Started by HUSNAA, December 11, 2006, 05:48:29 AM

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Last Friday, special prayers were held at the central mosqye in London for the soul of the departed Russian Spy Alexander Litvinenko who became a muslim shortly before his death (Allahu Akbar!!).
According to Litvinenko's father, Alexander asked to be buried according to Islamic rites.  
Litvinenko's sister is married to a muslim.

The story of Litvinenko's conversion to Islam reminds me of a famous hadeeth of the Prophet SAW in which the Prophet said  that  a person can be commiting sins all his life and at the very end of it, he repents, and Allah Accepts his repentance and forgives him and another person does everything that merits thawab until at the very end of his life he does something which earns him the Displeasure of Allah SWT and he dies an kaafir. This is an example of the hadeeth which we in our life time have witnessed. I am sure a lot of us have seen this also with not so high profile situations. May this serve to increase our iman  Ameen.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Imagine? He's really lucky to have such a good transition. We wish millions will soon follow his footsteps-Ameen.
Husnaa, can you please write more on how he convert? I know you must have read or heard how was it.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


hi Husna
i'm a newbie here can u pls verify that story about litvinenko? didnt see anything in the media or papers.
"corgito ergo sum"


"corgito ergo sum"



Muhsin, when you say you wish millions will follow LITVINENKO's footsteps, are you saying millions should become Russian spies, then quit at some point, move to England, and become opponent of the Russian regime, then go have Lunch one day with other agents, and then get poisoned during lunch, become famous as a result of the poisoning, get real sick, have UK govt accuse Kremlin, and then die eventually. Oh, before dying, become a muslim at some point, then after dying be buried according to Muslim rites? Is this what you are hoping millions of others would emulate? I just want to be clear. Thx.



Sorry to butt in, but Ete, muhsin is simply praying for million to see the light of islam where ever they are, and what ever they do, and which ever color they may be, in their early or later life.
The amazing thing about litvinenko's case is how the light sparkle into his eye at last minute of his life..........WHAT A BLESSING!
I pray for all not just million.
!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!


I didn't know that Ete has asked such question. But to me this is baseless 'cuz my language is plain. My meaning wasn't at all concealed. Though, Myself had had finished saying what is to be said. Thanks for that.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Myself you clearly explain what 'light' sparkled into LITVINENKO's eyes? BBC never reported any such thing. LITVINENKO's friends and family never reported such an event either. What light are you therefore talking about?
But I have to question this entire conversion story. First off, I don't know what the whole excitement is all about. Are death bed conversions sybolic or something? It is quite apparent that ALEXANDER LITVINENKO was not himself. The poison that afflicted him had eaten deep into his brain cells and he had no control over what he was saying or what he wanted. This man was suffering from demential at this point and clearly was not with his faculties intact. How could he have converted to Islam when he had never read the Koran, never observed any muslim rites, never been to Mecca, never performed hajj, never married four wives like that urchinous waziri. This man is clearly not a Muslim, and never intended to be one. Given his degraded condition, I can understand how he could have been talking in a confused mindset and not knowing what he was saying.
I am surprised people here actually rejoiced over this. Let's just hope Mr Litvinenko rests in peace, but it is clear he never converted to anything. He was just sick.


Quote from: NewEte on January 17, 2007, 04:59:04 AM
How could he have converted to Islam when he had never read the Koran, never observed any muslim rites, never been to Mecca, never performed hajj, never married four wives like that urchinous waziri.

Haba Ete, i used to support you in your arguments, but it seems, this time around you are deviating.  I will advice you on friendly relation, that you should please and please read about Islam very well, since most of your friends (kanoonline discussion) are Muslims, and by one way or the other, issues relating to Islam must be discussed.  It is not good to utter a word on something you dont have first class knowledge on it.

You quite knew that Islam is not all about reading the Qur'an, going to Mecca or marrying four wives alone.  You can still be a Muslim without all these.

Kindly take correction and apologise, while we continue with the discussion.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Dan Borno, please don't get me wrong. This was not intended to offend you or Islam. Far from it. My views are not anti-Islam. For instance, I was the one defending the rights of our muslim brothers who were mistreated by the Saudi authorities after they had performed hajj and were en route back to Nigeria. Their goods that they purchased with their hard  earned money were seized from them. I think this was wrong, discriminatory, and very demeaning.
But Dan Borno do you know that while I protested this shabby treatment of our muslim bothers and sisters, there were some muslims here that opposed the legitimate concern I raised?
You see Dan Borno, I honestly don't judge people based on religion, color, or ethnic origin. January 15th was Martin Luther King Day here, and in the words of Dr. King, people ought to be judge not by their skin color or beliefs, but by the content of their heart and by their actions.
If a muslim man were to suddenly convert to Buddhism, zorostrianism. Judaism or any other religion while incapacitated on a death bed, people would question that conversion. As a matter of fact, it will be a controversial conversion because questions will be raised about that individual's mindset and mental capacity in an effort to determine if the individual truly understood his/her actions.

So it in this same vein that my views were expressed. It wasn' t to offend you. The point is becoming a muslim is such a sacred thing, and it is not just for anybody. You know there are so many fake and evil muslims out there that are not following the teachings of the Prophet. Look at Vice President Atiku Abubarkar for example. So the point that was being made was, before someone professes to be a muslim, let us put the individual to the test and see if they meet the criteria. I mean Islam is not just like any common religion out there you know. So when people claim to be part of it, we need to verify this so they trivialise the experience of being a muslim.

So Dan Borno, I hope you I have clarified the position, and once again, the intent was never to offend you. So let's contribute some more to several issues on this forum. Take care


Thank you very much NewEte, if at all sentiment will be dropped aside, it would have been better, but i will still stress the need for you to study a particular topic before commenting on it.

"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Quotenever married four wives like that urchinous waziri.
waziri did not even post anything to this thread! This is uncalled for and unbecoming of our Forum rules...
Kaini Kano ko a buhun barkono!!!


Admin, are you a fair guy, or is your intervention one sided? You say waziri never posted anything, but waziri butted in on another thread and references to me when I never even addressed him in the first place. Furthermore, I was called names by Husnna, and you cannot claim ignorance of that, but you never once called them to order. So my question is, am I being merginalised here? Or do the same rules not apply to everyone? Please tell me so I'll know once and for all.



Haba, Ete, i dont like the way you address little issues, i enjoy your company in this forum, because topics you brought to this forum are current issues and i like it.

What Admin is trying to do is to redirect us to our topic, dont be offended please, if admin is biased, then there is no need for this forum.

Please Ete, be cool and lets carry on.

What did you say......?
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak