Corrupt and fraudulent Governors

Started by dan mama, September 28, 2006, 01:16:59 PM

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Quote from: "HUSNAA"Give the nation over to women, kuga aiki da cikawa!

I nominate Dora Akunyili


Thank u Amira, Fateez for yr support.  :D With yr votes, we will have a landslide victory. Fateez VP, Amira, take over from ken Nnamani. Meanwhile Lionger, u become special advisor and minister for Men's affairs, and Zizo, Now how would u like a portfolio as ambassador at large and plenipotentiary? 8)

Barde,  :evil: I have reserved a cell for u at Abu Ghraib and U Muhsin choose between kirikiri and Guantanomo Bay. :twisted:

Bakan Gizo explain yrself first and maybe u can save yrself from the  treasonable assertion na kishiya.  :x We wont entertain any opposition parties here. We intend to fully implement the tazarce syndrome in this govt. For that reason, I am blacklisting Guest33 who is  already nominating someone else....  Expect a friendly visit from the secret service soon...... :evil:
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: "HUSNAA"Thank u Amira, Fateez for yr support.  :D With yr votes, we will have a landslide victory. Fateez VP, Amira, take over from ken Nnamani. Meanwhile Lionger, u become special advisor and minister for Men's affairs, and Zizo, Now how would u like a portfolio as ambassador at large and plenipotentiary? 8)

Barde,  :evil: I have reserved a cell for u at Abu Ghraib and U Muhsin choose between kirikiri and Guantanomo Bay. :twisted:

Bakan Gizo explain yrself first and maybe u can save yrself from the  treasonable assertion na kishiya.  :x We wont entertain any opposition parties here. We intend to fully implement the tazarce syndrome in this govt. For that reason, I am blacklisting Guest33 who is  already nominating someone else....  Expect a friendly visit from the secret service soon...... :evil:

What a tyrannical Government!!!


Quote from: "lionger"Funny thread..

The weird thing is that Nigerians r a very religious ppl but this apparently has no effect on the high level of corruption in our country. Makes one wonder.

PS Barde, long time no see. How bodi?  Hope you are having a good Ramadan.

Lionger, Long time, am fine and enjoying my ramadan, hope you are ok too.

Let me continue our disagreement from here. Our problems are directly or indirectly related to religion. As a muslim, i strongly belief that if we implement what Allah and his messenger instruct us to do, Nigeria will be fine. Mallam Shekarau has started, with his Adaidaita Sahu, May Allah reward him abundantly. As per the Christians, let  me quote Rev. William Okey, in his book; Keys to National Tranformation-A christian approach.

"The church is expected to play a prominent role in Nigeria's rebirth, reformation and reconstruction through a redefinition of the nation's morality, code of conduct and disciple. These are achievable if the church places greater emphasis on sound biblical teachings and values. The Bible says righteousness exalts a nation, while the result of unrighteousness includes poverty and want in the midst of plenty. From one of the richest nations in the world a few decades ago, our country has dropped to one of the poorest nations of the world." He concluded by saying "We must strive to make the fear of God and righteousness the foundation upon which this nation is built if we expect to see a turn-around in the fortune of our beloved nation."

I strongly have the same opinion with the reverend father regarding the problems we are facing, that was why i said we should try and implement what our various religions are teaching us and Nigeria will become a great nation.


Quote from: "Barde"

As per the Christians, let  me quote Rev. William Okey, in his book; Keys to National Tranformation-A christian approach.

"The church is expected to play a prominent role in Nigeria's rebirth, reformation and reconstruction through a redefinition of the nation's morality, code of conduct and disciple. These are achievable if the church places greater emphasis on sound biblical teachings and values. The Bible says righteousness exalts a nation, while the result of unrighteousness includes poverty and want in the midst of plenty. From one of the richest nations in the world a few decades ago, our country has dropped to one of the poorest nations of the world." He concluded by saying "We must strive to make the fear of God and righteousness the foundation upon which this nation is built if we expect to see a turn-around in the fortune of our beloved nation."

I strongly have the same opinion with the reverend father regarding the problems we are facing, that was why i said we should try and implement what our various religions are teaching us and Nigeria will become a great nation.

I agree completely with the reverend as well. The role of the church as an organization and as a group of individuals is to positively influence (not dictate, influence) the moral stature of the country - to act as a sort of national conscience, in a sense. But this can only be done by preaching as well as living the words of the Bible. Reverend Okey hits the nail on the head by pin-pointing sound biblical teaching on righteousness and the fear of God. One problem I've had with some Nigerian churches is that there isn't enough of this kind of teaching. Everyone wants to hear about a God of miracles who desires to make his people prosper, but aren't as keen on sermons about holiness, righteous living and integrity. Such attitudes need to change for the good of the church and the nation at large.


Quote from: "HUSNAA"Thank u Amira, Fateez for yr support.  :D With yr votes, we will have a landslide victory. Fateez VP, Amira, take over from ken Nnamani. Meanwhile Lionger, u become special advisor and minister for Men's affairs, and Zizo, Now how would u like a portfolio as ambassador at large and plenipotentiary? 8)

Barde,  :evil: I have reserved a cell for u at Abu Ghraib and U Muhsin choose between kirikiri and Guantanomo Bay. :twisted:

Bakan Gizo explain yrself first and maybe u can save yrself from the  treasonable assertion na kishiya.  :x We wont entertain any opposition parties here. We intend to fully implement the tazarce syndrome in this govt. For that reason, I am blacklisting Guest33 who is  already nominating someone else....  Expect a friendly visit from the secret service soon...... :evil:
Funniest thread of the year :lol: .
Oh! Barde has said the word I wanna say. Anyway, you gave me two choice thus I prepare Guantanomi Bay :shock: . You see, I'll be afar from you form there and then I may be released someday may be by Fidel Castro. :idea:
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Quote from: "Husnaa"Plenipotentiary?
:?  :?:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:
Quote from: "lionger"Funny thread..

The weird thing is that Nigerians r a very religious ppl but this apparently has no effect on the high level of corruption in our country. Makes one wonder.
Iv always said that Nigerians are very God-conscious and not God-fearing people.
I agree with u and Barde,religion should NEVER be separated from state,Nigeria will never succed as s secular state??..
Nor will it succeed with a woman as head :)


Plenipotentiary =  invested with a full go ahead to represent yr govt and make decisions independent of the govt. (That was a post given to someone in one of the past nigerian administrations, either Shagari's time or during the Babangida era)
Anyway. Seriously though, I think most of the men who refuse to consider a woman as a possible candidate do so because they feel threatened by them. History has shown that men have no justificatication for holding the view that women cannot lead. In fact where women have been leaders, the countries have prospered economically. I mean look at two glaring examples in Nigeria. The appointment of Okwonjo Iweala as Finance minister yielded some spectacular results in that we got rid of at least half of our debts. Who could boast of such an achievement amongst the men? Look at Dora Akunyili. She is doing what no Nigerian man put in her post has managed to do!! Even NDLEA cannot boast of having achieved as much as she has in terms of sanitizing the pharmaceutical industry. These are just two women who have been given the chance to serve Nigeria and they came out with shining colors.
If we go out further afield, we take a look at Ellen Sirleaf Johnson. Within a few months of assuming office in Liberia she was able to ensure that parts of the capital Monrovia got access to pupm water for the first time in 15 yrs!! The water supplied also met WHO standards according to the MD of the Liberian water corporation. Ellen Johnson also installed generator powered street lights in the capital Monrovia also after 15yrs without electricity.

The implication of this with respect to Nigeria is that Ellen Johnson has practically illustrated how easy it is to make water and electricity accessible to the common ppl. In otherwords, every local govt in Nigeria ought to have been been enjoying pipe borne water and electricity for the last 20yrs or so. These facilities should have been common place and taken for granted in Nigeria, given the billions of naira that were supposed to have passed down to local govts for development projects.
These are just some examples of African women. There is no need for me to go afar and touch on others like Margaret Thatcher and Hilary Clinton, who given the chance will make an excellent American president, just like her husband was.
Another thing is that women are not war mongers. If a woman loses an election, she is not likely to plunge her country into civil war or threaten to do so like what is happening now between Laurent Kabila and the other contestant for the presidency of the democratic Republic of Congo, Jean Pierre Bemba, whose militia on both sides have engaged in gun battles following the announcements of the results of the election of which there was no clear winner.
Recently a week ago or so, Zambia held its national  elections. One of the presidential hopefuls Michael Sata was  reported in the news  to be threatening to resort to violence, should he not find himself the next elected head of Zambia, or should there be election malpractices.

Behavior like this is only associated with men, not with women and it goes a long way to destabilizing countries and entire regions, and all as result of men being in power. Shame on African male Head of States. You have really shown yrselves to be greedy, power drunk and useless. This is an indictment that no one on this board can contest!!!

PS Barde's response to my earlier post was to write that my hypothetical govt was tyrannical!!. I am so glad he wrote that because the despotic setup of the imaginary govt is exactly what the current Nigerian and some orthe past govts have been like.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Madam Husnaa, I agree with the spirit of your post; though not necessarily the letter. However I think Barde's and Muhsins issues with female rulers seems to be based on a religious perspective, i.e. Islam. What do u say to that?


Quote from: "lionger"Madam Husnaa, I agree with the spirit of your post; though not necessarily the letter. However I think Barde's and Muhsins issues with female rulers seems to be based on a religious perspective, i.e. Islam. What do u say to that?
why not the letter? Where have I got it wrong?
Yes, u are rite about Muhsin and Barde. But the Islamic perspective never made it sound as derogatory as those two did, and the reasons why women cant assume the mantle of power are also different from those of M and B. It maybe my ignorance in Islamic matters but I am still to discover where there were categorical statements made either by the Prophet SAW or in the Qur'an about the unsuitability of women as rulers. I know that in legal matters, women must not become public judges, not because we are not as intelligent as men, but bcos women are prone to hormonal imbalances which makes their mental faculties less sharp at some times. For the same reasons women are far more compassionate, and disposed to being emotional than men so there is a possibility that they will be more lenient where a severe judgement is required. But I guess the greatest responsibility that God gave a woman is bearing and looking after offsprings which is indeed very great, and for that matter, did not impose on her the additional burden of ruling a nation.
The irony of it is that if only ppl realized that ruling over a nation in the Islamic sense is like walking on a tight rope, no one will volunteer to do it let alone fight to the death to have the so called priviledge of doing so.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: "zizo"
Quote from: "lionger"Funny thread..

The weird thing is that Nigerians r a very religious ppl but this apparently has no effect on the high level of corruption in our country. Makes one wonder.
Iv always said that Nigerians are very God-conscious and not God-fearing people.
I agree with u and Barde,religion should NEVER be separated from state,Nigeria will never succed as s secular state??..
Nor will it succeed with a woman as head :)

I didn't understand Barde's post to be about combination of religion and state - though I wouldn't be surprised if that's what he actually meant. But this has proven time and time again to be a failed route. If the tragically flawed defense of Yerima's alleged indiscretions on this very forum is anything to go by; it will solve absolutely nothing, but will create other problems.

From your other posts zizo I see that you are a very patriotic and optimistic person who desires the best for Nigeria. Nigeria is a multireligious society. Therefore it simply cannot functioinally exist as anything other than a secular state. Sudan tried it the other way; look what happened. There is no doubt in my mind that this other route will only accomplish the worst in Nigeria, not the best.


Quote from: "Barde"
Let me continue our disagreement from here. Our problems are directly or indirectly related to religion. As a muslim, i strongly belief that if we implement what Allah and his messenger instruct us to do, Nigeria will be fine.

Bearing in mind dat Nigeria is nt an Islamic dominated country. If another is a strongly believing christian, & others subjects theirselves in other believes, which religious umbrella shud the politics itself go under?  There is bound 2 b conflict of interest!

Plus these days religion is next of kin 2 politics anyway!  However, where has it taken other countries? I can see Iraq, America, Palestine & Israel duin very well!!!

I stresssss in vainnnnnnnn :evil:, ppl shud hav as much regard as possible 4 religion all in d name of good politics ......Do away wit such reasons like religion or ethnic bckgrounds & put politics on gud grounds.......Any alternative Barde?.....But I will tell u dat the BIG PROBLEM is NOT directly related 2 religion. Good Economics makes gud politics!!!! Instead, d corrupt politicians go around harvestin money like drift net fishing, scourin our country from its good economic ocean.

Yeah & 4 all of u sayin women dis, women dat......I will get bck in due course.
Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


Its like am been misuderstood. My opinion is that, if we are going to make a difference in this nation at this critical time, we must put aside greed and put on the spirit of good moral behaviour. Things of eternal value must have preminence in our lives, we must come to live with eternity in view, and also realise that life does not end here, that we are pilgrims and strangers in this world, therefore we have to live for the hereafter. If religious leaders can emphasise on these teachings, i think Nigeria will be great.

And the issue of women as rulers, i still hold the opinion that it is a waste of time discussing the issue. I think the nonsense originated from the west and to my greatest suprise, they dont seems to buy the idea anymore. There was a survey conducted across the UK by ITV, the topic was What does a Man loves in a Woman? majority of those who responded went for a Full time house wife, for no other reason than to stay and take care of the children. On the final day of the survey, they showed some kindergaten homes where working mothers go to dump their babies before going to work. Everybody(including the mothers) was in total disbelief when we saw how the attendants, at various occasions, were maltreating the children, they dont give them food as at when due, so also the children will excret and they will be left unattended, etc. It was concluded that as a result of this maltreatment, about 10-15 children misbehave across the UK in every five minutes, and the reason was that those children grew-up without their motherly care.


*Signs*......where r d "Flintstones"? I meant Fred & Barney....(Barde & Muhsin). Seriously I taught stone age was an era of the past & u guys hav got rid of cocoa leaves & xchanged dem 4 clothes. That statement of "woman's place is in d kitchen" is long gone but d way I c it, u boys r just guided by ur very over inflated MACHO EGO's, which has resulted in ur propagation dat a woman shud not work but deserves only 2 b in d kitchen!!!!! :P  What's my gripe is, how these boys go on about women cant & shudnt work!!! And the annoying thing is how the cunningingly use religion to support their point.

Lionger rehighlighted......their claim.....dont mind them jare. I dont know where they got the notion of their misconception & they r here harbouring that idea. Let me shed a LITTLE LIGHT on d LITTLE I KNOW

Islam is eligatarian & has a creed that rejects that macho "feeeeeel" men have ova women. Islam detonates the connotion dat men feel of being superior 2 women & considering them inferior. men.

The Almighty said: "The best of u in my sight is d best conduct of my conciousness" (S48-13). The Messeger also said: "All ppl r equal like the teeth of a comb. No merits 4 an arab over a non-arab or a white ova a black or of a male ova a female & women were d twin halves of men" It is therefore difficult 2 imagine twin halves who do not have EQUAL RIGHTS!!!!!!!

Islam does not prohibit women from working but emphasises upon the abhorrence of anything that will cause abstinence.

During the time of th Prophet (P.B.U.H) Women like Al-Rubayya Bint Muaawith accompanied the army to war giving water n treatment 2 d injured as recounted byAhamad Al Bukhari. Isnt that a job, a responsibility? If a woman is widowed & has no hopes of remarrying cant she go out & work? Stuck with financial hardship? When push comes to shove wouldnt a woman go out & work? In many circumstances, it will become imperative for a woman 2 work. There r professions where women r sorely required. Instance? Medical field, or is there no such area where a woman wants another woman's supervision?

In as much as a womans place is in the house, Islam does not intent on caging a woman just at the expense of the man 2 diminish her dignity her, torment or belittle her of having no purpose but 2 cook & clean, nor  intended on satisfyin a man's pride for machoness, rather:

It is suggested that a woman should stay at home 2 protect her nature & feminity away frm "WOLVES" who like 2 devour & illicitly exploit her 4 commerce purpose 2 soothen their greed.
Respect her supreme function because God gave her more than a man's portion of compassion, affection, sensitivity & an even more compassion for motherhood, which supersedes all industries in the nation, & that is the industry 4 d future generation.
Women make up half of society & r responsible 4 nurturing, guiding & reforming the susequent generation of men & women......more respect 2 women ojhare!!
Islam allows her 2 work outside the home & in appropriate  jobs which suites her nature, her concern & her capacity. If these requirements are met...A WOMAN CAN WORK & IS CONSIDERED LEGITTTT!!!!!
I am not all for stupid liberation & other unsupporting interlectual reasons that has invaded d minds of other women who hit their chest & say "wat a man does, a women does even better", civilisation or freedom reasons but that there is a neat line drawn on the permisability of female muslim workers, which all boils down on maintaining a barrier b/w a man & a woman.

Typical!!! Another excuse! A'a......even in Nigeria not western societies ......families get Nannies.......u r off 2 work, wife needs a little xtra help. Well, on that point, parents shud first check on what kind of creche center they drop their kinds. Thou this is not a strong reasons, why women should not work!!. Only God knows how many nannies u had when u were a baby. (she laffs)

Barde digg this......As woman with spine (she laffs), I stand poised 2 annouce that it will soon b a takeover, sittin on d Presidential seat will b a woman......& trust me Nigeria will go tru a rebirth....just giv it time.

Despite ur slammin, am still jammin!!!


Quote from: "ummita"*Signs*......where r d "Flintstones"? I meant Fred & Barney....(Barde & Muhsin).


Lol! I like that!!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol: you really nailed them there!!
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum