On The Couch

Started by *~MuDa~*, December 10, 2006, 09:38:12 PM

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Oh Yes! I did watch sleepy hollow. Dats da story of Ichabod Crane right?

Da one with da headless horseman. watched it but a long time ago tho. He

was a weirdo...Hehe. Anyways, I find the real life Johnny Depp really boring

but his characters in films are wonderful. Have you seen Chocolat? My best

Johnny Depp role is Jack Sparrow and as weird as it may sound - Willy Wonka.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."    ~ Mark Twain


Are u talking about the film Chacolat with juliette Binoche or Charlie and Chocolate factory? Johnny Depp appeared in both films. I have watched Chacolat and for the life of me couldnt see what the brouhaha over the film was all about. It was just the same with that Fabulous Destiny of Amelie or some such title.. that french film starring Audrey Tatou. I am sure u must know it since u like foreign films.I simply didnt gel with either film. Maybe cos i was expecting something and I got something else. At anyrate I watched Amelie again a second time and I liked it much better then, but just...
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Hi everyone, i've just seen 'The Prestige', the movie was highly intruiguing, but i t was so confusing too, they really did some nice mind games there, i never knew all the tym Christian Bale had a double, that was smart u know, but wut i dont understand is that at the end they made it to look as if Borden (bale) was innocent afterall, and Angiers (Hugh) was the villain, i dont understand, can someone pls explain to me?

Another mind game i just seen is Cube II, what a thrill!
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Guys, how good is "Prison Break"? A friend has been bothering me to watch it.


Quote from: *~MuDaCriS~* on June 17, 2007, 09:59:45 AM
Hi everyone, i've just seen 'The Prestige', the movie was highly intruiguing, but i t was so confusing too, they really did some nice mind games there, i never knew all the tym Christian Bale had a double, that was smart u know, but wut i dont understand is that at the end they made it to look as if Borden (bale) was innocent afterall, and Angiers (Hugh) was the villain, i dont understand, can someone pls explain to me?

Another mind game i just seen is Cube II, what a thrill!

I think why Angier happened to be the villain is because he is obsessed with taking revenge probably Borden wasnt sure of the knot he tied. I think the the idea of the firm is to caution one agains obsession

Quote from: Bakan~Gizo on June 26, 2007, 03:18:39 PM
Guys, how good is "Prison Break"? A friend has been bothering me to watch it.

You should watch it man the prog is really good


Quote from: Bakan~Gizo on June 26, 2007, 03:18:39 PM
Guys, how good is "Prison Break"? A friend has been bothering me to watch it.

You'll enjoy it BKGZ.
Women dont like it sha but it's very gripping.
I spent one whole night watching season one. I just couldn't stop.
Get the DVD's,i got one at the place you referred me.
If you are buying,then chooses the one in the paper like case not the one in usual plastic case,its clearer.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Who has watched 'The Davinchi code?Is it interesting?
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


I Heard its highly blasphemous so i havent really bordered finding it anywhere, the same thing goes to 'Constantine', i heard that one is even more blasphemous, so what is it with Keenu Reaves and blasphemy? 'The Matrix, The Devil's Advocate, Constantine'? And kuma he is my favourite coz of the matrix but...arghhhhhhhhhh!
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Go ahead and watch the  Davinci code. There is nothing blasphemous about it. I Havent read the book nor watched the film either, but it is just espousing western religious creeds. Remember that the Jesus christ the christians aspire to is not the same as the jesus that muslims aspire to. So there cant be any blasphemy if u dont equate the christian version of jesus with the islamic version.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: *~MuDaCriS~* on June 29, 2007, 09:48:25 PM
I Heard its highly blasphemous so i havent really bordered finding it anywhere, the same thing goes to 'Constantine', i heard that one is even more blasphemous, so what is it with Keenu Reaves and blasphemy? 'The Matrix, The Devil's Advocate, Constantine'? And kuma he is my favourite coz of the matrix but...arghhhhhhhhhh!

If u just look at every film from a detached point of view especially the blasphmous ones, they wont have any impact on ur thoughts. Keanu has become a fav actor of mine also, ever since I first saw him in speed. There is something so irresistible about him.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: HUSNAA on June 30, 2007, 05:07:18 AM
Quote from: *~MuDaCriS~* on June 29, 2007, 09:48:25 PM
I Heard its highly blasphemous so i havent really bordered finding it anywhere, the same thing goes to 'Constantine', i heard that one is even more blasphemous, so what is it with Keenu Reaves and blasphemy? 'The Matrix, The Devil's Advocate, Constantine'? And kuma he is my favourite coz of the matrix but...arghhhhhhhhhh!

If u just look at every film from a detached point of view especially the blasphmous ones, they wont have any impact on ur thoughts. Keanu has become a fav actor of mine also, ever since I first saw him in speed. There is something so irresistible about him.

I had to applaud ur karma for just being of Keanu's fans, but hey..wut is it really about him? u can tell me ehn? i wont mention! lol...*grins*
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


No HUsnaa, dont be too quick to judge, there is so much Blasphemy. But the movie is also quite nice. I read the book its like 3 times better than the movie and I read the actual book dan brown made his book upon. i.e Holy blood and Holy Grail, its an incredible and intelligent assumption which everyone knows to be a lie. Quite convincing too.

Well I got a few movies here, mostly classical but definately worth watching. Armageddon, A beautiful mind, Sweet November, The Notebook, Scent of a woman, The wedding Singer, I wont make the list long so one more... lord of the rings
Safety and Peace


Quote from: *~MuDaCriS~* on July 01, 2007, 09:58:11 AM

I had to applaud ur karma for just being of Keanu's fans, but hey..wut is it really about him? u can tell me ehn? i wont mention! lol...*grins*

Lol Muda! What inquisitiveness!!  ;D
Keanu Reeves? I dont know.... I think it is in my subconscious somehow. Has to do with my adolescence.. He looks like someone I used to like I think  ;D

Quote from: ibro2go HUsnaa, dont be too quick to judge, there is so much Blasphemy.

Hmm....... OK I concede the point. I will get th book and the film and see both. But I cant honestly think that there is as much blasphemy as there is in the satanic verses or the cartoons. These have become my standards for judging blasphemy in books and films. Even the devil's advocate was innocent as far as I am concerned. Mind u I have not seen the cartoons or read salman rushdies satanic verses and I have no wish to, for fear of contamination.
I have watched a beautiful mind...and it is a beautiful movie...brilliant simply brilliant. I heard that John Nash once gave a lecture somewhere in a southeast asian city and not a single person understood completely what he was on about.. that is how brilliant he is. One of my former professors whose area of  expertize was on Voronoi triangles, once told us an anecdote on how he went to a conference  organized by some mathematical society and one of the other genius professors was giving a paper talking about the 16th dimension or something like that. He said no one understood a thing throughout the presentation....hahahaha!!

Lord of the rings?? Brilliant simply brilliant. Peter Jackson wants the rights for the Hobbit so he can film that one too. But he has been refused. Crazy isnt it? Anyway I have read the hobbit.. Took it off the professor I was talking about earlier and read the book. Its tough going. In the end it is interesting, but its made me realize that I couldnt have read JRR Tolkien's trilogy even if I had wanted to, and believe me, I'd been seeing them in my old school library since I was 12 yrs old, and yet I'd always thought of them as science fiction in the genre of ASIMOV (what's his first name?) So I never read them. Funnily enough even though the films are hugely successful, I havent heard of a revival of the books as best sellers or everyone's cup of tea.. they are just too literary  and not in the easy going style of JK Rawlings's Harry Potter. My Prof was also telling me that JRR Tolkien was a bosom buddy of CS Lewis who wrote the Narnia Chronicles.. Now those are a set of books that I have read every single one when I was  12 or 14 and I still love them. I read them when I get the chance still.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Anyone read the novel "Clan of The Cave Bear"? Not really a classic as such, but very interesting indeed. Set during the glacial/prehistoric era, the book was on about the evolution of the "present" humans, and the resultant generic and physical conflict between the modern human and the cave man (early man, if you like). I was told it was made into a film but I haven't seen it.


Quote from: Bakan~Gizo on July 02, 2007, 02:17:49 PM
Anyone read the novel "Clan of The Cave Bear"? Not really a classic as such, but very interesting indeed. Set during the glacial/prehistoric era, the book was on about the evolution of the "present" humans, and the resultant generic and physical conflict between the modern human and the cave man (early man, if you like). I was told it was made into a film but I haven't seen it.

I have read clan of the cave bear. Long time ago also. Its the story of a human girl who became the 'wife' of an australopethecus or what ever the early non homosapiens are called... oh a homo erectus, I think that is what they were. She wasnt accepted in the clan because she was hairless or something like that, and I think in the end she gave birth to a child that was half homo sapien and half erectus and then at the end of the book she meets a human like herself. Very fanciful novel, but very interesting like u said BK.

Who's read 'the temple of my familiar?' This is a very very obscure novel by the author of the color purple, (Alice Walker I think is her name) Its really heady and heavy, but as u get tucked into it, it becomes unputdownable. Its so weird and strange that I dont even know how to tell the story.. except to say its about this woman who believes herself to be a reincarnation  of several ppl and creatures in different time periods and she intertwines her present life with her past lives in a strange concoction.. really weird and non filmable I think unlike the color purple.

Who has read Alan Quatermain  By (am.... cant remember his name)... same guy who wrote 'king solomon's mines'.. I think films like indiana jones Congo and all those fanciful treasure hunting films were based on books like alan quatermain and king solomon's mines. Very interesting book. There is this very interesting film called 'SHE'. I think the same author as Alan Quatermain wrote the novel 'She' and it was made into a film. It used to be one of my favorite childhood films. It is also about a secret kingdom ruled by an immortal woman who'd lived since the times of the ancient egyptians or longer and she is kept young and beautiful by bathing in a fire  that lights up once every how many yrs was it?? Gosh its been a long while!!!! So one day these ppl who were also treasure hunters stumbled upon the hidden passage to the kingdom and get inside. One of the men looked like a former lover of hers whom she presumably killed off because he was unfaithful or something like that (maybe) so being a wicked woman anyway, she kills his fiancee by feeding her to crocodiles or having her thrown into a pit full of something horrible. Then she hypnotizes the man into falling in love with her and then she shows him her secret of immortal life and nearly initiates him into immortality. However his friends I think come just in time to rescue him and stop the fire appearing that one time. Thus the queen then disintegrates into a hag and then into a skeleton which crumbles to the ground... and that was the end of her reign of terror. The actress who played her was not Raquel welch but am oh..... what's her name? that woman who was in Dr. NO? So very very beautiful.... cant remember her name... its been such a long time. I remember........URSULA ANDRESS One of the most beautiful women of her generation.....
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum