The US Election

Started by EMTL, November 07, 2004, 11:54:32 AM

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Man commits suicide at Ground Zero

Staff Writers

November 6, 2004, 7:11 PM EST

Distraught over the re-election of President George W. Bush, a Georgia man traveled to New York City, went to Ground Zero and killed himself with a shotgun blast, police said yesterday.

The suicide victim, Andrew Veal, 25, was discovered just before 8 a.m. yesterday when a worker for the Millennium Hotel looking at Ground Zero from an upper floor saw a man lying atop the concrete structure through which the 1 and 9 subway lines run.

The worker, thinking the man was sleeping, alerted colleagues and the Port Authority police were notified.

But when they got to Veal's body, they realized he had killed himself with a shot to the head from a .12-gauge shotgun.

No suicide note was found, but according to a Port Authority police source, family members said Veal, a registered Democrat, was despondent over Bush's defeat of Sen. John Kerry. A second source said Veal, who lived in Athens, Ga., and worked for the University of Georgia, was also adamantly opposed to the war in Iraq.

More than three years after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, Ground Zero remains a top tourist attraction, the site rife with symbolism.

Visitors there yesterday reacted in different ways to news of Veal's suicide. Bobbie Jensen, 54, a Republican from Phoenix, said that while she understood how Bush's victory disturbed those who dislike him, Ground Zero is not the place to act on those emotions.

"You can be upset about the war, about Bush, but this is a sacred place," she said. "You got to accept what happened and not kill yourself." But Frank Franca, an East Village artist and registered Democrat, suggested the suicide was symbolic.

"I'm very moved by it," he said. "Obviously, this person was devastated. I can see why he would come here."

Franca's friend, Jeffim Kuznetsov, a 25-year-old student from Russia who lives in Atlanta, said the suicide is evidence of how deeply many Americans were affected by Kerry's defeat.

"It's a national tragedy," he said. "This election is devastating to all who believe in democracy."

Another visitor to Ground Zero, Arushi Raval, 34, a businesswoman who lives in Chelsea, said Veal might have been active in campaigning for Kerry, only to taste defeat.

"Maybe he felt ineffective," she said of the victim. "You feel ineffective if you tried and it all failed.

"I know so many New Yorkers who are depressed over this."
Copyright ? 2004, Newsday, Inc.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


Quote from: "EMTL"Man commits suicide at Ground Zero

Staff Writers

November 6, 2004, 7:11 PM EST

Distraught over the re-election of President George W. Bush, a Georgia man traveled to New York City, went to Ground Zero and killed himself with a shotgun blast, police said yesterday.

The suicide victim, Andrew Veal, 25, was discovered just before 8 a.m. yesterday when a worker for the Millennium Hotel looking at Ground Zero from an upper floor saw a man lying atop the concrete structure through which the 1 and 9 subway lines run.

The worker, thinking the man was sleeping, alerted colleagues and the Port Authority police were notified.

But when they got to Veal's body, they realized he had killed himself with a shot to the head from a .12-gauge shotgun.

No suicide note was found, but according to a Port Authority police source, family members said Veal, a registered Democrat, was despondent over Bush's defeat of Sen. John Kerry. A second source said Veal, who lived in Athens, Ga., and worked for the University of Georgia, was also adamantly opposed to the war in Iraq.

More than three years after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, Ground Zero remains a top tourist attraction, the site rife with symbolism.

Visitors there yesterday reacted in different ways to news of Veal's suicide. Bobbie Jensen, 54, a Republican from Phoenix, said that while she understood how Bush's victory disturbed those who dislike him, Ground Zero is not the place to act on those emotions.

"You can be upset about the war, about Bush, but this is a sacred place," she said. "You got to accept what happened and not kill yourself." But Frank Franca, an East Village artist and registered Democrat, suggested the suicide was symbolic.

"I'm very moved by it," he said. "Obviously, this person was devastated. I can see why he would come here."

Franca's friend, Jeffim Kuznetsov, a 25-year-old student from Russia who lives in Atlanta, said the suicide is evidence of how deeply many Americans were affected by Kerry's defeat.

"It's a national tragedy," he said. "This election is devastating to all who believe in democracy."

Another visitor to Ground Zero, Arushi Raval, 34, a businesswoman who lives in Chelsea, said Veal might have been active in campaigning for Kerry, only to taste defeat.

"Maybe he felt ineffective," she said of the victim. "You feel ineffective if you tried and it all failed.

"I know so many New Yorkers who are depressed over this."
Copyright ? 2004, Newsday, Inc.

That  man chop well well that is why he killed him self..

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Assalamu alaikum,

Election 2004: Americans Endorse War.....

Election 2004: Americans Endorse War, Fanaticism And State Terrorism

"Speaking the Truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act." George Orwell

The childish charade of this so-called 'free' election in the US has finally come to an end. This 'free' election was in fact not 'free' at all, when you consider that it offered a limited 'choice' of only two candidates. This fact alone shows that the US is already very close to a dictatorship. More importantly, both candidates had identical agendas that differed only in style but not in substance, which is not surprising since both were supported and handled by the same corporate Capitalism and Zionist lobbies that American democracy has become known for. In reality, this is a dictatorship that has entered through the back door under the illusion of a 'free' election.

For the rest of the world, the global audience was naturally focused on the issue of the US foreign policy. On this point, the difference between the two candidates was even more subtle and fundamental; the US-Lebensraum will surely continue, irrespective of who won the election.

It is time for those with a genuine free mind to reflect on the real implication of this election. What has resulted is another generation of obscure American foreign policy - a child born out of wedlock in a country where virgins are so despised and scarce they constantly deride the honorable women in the Islamic veil (Hijab) who guard their chastity, this next illegitimate generation of US policy rises. The fact is that almost half the US population opposed George Bush and his war agenda but are now considered to be his legal guardian but now the masses are obliged to look after him for another four years by giving total obedience to his commands, one way or the other.

So, pseudo democracy ends and the American people must sit back now and be dictated to. They can of course voice their opinions through the mirage of free demonstrations but those with intelligence realize that vocal chords will have long worn out long these bastard policy children of party donors will relinquish their control.

Genuine change largely comes through aggressive and forceful confrontation; history has proven this time and time again. Demonstrations must escalate to have any impact on those sitting cushy at the top. If one can only travel back in time and talk with those Americans who fought against British imperialism in 1776, they would surely have laughed at these demonstrators who exercise their 'freedom'.

British imperialism has been gradually replaced with homegrown corporate imperialism. The Afro-Americans, Hispanics and Asians find themselves in a similar situation. The free people of the world hope and look forward to the day when they revolt inside the US and gain real liberation and states like Texas are returned to the motherland, just as Kuwait was returned to Iraq for a short period of time back in 1991. For those hardnosed Republicans, moronic Bible Bashers speaking in tongues, KKK affiliates and those millions of Americans who have never ventured outside of their villages and towns, they ought to read a little into the history of the region that their nation is pillaging in the name of 'freedom', 'democracy', 'oil' and Jesus, the so-called god of 'love'.

Let's look at some of the attributes of this illegitimate foreign policy child and its implications.

It is not Usamah Bin Laden, but George Bush that claims to be in direct communication with the Creator. Bush, with his permanent smirk on his face, has convinced himself and his flock that the carnage in Iraq is part of a divine scheme. By implication, this must also include the conduct of his upright 'Christian' soldiers in Abu-Ghraib! It must also include the pilots and soldiers that deliberately shoot into the unarmed crowds in Fallujah and elsewhere despite being told that they pose no threat.

According to 'Prophet' (or you may pronounce as profit) Bush, God Almighty must have inspired those Christian US soldiers to eliminate the helpless enemy but then, where is this so-called God that your missionaries preach about? Where is their god that commands them to turn the other cheek and love their enemies? Is it the same god that has become a landlord over the area of Palestine, giving permission to any Jew around world to evict those who have lived there for centuries by any means? Is it the same god that inspired the US to tax (or steal) from the millions in poor countries through the dirty trade policies and international institutions and to lighten their guilt, raise money by holding annual charity events and pop concerts? Is it this so-called god of 'love' that propels god's 'chosen' nation to build the most lethal and indiscriminate weapons?

This is the real religious fanaticism. Bush and his flocks are the prime examples of it -not the brave human bombers who defend their lands who are merely desperate people forced to take desperate measures.

If the secular West really despised religious fanaticism they would have picked up on the fact that the religious fanaticism of George Bush and his administration is politically motivated. The term religious fanaticism is only employed in condemning the heroic Mujahideen resisting the revolting Goliath. Like most hypocrites, the secular brigades are selective. They even wittingly or unwittingly endorse Biblical arguments as a basis for justifying the ethnic cleansing of Palestine; fulfilling God's promise whilst condemning the Arabs/Muslims for referring to the religious dimension of the conflict! Are the Muslims obliged to accept the verdict of a Judeo-Christian god?

In contrast, if Usamah Bin Laden were ever to claim direct communication with God Almighty it would contradict Islamic teachings, for only Prophets of God have direct communication with God Almighty through divine revelation. Many take it for granted that Usamah Bin laden is a religious fanatic but anyone examining the facts can see the real fanatic is clearly Bush. Similarly, it is the speeches and sentences of George Bush that are far closer to that of a mad man or an imbecile rather than the well-composed message with a poetic touch of Usamah Bin Laden.

The recent revelation of the actual horrors of the civilian casualties, a war conducted in violation of the UN charter according to the General Secretary of the UN Mr. Kofi Annan, clearly makes these war crimes by any standards. George Bush is a terrorist and a mass murderer. But the world does not revolve around true justice but rather around "might is right".

Will Bush continue on his current track and if so, what then is the implication of his election?

If the Iraqi's can be punished for the actions of its dictator then by the same reasoning, a democratic nation can be punished for the actions of its leadership. This is especially the case when the population has approved the conduct of their leadership pro-actively thorough an election. Now, the entire US population is responsible for the carnage in Iraq and elsewhere unless they take immediate measures to distance themselves by taking further practical steps to remove George Bush.

In the same vein, the US is now preparing to implement the final solution for the women and children of Fallujah, creating more mass graves in the post Saddam era. Yet, we will keep hearing about the innocent US civilians of 9/11, but not the millions of innocents that has perished since 1948 or 1924 or even since 9/11. Moderates will be raised up high to selectively condemn those who are resisting whilst their deceitful lips will be sealed in the mounting civilian casualties in this phony war. There are no innocent US civilians now that they have endorsed Bush's actions, past, present and future.

I may have offended those diehard liberals, freedom-fanatics, militant-secularists, democracy maniacs, republicans, conservatives, belligerent-moderates, confused-moderates, migrant-coolies, self-hating coolies. But you know people may dislike the taste of medicine although it can heal the body. Remember truth does not inherently lie in numerical majority but objectively assessing the merit of the arguments presented
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


Man sets self afire outside White House
From Suzanne Malveaux

Monday, November 15, 2004 Posted: 9:03 PM EST (0203 GMT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A man set himself on fire about 2 p.m. Monday on Pennsylvania Avenue outside the White House.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


Whoever wrote this article is probably not, but in his anger seems to be more a part of the problem than the solution.

I think this author in his anger (which I must mention I relate to, for the elections disappointed me too) seems not to have given the elections a proper anaylsis. I am sure that at some point he must have heard of Ralph Nader, but maybe not Michael Badnarik (fourth candidate). And no, Kerry and Bush did not have identical agendas; this statement shows that the author has not examined properly why exactly Kerry lost. The elections were free and fair,(at least freer than any of our charades in Nigeria) no doubt. As much as we'd have liked it the other way, the U.S. elections was not all about foreign policy and the war on Iraq. And frankly I believe this is where Kerry lost the elections. It was also about the economy (for which Kerry only had criticism for Bush) and social  issues like abortion and mostly gay rights - which Bush firmly opposed, and Kerry did not make a firm stance.

The author's ignorance and bias comes quite clearly in view when he portrays the 'return' of Kuwait to Iraq in 1991 as an act of justice . That after so much time and energy expended at decryinig America's foreign policy as a 'bastard child' , he now portrays Saddams act of agression against Kuwait as anything but detrimental, shows that this man has his viewing glasses skewed, and is not as interested in justice an fairplay as he would like us to believe. He ruins what might have been a convincing argument on Bush being a religious fanatic, by seemingly refusing to accord the same status to bin Laden and his folk, but instead refers to them in endearing terms. That is plain hypocrisy. Bin Laden recently put aside all doubts to the fact that he was behind the 9/11 attacks; and yet he is no fanatic because he is 'well-mannered and poetic' as compared to the marauding crude Bush? What deception! I say, 'by their fruit you shall know them!' He also seems to display some contempt for the christian faith as well, which of course makes his argument all the more subjective. Surprising that in the end he speaks of the value of objective analysis, yet fails to do just that anywhere in his writeup.

In conclusion, while I am as disappointed that Bush secured re-election, the world would clearly be no less better in the hands of the author. That is my humble opinion.


Just like we muslims have a Qibla and towards it we prostrate at-least 5 times a day, so does lionger have one, ours is Mecca Muqarramah and lionger's is "Washington With bush inside".
lionger, free your mind from slavery,
it hurts to see a person old enough to type without something called grey matter in his skull.