Started by HUSNAA, December 30, 2006, 12:40:37 PM

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Saddam Hussein was hanged today in Iraq and I feel so depressed about it. I was shocked at the news, because it was so unexpected even though it has been circulating the past week that he will be executed, but it really didnt register. It was like there would be reprieve at  the last minute. Today is Eid but it is not festive because of this sad news.
I am of the view that he was executed for crimes committed by the Bush adminstration and also for the crimes of the past US administrations, since he was in effect a sort of protege of the US. I am wondering, why should Pinochet be allowed to die peacefully and not give Saddam the same choice, after all Pinochet was also a despot protege of the US and was just as good a dictator as Saddam.
Between Bush and Saddam, who is the worst when it comes to crimes against humanity? Saddam is accused of gassing several thousand Kurds and massacring the 140 or so insurgents for which he was executed and nameless Iraqi dissidents.
Bush on the other hand was the chief instrument of the invasion of Iraq, the result of which over 800000 people have lost their lives and countless more displaced. He has upturned the life of EVERY Iraqi citizen who is alive in Iraq today and made the country a den of misery. He has turned young ordinary American men into dispassionate killing zombies, inflicting sadistic torture in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo bay and  raping and murdering defenceless Iraqi women within what is supposed to be the security of their homes. Wittingly or unwittingly, he has unleashed a culture of violence whereby not a day goes by, but that some hapless innocent passerby is murdered on the streets of Iraq. Wittingly or unwittingly, he  instigated the Sunni- Shiite sectarianism that is so rampant all over Iraq, he planted the discordant seeds that flourished into the so called terrorist organizations, that are killing the invading forces and murdering each other as well.
He caused forment in Afghanistan and indirectly, Pakistan under the guise of fighting a non existent organization called Alquaeda.

On a global scale, Bush refused to ratify or recognize the Kyoto treaty, showing a total disregard for human life or wellbeing, in the face of overwhelming evidence of the negative impact of green house effects on global climate. Already, millions of ppl are being affected by global warming and although Bush is not directly responsible for it, he refuses to take the responsibility of doing something to conteract the effects of global warming. This makes him as culpable as if he has commited genocide, something which Saddam has been accused of. The difference between  Saddam's and Bush's brands of genocide is that while Saddam's is specific to a particular sector of humanity, Bush's genocide affects every living thing on the planet. 

Despite everything, RIP  Saddam Hussein
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


I watched him being led to the noose on television. I am disgusted and distraught. Saddam Hussein was a wicked man but he was America's man and he is brought down today because he stopped doing what America wanted. What the US poodle Iraq government has done this morning is barbarism. They are no better than the man they hanged. It was not justice. It was Shiite revenge and the flames in Iraq will burn higher after this.

And who will hang for the cluster bombs fired into Baghdad markets or the dead womwn and children of Fallujah?


Husnaa you sef..wetin consign kyoto wit dis wan?? If you just wanted to bash Bush, you could just have started a thread on that u know :P

QuoteI am of the view that he was executed for crimes committed by the Bush adminstration and also for the crimes of the past US administrations, since he was in effect a sort of protege of the US. I am wondering, why should Pinochet be allowed to die peacefully and not give Saddam the same choice, after all Pinochet was also a despot protege of the US and was just as good a dictator as Saddam.

Like you the news of Saddam's execution fills me with grief, but for altogether different reasons. Saddam was executed for crimes he committed, period. Do you really believe that he was some sort of moronic zombie, unable to comprehend the consequences of his actions? He was a cruel despot from the very beginning and would have committed those crimes with or without US backing. The 1982 Dujail massacres for which he was executed are just one of many crimes; in fact there were/are other cases pending for which he will probably be tried posthumously. If Saddam had been a Nigerian ruler most of us would be baying for his blood!

Your comments about Pinochet here don't make sense. First, you should ask the Chiliean govt. why Pinochet was 'allowed to die' (which is not true anyways), not the US. The US had no influence in the prosecution of Pinochet and little in that of Saddam. So ultimately there is no connection between both cases. Second, Pinochet was not allowed to die without a whim, far from it! This man has been in and out of the courtroom several times in the past decade! The only thing that kept him from being nailed was immunity from prosecution and constant ill-health. When he died early this month - from heart failure at age 91 - he had been stripped of his immunity, indicted under kidnapping and torture charges, and had been placed was under house arrest.

QuoteBetween Bush and Saddam, who is the worst when it comes to crimes against humanity? Saddam is accused of gassing several thousand Kurds and massacring the 140 or so insurgents for which he was executed and nameless Iraqi dissidents.
Bush on the other hand was the chief instrument of the invasion of Iraq, the result of which over 800000 people have lost their lives and countless more displaced. He has upturned the life of EVERY Iraqi citizen who is alive in Iraq today and made the country a den of misery. He has turned young ordinary American men into dispassionate killing zombies, inflicting sadistic torture in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo bay and  raping and murdering defenceless Iraqi women within what is supposed to be the security of their homes. Wittingly or unwittingly, he has unleashed a culture of violence whereby not a day goes by, but that some hapless innocent passerby is murdered on the streets of Iraq. Wittingly or unwittingly, he  instigated the Sunni- Shiite sectarianism that is so rampant all over Iraq, he planted the discordant seeds that flourished into the so called terrorist organizations, that are killing the invading forces and murdering each other as well.
He caused forment in Afghanistan and indirectly, Pakistan under the guise of fighting a non existent organization called Alquaeda.

Bush's obvious culpability in launching the Iraqi invasion under false pretences and all the tragedies that came after is enough of a crime for me. All things being equal, he would be made to stand trial for that act of aggression along with Rumsfeld and the rest of his cronies. However, Saddam did that too. Remember the Iran-Iraq war of the 80s and later the Persian gulf war? Countless more died in the former war. Yes, Saddam received US backing, but once again the initiative was solely his. Finally, Saddam terrorized and killed his own citizens and ruled with an iron fist, something Bush did not do. Verdict: Saddam is the worse war criminal.

QuoteOn a global scale, Bush refused to ratify or recognize the Kyoto treaty, showing a total disregard for human life or wellbeing, in the face of overwhelming evidence of the negative impact of green house effects on global climate. Already, millions of ppl are being affected by global warming and although Bush is not directly responsible for it, he refuses to take the responsibility of doing something to conteract the effects of global warming. This makes him as culpable as if he has commited genocide, something which Saddam has been accused of. The difference between  Saddam's and Bush's brands of genocide is that while Saddam's is specific to a particular sector of humanity, Bush's genocide affects every living thing on the planet. 

This is the most amazing charge of all. Bush is guilty of genocide because he refused to ratify the Kyoto protocol? That's quite a stretch! Bush illegally waged war and ushered in chaos in Iraq. That for me is enough. And like I've said before, I'm not happy with Saddam's execution either. As Dave has indicated, Saddam's execution will only serve as fuel for the fire of sectarian violence now burning in Iraq. That makes me sad. But rest assured: Saddam was one of the worst despots of our time and he fully deserved his sentence.


Quote from: lionger on December 30, 2006, 05:37:19 PM
The US had no influence in the prosecution of Pinochet and little in that of Saddam. Saddam is the worse war criminal.

I cant believe you are saying this, God...can u even hear urself? The Us has "little" influence in the prosecution of Saddam? Have you forgotten that the invasion and prosecution of both Iraq and saddam is a personal issue for the american president, he came to finish the work his dad started, infact its like a revenge he is taking, the enemy of his dad who defeated his father and made him a laughing stock in the late 80s and for the exploitaion of petroleum?

The US have every influence to do with the prosecution of Saddam, why was Pinochet not prosecuted the same way? Illness my foot, saddam was a living corps when he was captured, they  had to give him series of test and exams before he was revived.

And lastly why should the Eid day be selected to execute him? Can come up with any clue to support this claim? The US chose to hang Saddam on Eid day just to instigate hate among the muslims, am quite aware that many iraqis are celebrating the death of saddam, but Saddam is a muslim and the US goverment has no right whatsoever to interfaire with his allegations, he shud have been prosecuted by  a muslim court and i bet you with my life he would have been judged accordingly, not by some greedy juries that are acting solely by the wishes of the American president. Its simply not fair.
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Sup Muda,
Oh dear, thanks for bringing this to my attention! This is what I meant to say:
QuoteYour comments about Pinochet here don't make sense. First, you should ask the Chiliean govt. why Pinochet was 'allowed to die' (which is not true anyways), not the US. The US had no influence in the prosecution of Pinochet, but did in that of Saddam. So ultimately there is no connection between both cases.
This way the passage makes more sense. This question about why Pinochet was not treated the same way is such a strange one. What does Pinochet's case have to do with Saddam's - apart from Pinochet and Saddam being former U.S. allies? You might as well ask why Mobutu wasn't treated the same way! As I said before, unlike Saddam's case the U.S. had nothing to do with Pinochet's prosecution. Muda, do your own research on Pinochet. Almost every time Pinochet was indicted on a charge, it was struck down either due to ill-health or senatorial immunity from prosecution. Yes, ill-health! Apparently Pinochet was a very sick man in his last years (died from heart failure I think); whether he was truly too ill to stand trial is of course a debatable matter. But this is out of the question with regards to Saddam. I don't remember a single report that claimed that Saddam was unconscious or had to be revived upon arrest, where did you get that from? Source, please. In any case, I very much doubt that an arrogant, brazen man constantly and energetically thumbing his nose at the judges in court could really have been too ill to stand trial.
QuoteAnd lastly why should the Eid day be selected to execute him? Can come up with any clue to support this claim? The US chose to hang Saddam on Eid day just to instigate hate among the muslims, am quite aware that many iraqis are celebrating the death of saddam, but Saddam is a muslim and the US goverment has no right whatsoever to interfaire with his allegations, he shud have been prosecuted by a muslim court and i bet you with my life he would have been judged accordingly, not by some greedy juries that are acting solely by the wishes of the American president. Its simply not fair.
Why indeed was the first day of Eid selected for his execution? If ever the U.S. needed to apply arm-twisting tactics to set things straight it would be here. This is yet another mistake that might cost the Iraqis dear.

barka da sallah to all..


I hadn't taken Lionger to be guilty of naivety before but there is no doubt in the mind of most informed persons that the US could at any point have "persuaded" the puppet Iraqi government to reprieve Saddam Hussein - and I have little doubt that US influence allowed Pinochet's "ill-health" excuses to shield him from trial for his mass murders. It was US that put Pinochet in power and maintained him in power and substantial elements in Chile's infrastruture still are beholden to the US (who knows who was and who wasn't  a "friend" to US interest in Chile's dark days).
When Pinochet was too ill to be put on trial he still managed at one point to come to London and visit his pal the obnoxious Margaret Thatcher.


Could I suggest that Forumites go to BBC News Online. There is a wave of condemnation coming from around the world on the execution of Saddam, particularly on Eid. Many have asked whether America would execute anybody on Christmas Day. Others believe that America is planning the break-up of Iraq which would suit them as it would leave them in virtual control and that the chaos in Iraq suits America.




!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!


Tis a little wonder that I tried to locate some measure of remorse in my heart for Saddam but cud nt find any. Tis lyk Saddam is as guilty as the Americans who killed him are.


as the old saying goes, "we will give him a fair trial then hang him".That's what the Iraq govt, under the teleguidance of the USA, did. A poser here is why the haste in executing him when there are numerous other charges he should have answered? Or is someone somewhere afraid of Saddam opening up a can of worms?
"corgito ergo sum"


I was just away due to some other but ineluctable engagements for several days. And I did come back.Yet after my coming back, I barely encountered hardship before I come to understanding the 'operations' of this site's software. Alhamdulillah. Things are now a bit allright. This is just a by the way.

Well, to the main topic of the thread. I very much have lots to say, but eventually all have almost been said by forum elders and some newbies. Thats is great. Saddam dai Allah ya jikansa-Ameen. Whatsoever he had done while his breathing session in this planet. Only Allah can judge it accordingly. And only Him know where Sadam is presently is. But we Muslims are not happy about his execution due to American's intefrence. Death to her!

Despite all that have been said,I maybe would come with my deep insight in later time.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Quote from: Muhsin on January 04, 2007, 01:38:30 PM

Well, to the main topic of the thread. I very much have lots to say, but eventually all have almost been said by forum elders and some newbies. Thats is great. Saddam dai Allah ya jikansa-Ameen. Whatsoever he had done while his breathing session in this planet. Only Allah can judge it accordingly. And only Him know where Sadam is presently is. But we Muslims are not happy about his execution due to American's intefrence. Death to her!

Despite all that have been said,I maybe would come with my deep insight in later time.

Will you have been happy if he had been executed without American interference?


Iranian President Ahmedinajad (excuse the spelling) better watch out. He too may be led to the gallows one of these days and executed amidst tauntings and jibs by his executioners.
I recall how Ghaddafi used to quite noisy and promise doom to America and the West. After they whooped him silly, he turned a new leaf by force. Now, he has renounced violence even to the point of sympathising with the Israelis and their right to exist. He was lucky to have repented. Today he is alive and causing a few confusion here and there on his visits to Nigeria.

Saddam was given a chance a chance to comply, but he decided to confront. His fate could have been avoided. Now, his sons are dead, he is dead, and his half brother will die soon. His entire family except for his daughters are wiped off. When the bad blood began, like Ghadaffi, Saddam was out there promising doom to anyone that set foot in Iraq. He thought he was invincible and untouchable. He was wrong.

I see the same pattern with Ahmadinejad. Right as he got elected, his job became confrontation with US. Like Ghaddafi and Saddam, he has threatened doom to America.  A few weeks ago, he was holding conferences to deny the holocaust. When he tasted international condemnation and pressure, he shifted his theme to "discussing the holocaust".  After Saddam's execution, he's been visible quiet. Not a word from Ahmadinejad.

He had better caution himself. Most of his colleagues like him thought they were stronger than they really were. Reality hit them eventually.


Quote from: guest33 on January 05, 2007, 06:54:50 PM
Quote from: Muhsin on January 04, 2007, 01:38:30 PM

Well, to the main topic of the thread. I very much have lots to say, but eventually all have almost been said by forum elders and some newbies. Thats is great. Saddam dai Allah ya jikansa-Ameen. Whatsoever he had done while his breathing session in this planet. Only Allah can judge it accordingly. And only Him know where Sadam is presently is. But we Muslims are not happy about his execution due to American's intefrence. Death to her!

Despite all that have been said,I maybe would come with my deep insight in later time.

Will you have been happy if he had been executed without American interference?

Well, the answer is yes and no.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Quote from: NewEte on January 08, 2007, 03:21:03 AM
Iranian President Ahmedinajad (excuse the spelling) better watch out. He too may be led to the gallows one of these days and executed amidst tauntings and jibs by his executioners.
I recall how Ghaddafi used to quite noisy and promise doom to America and the West. After they whooped him silly, he turned a new leaf by force. Now, he has renounced violence even to the point of sympathising with the Israelis and their right to exist. He was lucky to have repented. Today he is alive and causing a few confusion here and there on his visits to Nigeria.

Saddam was given a chance a chance to comply, but he decided to confront. His fate could have been avoided. Now, his sons are dead, he is dead, and his half brother will die soon. His entire family except for his daughters are wiped off. When the bad blood began, like Ghadaffi, Saddam was out there promising doom to anyone that set foot in Iraq. He thought he was invincible and untouchable. He was wrong.

I see the same pattern with Ahmadinejad. Right as he got elected, his job became confrontation with US. Like Ghaddafi and Saddam, he has threatened doom to America.  A few weeks ago, he was holding conferences to deny the holocaust. When he tasted international condemnation and pressure, he shifted his theme to "discussing the holocaust".  After Saddam's execution, he's been visible quiet. Not a word from Ahmadinejad.

He had better caution himself. Most of his colleagues like him thought they were stronger than they really were. Reality hit them eventually.

Ete put your good point in writting and send it to thoses people you have mentioned, they really need to hear that and unfortunately i don't think they visit kano online
!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!