knock out.u really tried cos if i was that woman i'l soak ur head in a drum of water for 30sec or more.that will do!!!just thought of a better way of punishing bad kids.


fut mah head in a drum op water por 30 sec or more???? :shock: Zat is homicide...murder...i never added foison into ze meal? did i?
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Dont u know that too much salt can be harmful?it can even cause death?What a devil u were :twisted:  :twisted: [/size][/img]
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Inalillahi...... :shock: a ina kaji wannan G-naka? Where r ze medical pacts?
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


kai muda. u were such a devil. seriously, if u had done that to me... i hope i dont get kids as devilish as u coz i think i'll bury them alive or sthn!!!
...it takes agreat deal of courage to stand up to ur enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to ur friends..." Aaysha


In Allah ya yadda toh sai kin samu waddanda suka fini kiriniya when i waz yung....zats a fromise! :lol:
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


hey hey hey  :shock:
muda take that back!
...it takes agreat deal of courage to stand up to ur enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to ur friends..." Aaysha


Y shud i take it back? Mah mama habe me, n she is froud! :D  :D  :D  :D
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


so waz resfonsible for zem palling in lobe
color=blue]NOBODY is PERFECT and I am NOBODY.[/color]


Quote from: "Eskimo"so waz resfonsible for zem palling in lobe

I can gibe u William Shakesfear's GSM number in Lahira so zat u can ask him...do i?
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


ehehehehehhehe...U were such a bad child!

Ma mum wudn't have stopped her from beatin u!

Pls buddy, Pray against it ok?

Cos i wudn't want 2 be ur neighbour! :lol:  :lol:

Wit more "mudas" around mother's will become history
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."    ~ Mark Twain


Ke Tima, take ur tym O! C as u dey fretend as ip u guyz no do nastier thangs when u were yung, una sabi crucipy ferson por zese kanoonline, oyya enupp critic, now ebery body gibe us ur own tale, i got a loads op criticisms 2 unleash! :evil:
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


kai Muda just forget about the Shakespear (Girgiza Mashi) or Shakesword..yanzu haka yana can yana fama da walakiri. Even if I call him they will say his line is either switch off or is out of reach.
color=blue]NOBODY is PERFECT and I am NOBODY.[/color]