
Started by dan kauye, August 12, 2004, 06:40:48 PM

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Quote from: "dan kauye"kai! kit kat,whut d heezy is wrong wizzy? u'r really becoming som'en else in dis forum! why r ya so marriage inclined?..(seriously speaking) dif it bothers u dat much then talk 2 ur parents,who knows? u might be lucky but 1st get d bride intact,haba!

jokes over...y'knw i ain't married so whut's ur suggetion? if ya dnt hav any then let dis post be! chikenan!

& its like u really havina field day sparking up r/ship arguement so why dnt ya "y'know whut" & dnt tell me u r married either ..

abeg make me go attend 2 serious fiffles! :evil:

Hey you wanted a sure fire sleep remedy didnt you? If you can try Hemorrhoid cream I figure you can save yourself the puffy eyes by having a good nights sleep.

Why is it so hard to believe that someone can be married in this forum?? Last time i checked it was still kanoonline not bachelors r us.

Sorry about your single status buddy. I guess my suggestion is out of the question for some time yet. Pity as its the only one I know that you can take to the bank.

Try Hot chocolate. I hear it works for some :roll:  :roll:


Hmmm.Miss miss and kauyus.this is getting quite interesting.I'm all ears.By the way kauyus it's gud that now u've spoken de na your chicken dey produce 'ya'ya ko?Were they sixteen days or weeks old?  :lol:

dan kauye

Quote from: "fari fat"I will advice Dan Kauye to try spritual remedy-  always recite duas before  sleep. It worked 4 me. i'm right now in a stressful stuation but I sleep like a baby at night.

yeah..i reckon its d best remedy so far ...but it does work even more wit combinations of thers,anyhow,thanx a mile,str8 up!
Dan-Kauye's Artist Of The Week;Robin Thicke

dan kauye

Quote from: "mlbash" to dan kauye kaji! to basir din mai tofo ne ka kukuwa! ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....................! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

i knw exactly where u're coming 4rm & i know whut ur problem is..maybe u shud hang on while i visit d gossip forum & make a post ...bani na kar zomon ba rataya aka bani..hahahah weweweee hohhoho! how u like dat?(justs kiddings)
Dan-Kauye's Artist Of The Week;Robin Thicke

dan kauye

now back @ d main characters,

kitty,thax 4 all d sugestions(even though som r far fetched 2 me),can i leave ihsan out of d picture?nope! d links she provided really did me lotta good ..its not just abaut insomnia or sleep related troubles ..its a very good link wid infos' on lotta medical issues..may'be ya'll shud try it if u eva needed one,infact i've toyed wid d idea of doing a copy & paste job coz i found some amazing medical articles there too,&...abaut dat marriage plus "u'knw whut " stuff,mayb u shud join me @ d chit-chat forum coz boiiiiiiiiii ya need serious lakachas!

precious aka yar tsokana...u r all ears ko? u cud as well be all eyes u learnt a betta iftar recipe 4 ur hubby yet????..& i cnt help but lol weneva u mention miss miss miyaw..dats gross! kitty
Dan-Kauye's Artist Of The Week;Robin Thicke


greetings from Ihsaneey


Quote from: "mlbash"
Quote from: "dan kauye"like d gud sista u r....thanx a bunch ihsany.

sista? uhm..................................ayi dai mugani! :)

mlbash, me kake nufi?
greetings from Ihsaneey

dan kauye

hahahaah mlbash(ayi dai mugani koh????) lallai wani yaro zaichi dan-karen duka a wurin mijin wata,hohhohhohoh ihsan(shiru ma magana ce ko??)...toh meyasa akayi magana yanzu?????eniways y'all funny,kool y'all!
Dan-Kauye's Artist Of The Week;Robin Thicke


Quote from: "Ihsan"
Quote from: "mlbash"
Quote from: "dan kauye"like d gud sista u r....thanx a bunch ihsany.

sista? uhm..................................ayi dai mugani! :)

mlbash, me kake nufi?

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