On The Couch

Started by *~MuDa~*, December 10, 2006, 09:38:12 PM

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You are right about the facebk, snaptu, twitter thing. And like you said, you are there and still find time to peep in here. Truth be told, I tasted those social sites and to me they are just shallow. Ba wani abin sha'awa. There's nothing to hold your interest, nothing serious being discussed, you learn nothing there.

Back to topic; I have never even heard of those films you mentioned.


Well, serious discussions sometimes take place, but that happens once at a time. A user just updates his/her status, telling "friends" what they think, feel, imagine, etc. It's many a times something so trivial and unworthy of any discussion, hence that attracts only a few people's attention. In contrast, women's, or better girls' updates get special (and undue) comments while each commenter tries to get her special acknowledgement. I always laugh at this. The only advantage of those social networks (facebook, particularly) is when one "like" news out-lets where u'll be getting updates on their news.     Back to topic: it's surprising what u said. I watched one more yesterday; u'll hardly know this as well, for it's quite new--2011. It's titled: The Mechanic. If you like action film, get this one. Statham acted very well.be getting updates on their news.     Back to topic: it's surprising what u said. I watched one more yesterday; u'll hardly know this as well, for it's quite new--2011. It's titled: The Mechanic. If you like action film, get this one. Statham acted very well.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Hahah.  I was laughing about the status updates on facebook/twitter etc. You are right, it is so trivial and childish. "enroute to abuja", "am sick pray 4 me", "am hunrgy", "just woke up", "wassup peeps?". Mtsssw. Shirme kawai. And like you mentioned, a girl will only post "Hmmmn", and hundred guys will descend on her page, trying very hard to out-do each other in commenting :D :D

I like Jason Statham. He's an action man, he plays both villain and hero and  he is good at each. I like action films, so I'll try look for The Mechanic.


LOL, ai social sites sun zama annoba. Sai ma kun hada da blackberry. Total annoba kenan.

I have watched the mechanic. Ni kuma on the other hand bana son Statham cos bana gane turancin shi and he's too rigid and a one man army person. Usually the directors of the movies he plays make the action disturbing,the moves are so fast its not clear what is happening till after the action (thats how i see it anyway).

These are movies i enjoyed lately:
Adjustment Bureau
Fast five
Toy story 3
Green Lantern
The Kings' speech
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Unlike BKGZ, I also don't like  Statham, but for a diferent reason, i.e he hardly acts in a film without him taking part in somewhat dirty sexual acts. He's so promiscous, I believe. He's of course a one-man army but second-rate to Steven Seagal, whom I totally hate. His (Statham's) English too is not very decipherable, but I understand it except in one film: The Bank Robbery. And I think that happened to me bcus the film is set in 70s, hence all the xters in the film speak archaic English.        Yesterday I watched Christ Rock's heart-cracker film, Head of State. Go for this film if u want to laugh. Lastly, I'll look for those films you watched, GGNK. I know whichever film u praise is praiseworthy. You are not a novice in this matter. Lol!y, I'll look for those films you watched, GGNK. I know whichever film u praise is praiseworthy. You are not a novice in this matter. Lol!
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Muhsin, kace Statham is 'promiscuous'? ;D Kasan ma'anar promiscuity kuwa? Its a wrong word to use in this context. Okay, you guys don't like him. Fair enough ;) Oddly enough, one of the reason I'm not too interested in Travolta's films is I don't usually understand his turanci. The way he speaks. Now goga is saying the same about Statham.


Muhsin,kar ka kumbura min kai fa. I also recommend bad ones. I'm sure you will enjoy the King's speech.

BKGZ, True,travolta has one kind of tongue,like he speaks with his teeth.

I watched 'the rise of the planet of the apes' and was so disappointed.
Watched Conan the barbarian too and was disappointed too.

Akwai mai kallon 'big bang theory?
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


just finished downloading "Conan the barbarian" for the first time
and its refused to play, wai until i download coralplayer, haushi
can some one help me?

Na dawo with full force, a nema min abin yi pls.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


DB welcome.

What is the extension of the file you downloaded?

Coral player din nan is a scam i heard. They prompt you to download it for a small fee. Probably,the link to the movie you downloaded was sponsored or put up by them to lure you.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Quote from: Dan-Borno on September 29, 2011, 03:22:42 PM
just finished downloading "Conan the barbarian" for the first time
and its refused to play, wai until i download coralplayer, haushi
can some one help me?

Na dawo with full force, a nema min abin yi pls.

Haba Mallam. Ba busa, ba daga hannu? Naji ance wata ce ta rike ka facebook ;D
Toh, barka da dawowa


Quote from: bakangizo on September 30, 2011, 08:12:30 AM
Naji ance wata ce ta rike ka facebook ;D
Abokina thanks for the warm welcome.  Gaskiya akwai kwailaye
a facebook, akwai yan-mata a BB, akwai gwaskaye a twitter
abin ba a cewa komai sai dai masha Allah.  Yan mata sunyi arha
bulus kamar gonja a jos.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Hahahahahaha. Allah yai dare gari ya waye; DB back aboard! Welcome back. Kace shiya jim kadan ka canja profile picture. Ka fa aje biyu a gida; a barmu ko daya mu samu mana. BTW, @BGZ, I ofcourse know the meaning of the word: promiscuity. It's more surprising how you think I don't. I maybe wrong, though, in saying he's promiscuos as I don't know him in real life and hence lack the firsthand to substantiate my claim. But with the little I know in films, he IS, I reiterate. Or his directors give him the bad roles. Did u watch Crank? He has sex in a public place--a busy road. Nasty similar acts occur in his many other films. a public place--a busy road. Nasty similar acts occur in his many other films.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Quote from: Dan-Borno on September 30, 2011, 09:55:26 AM
Quote from: bakangizo on September 30, 2011, 08:12:30 AM
Naji ance wata ce ta rike ka facebook ;D
Abokina thanks for the warm welcome.  Gaskiya akwai kwailaye
a facebook, akwai yan-mata a BB, akwai gwaskaye a twitter
abin ba a cewa komai sai dai masha Allah.  Yan mata sunyi arha
bulus kamar gonja a jos.

Gaskiya mutumin kace ka hole abinka. Amma baka gayyace ni ba



Start watching one very captivating, thrilling adventure film (initially a TV Series) titled "Game of Thrones" yesterday. I may tell you more about it next time.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak