Hama vs Fatah;What a demoralizing?

Started by Muhsin, December 19, 2006, 12:27:18 PM

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Ete, now NewEte, you are welcome back on board. Hope this time....... ;D.

Sincerely, I begin to lose my train of thought concerning such affairs. What a detestable they are growing into. My people, in order to set my heart free, this is what should rightly be done, I believe. Isn't it? For, I have one rotten feeling, and thats of taking things that are below my ankle to the high of mountain. Thus as far as I don't do that; anything can happen.

For instance; I was yesterday watching CNN, and today listening to BBC WorldToday and Hausa Site, when I disheartenly heard/saw somethings very, very horrible. I.e
1-Islamic faction Fatah vowed to continue almost fighting with its counterpart-Hamas.They even abducted one 'big' member of the latter.2- Few, fresh fighting in Somalia. Thus discussion going on how to take peacekeepers (probably US troops) to there. 3- Sudanees-Dafurian in worst situation. 4- Bombs blasted in Irag, where tens had died. Hence, Bush is thinking of sending more marines there. etc. What a more demoralising?
I'm dead tired from hearing these. Fighting between........everywhere? Kai!

Waziri, Dave, lionger, Husnaa please forget this. Lets talk about our country.And other issues. And let them fend for thier own. Though, some of us mentioned are muslims, so please feel sympathy just for our brothers and sisters. Even this is quiet enough!

Your youngest bro.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


My prayer is that; the ongoing discussion in Syria between these two faction group is gonna end up with a good harvest-Ameen.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Yeah Mushin, you are right. Those news reports are demoralising. Stop watching CNN and stop listening to BBC English or hausa service. It is the same thing. You don't need to hear these sad stories. You need to watch something that will make you laugh and uplift your spirit. Watch Tom and Jerry cartoon instead. It may make you laugh, and laughter is good for your soul.


Malam Sabo Ete, this advice is not only for Muhsin, I think I also need it.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Quote from: NewEte on January 24, 2007, 07:42:18 PM
Yeah Mushin, you are right. Those news reports are demoralising. Stop watching CNN and stop listening to BBC English or hausa service. It is the same thing. You don't need to hear these sad stories. You need to watch something that will make you laugh and uplift your spirit. Watch Tom and Jerry cartoon instead. It may make you laugh, and laughter is good for your soul.

Lol :)
But why shan't I be worried about them? Their affair is mine as they are muslims. Their being far away from me matters not. I can't excape!
Though, your hint is welcome. I'll soon start mixing-up the two. So, there then, my depression will likely be minimized, isn't it?
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Quote from: Dan-Borno on January 24, 2007, 10:38:38 PM
Malam Sabo Ete, this advice is not only for Muhsin, I think I also need it.

Lol Dan Borno

Ete is being his usual sarcastic self, he doesnt mean it as genuine advice to l'l Muhsin. He's making fun of him.

Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Alan gubro na so in yi maka magana akan sa amma na ce ba dai in kyale ka.Basu da hankali ko kadan,ga raina mutane da addinin mu da dabi'un mu.Ba a girma ma su sai su dauka dan sun fi mu ne.ka zo kana kiran sa Yaya, bakin ciki kamar ya kashe ni.Na san su kamar wutar cikina kuma ba su san komai ba.
"corgito ergo sum"



I yesterday heard in the news that Isma'il Haniyah, Palastinian Leader and his government resigned. He did so to restore the peace and establish a new government of both Hamas and Fatah representatives. Great Kudus to King Abdallah for giving birth to this new dev. He (Abdallah) is the person who through every thick and thin called on the two Islamic factions to table. And now it ends with a good harvest.

We are always praying for eternal unity among our Muslims sis&bros. Allah ya kara bamu zaman lafiya-Ameem!
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Have you yesterday heard there thoughtless poeple have resume with their bloody almost sectarian violance? Wallah basu da tunani kwata-kwata in my own view.
What's yours?
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


I think it is the effect of the sanctions da aka samusu by the West. They are so frustrated, they are taking it out on each other in lieu of anyone nearby. I think under ordinary circumstances with the economy going smoothly, they wouldnt turn on each other. Tunda ai Fatah and Hamas have been around each other for a long time and this has never happened even if they didnt trust one other and eye each other warily.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum

sheriff 05

personally, while I believe the sanctions played and are still playing a part in this present escalation, I think the underlying problem is an old one. Hamas and fatah have always been silent rivals in the palestinian lands. Peace prevailed because up until now, Hamas did not stake any claim to political power.. (as my friend waziri wisely points out, when there exists and underlying interest, even friends can become enemies)..

The point of friction arose when Hamas vied for political power as well... they're both fighting for supremacy n they're using the avenue they both knw best.. where no straight rules exist and where only the last man standing shall take it all... The palestinian problem as deep and complex as it is, is further saddening when you see them turn on themselves and destroy what little they have. They fight themselves and their percieved common enemy laughs. They loose sympathy daily from those who thought genuine development may be possible in Palestine. I wonder how, despite the donations and funding they get from the Arab nations (evidence proves they do get a lot), there doesnt seem to be an idea for long term development. they blame Isreal continously, bt how much of that blame really belongs to Isreal? When the Prophet (S.A.W) was forced from Makkah, to madinah, what did he do?.. He consolidated his power base in Madinah, developed the city, its people and the city's overall capabilities, gradually expanding to recapture his home.. While I genuinely respect Arab courage, they have to realise that sometimes Pride is stupidity and sometimes you have to accept defeat whole hertedly today in order to win tomorrow...

This may sound naive, but shouldnt Hamas and Fatah channel the funds they use to acquire amunition to pay their people and develop there communities or even equip a national army, Palestine woul've been a much better place..

Its not hamas and its stubborn leadership that I am worried about, neither is it Fatah and there curropt and weak officials I am concerned about..
My concern is for the poor palestinian woman who wants nothing more than food to feed her children. I close my eyes and I imagine her tears n prayers, day and night, hoping that maybe, just may be, one blessed day, her children may see a better day...


Well said Sheriff 05. If you continue tailing the news, you must have heard  that it now almost completely changes form. It's now Israelis that are fighting them. And, they don't have any to pick-out but they fight both Hamas and Fatah people including even civilians.

But, one surprising news; some world political heavy-weights are claiming that Israelis are backing Fatah. What do you know about this thought?
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.

sheriff 05

To be honest Alhaji Muhsin, I haven't heard this theory. But it seems very plausible. Think about it.

The Palestinian people predominantly back Hamas.

As a joint force, Hamas and Fatah speaking with one voice would signify Palestinian unity.

The election victory of Hamas means that should they obtain and maintain political dominance and decide to use their mandate to further their cause, they would give their plight a lot more legitimacy in the international arena.

Therefore, all effort could be channelled to deny hamas the opportunity to rule in peace, by instigating fatah against them. It actually makes sense because it forces Hamas to fight back, therefore, loosing its' standing in the international world, and ensures that in the absence of law and order, chaos will reign, further crippling the government and giving credence to the theory that Hamas is a violent and terrorist organisation.

This is however completely conjecture and has no factual backing what-so-ever.

I have to also say that it should've been fairly obvious to Hamas that without making concessions, they cannot with their present motto, continue to receive funding from the powers. That much was obvious. How can Israel collect tax and on behalf of the Palestinian government and give it to that same government to build up capability to fight them? Come on? You don't have to be an Israeli to understand why that will never happen.

While it is easy to blame Israel or the "powers that be", I think a more productive approach would be, to Question the tactics of Hamas in dealing with this onslaught. Hamas should've known that judging by its reputation and the fierce nature of opposition from the international as well as the Israeli community, all efforts would be made to frustrate them. I have to say that was fairly obvious. Therefore, (as difficult as it may be), I feel, they should've thought about this and therefore planned how to effectively circumvent these powers, and introduce greater diplomacy and dynamic governance. The concept should've been to prove to the world that contrary to what you may think, we are indeed capable of building a successful government that can cater to the needs of our people. The idea is to appreciate the fact that all hope would be on the government to fail and therefore aim to prove them wrong.

I am no politician and to be honest I've lost all interested in politics. I just feel though, that Hamas ought to appreciate the value of long term planning, and to know, that the best chess players are great, not because they think well about their move before they make it, but because they anticipate their opponents' move and then counter it before it happens.... and through the eyes of the global powers, what else is global politics, if not a game?


The only way Hamas can continue to defy Israel and the rest of the western communities and build a successful government is with the backing of the rich Arabian gulf nations.  Otherwise there is no other option open for them except to backtrack and recognize the sovereignty of Israel. Barring that, in so far as Hamas is in power, the Palestinian ppl will continue to suffer. It is rather unfortunate, given that Hamas is genuinely a ppl oriented party rather than Fatah, which has a history of curruption taintint its image.

One other thing about Israel backing Fatah, it may not be so, but I do remember in one thread I brought up the notion that some of the provocations that  happened like the killing of a Hamas or Fatah stalwart and a denial by either of the accused parties could have been the handywork of the Israelis to stir up trouble between the two factions and ensure that they dont unite as a single entity. It is not a difficult scenario to set up since both Israelis and Palestinians carry out clandestine operations in each others' territory.

Another thing that is really amazing me is the way some 'Islamic' nations publicly capitulate to the  western demands of secularization by publicly denouncing  Islam. One of these  nations is Turkey which  tried to eliminate Islam under Ataturk, but succeeded in partitioning the religion from  Politics. Now all of a sudden there is a public outcry against a politician who is deemed to be pro islam and the ppl dont want him in office because of that! I mean I shake my head.  This to me is almost tantamount to denying Islam itself. Anyway the turkish govt is desperate to be part of the EU. It wants all the appurtenances that come with being part of the union. What they are forgetting is that arziki na Allah ne and He Is the Giver of it not the EU. Kuma they are willing to disregard fadar Ubangiji in the holy Quran that the Jews and Christians will never be pleased with us until we follow their religion. About two yrs ago, something exactly like this happened quit literally when some Afghan refugees were stranded in Australian waters looking for asylum. The govt of Mr Howard refused to grant them. The Afghans announced that they were renouncing Islam and converting to christianity. Believe me they were granted the asylum and Howard told the world that it wasnt because they renounced islam that they were given asylum.. I shake my head again. Now what is happening is this Lebanese fiasco whereby the Lebanese army is killing civilians in a Palestinian refugee camp all in the name of trying to flush out islamic fundametalists hiding in the camps. Who are they kidding?
And Bush sent his approval of the killings from Air Force One en route to some destination or other..... I shake my head.......
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum