Buhari has military mentality and not fit to be President, says Obasanjo/soyinka

Started by NewEte, January 17, 2007, 02:48:20 PM

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Ete, did you read the headline story of the Sun Newspaper of Friday 19th 2007?


Quote from: NewEte on January 20, 2007, 01:58:36 AM
First question, is Buhari going to accept this challenge from Yar Adua or not? Yar-Adua is pretty confident that he'll outshine Buhari in a live public debate but Buhari's camp has not responded. Buhari supporters (Husnna, Dan Borno, Alkanawi) what's up with that?

A very cheap means of clinging to the power throne?.  No, lets go to the poll, the real democracy, it is there we will see who will outshine who.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Quote from: HUSNAA on January 18, 2007, 06:10:58 AM
Quote from: guest33 on January 17, 2007, 08:56:49 PM

Please speak for yourself. You might have enjoyed being flogged in the streets by Buhari's goons whilst he was in power but for most of us, his war against "indisplin" was one of the darker periods in Nigeria's history.
I'm sure you would consider it as one of the darker periods in Nigeria's history....all  unscrupulous ppl in Nigeria looked at it that way. If one was a good citizen during his regime, one would not consider it a dark period in retrospect.

Why do you feel the need to tell lies about me?


No Dan Borno, I didn't read the Sun Newspaper headline that you are refering to. You should could have posted here or provided the link to it. However, I disagree with you in reference to Yar-Adua's request for an open debate. That is the common sense thing to do. It may well be democratic to go to the polls, but it is also a democratic process for people seeking elective office to engage in dialogue with the masses.

I wouldn't just cast my vote for anyone without hearing what their philosophy is and what their initiatives are. A candidate appearing on National T.V to articulate his/her position on a wide range of issues, allows the electorate to assess the individual thoroughly and them make an informed decision.

Simply voting for someone because we like him, or because he/she has 'clout' or name recognition is meaningless and quite frankly disastrous to the development of struggling nations like Nigeria. So, I'm with yar-Adua on this one. Let the candidates have an open debate, and thereafter take questions from a select panel.  Think about it Dan Borno, do you not go through a pre-screening process and then one or two interviews before being hired for a job? If the answer is yes, then why not subject the very people we entrust our future to with some form of assessment and scrutiny? The is political maturity is achieved. Simply going to the polls to vote blindly without asking questions is not a smart thing at all.


Quote from: guest33 on January 22, 2007, 05:59:54 PM

Why do you feel the need to tell lies about me?

Tell lies about u? Lol u underrate your insignificance.................
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: NewEte on January 22, 2007, 08:48:24 PM
I wouldn't just cast my vote for anyone without hearing what their philosophy is and what their initiatives are. A candidate appearing on National T.V to articulate his/her position on a wide range of issues, allows the electorate to assess the individual thoroughly and them make an informed decision.
.......Simply going to the polls to vote blindly without asking questions is not a smart thing at all.

If you want to see a debate on issues in Nigeria, you've come to the wrong arena mate!! I doubt the discussion (if there is one) will be over anything wide ranging. The issues will be limited to providing safe potable water, good roads,  free education, deflating the price of refined petrol (or providing a means to refining it within Nigeria), security of life and limb and resuscitating dead industries. These are all promises we have heard a million times and not one of them has been fulfilled. These are words always said within the space of three minutes if u ever listen to these politicians defaecating with their mouths. They just slip so easily. So I doubt there will be any meaningful debate if one were to take place.
At any rate, 'Yar adua is angling for one. What has he achieved that is notably worth tooting his horn for?

Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum

Mai neman Ilimi har China

Nigerians tend to forget that Obasanjo was the soldier under whom 2.8 BILLION Naira was stolen....when N1.00 was equivalent to .60p (British) and that Soyinka sold his position as one of the moral  voices of the Nation to become head of FRSC, which ended up becoming a haven for all his old Pyrates cult fellows. Who are they to pass moral judgement on any?


Huh, Why all the replies my people? Don't you know who Soyinka, the real Soyinka is? Wonder!

To me, its almost a west of time and energy replying on this thread. That man has had said a lot much worse than that. It is not surprising. He only aknow and consider himself alone as the most talented person who know better than all living Nigerians. Even the OBJ has not escaped his mouth, thats who some people might thught they come from same tribe/ background.

Hence, from the aforesaid, itsn't a surprise if he said whatsoever he said to Bukhari 'cuz they have different religion, language, region, tribe, attitude, specialization, and everything. And moreover, if you really read and digest his accusation, it wasn't only on Buhari. He accused all the rest of the ex-head of state. No one was extricated.

Please, put wedge to this thread. Don't let it continue.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.



Lionger, what are you doing. Why are you asking questions? It is forbidden. Haba! Why ask Why?
Can't you just accept an order. My goodness, you think you can ask WHY!
Don't question anything. Is that too much to ask?
A commandment has been given to put a wedge on this topic, and you are still asking WHY. Is your name WHYIDI?


 "The vast majority of Nigerians believe that President Olusegun Obasanjo is a very trustworthy leader and he has done so much for this country. The vast majority of Nigerians and non-Nigerians believe that there is no single leader of Nigeria that has done for Nigeria what President Obasanjo has done for Nigeria in his lifetime".
Yar'adua on the Sterling performance of OBJ, THE SUN 25/01/07

There you go Ete,are you one of the "vast majority"? The guy cannot even say it as it is or is he **** licking?, and you want us to go through a public debate with him.
But just thinking though, the guy may actually be "dissing" OBJ govt waddya say? 
"corgito ergo sum"


Quote from: NewEte on January 22, 2007, 08:48:24 PM
Think about it Dan Borno, do you not go through a pre-screening process and then one or two interviews before being hired for a job? If the answer is yes

To God who created me, NO, NO, NO, i was just employed, that is why I always emphasised that it is always different in Nigeria, may be in the future, this debate of a thing will be accepted, but for now, it will not work.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Recently the BBC hausa service broadcasted some short interviews they did with the presidential aspirants.
If i were to vote based on those interviews,i'll vote for Yar'adua.I must confess the man has better vision(based on the interview) and focus than Buhari.During the interview,Buhari kept blaming the illegal and bad govt.of obasanjo fro everything.When asked how to tackle the Niger Delta issue he(Buhari) said the problem of the Niger Delta is as a result of the Illegal government in power.Mind you he didn't proffer a solution or at least tell the audience how he intends to tackle the issue.Yar'adua on the other hand when asked the same question stressed the importance of the Niger delta and sai that he'd call the parties concerned to dialogue.
I think blaming the present government and not providing a possible solution is immature on the part of the General.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Ah ha! There you go. I dare say that prior to that interview, gogannaka probably leaned more towards Buhari. We cannot dismiss the importance of presidential debate or press interview prior to an election. Even if we believe so strongly that our society so politically mature, it is still important to put the candidates on the spotlight so people can understand them better and make informed decisions. Look at every progressive democratic society in the World today, electing leaders is the single most important task the people can perform. I don't think the Nigerian people are that ignorant, and even if they are, the so called aspiring leaders have a responsibility to educate the masses by pushing for these kinds of political debates so that an awareness is created and the people become educated in this process.

If Buhari performed as poorly as gogannaka saif he did in that interview by not addressing issues intelligently, by not offering his plan on how to tackle pressing national issues, by not putting forth initiatives, by not demostrating that he knows his stuff, how can people have confidence and faith in a candidate like that? And besides, the questions he faltered on are very real issues, and any real politician would provide speedy responses to.

I think there needs to be more of such interviews, debates, town hall meetings, and dialogue with the people. I mean how can you govern people when you don't engage them thoroughly and understand where they are coming from.

Dan Borno, you are a lucky dude to get a job without an interview. Stuff like that don't happen in my neck of the woods.


I beg to disagree with you Malam GGNK (with respect and apology), i see no any difference between OBJ and YARADUA. OBJ is strictly guided by his party's manifesto, so also YARADUA when he eventually comes to power.  My argument here is, if you fault OBJ's policy of tackling the Niger-Delta crisis, then YARADUA must follow also.

Quote from: gogannaka on January 25, 2007, 01:06:05 PM
When asked how to tackle the Niger Delta issue he (Buhari) said the problem of the Niger Delta is as a result of the Illegal government in power.

Reference to above please! where were you in the year 2003 election? in almost all the states of the Niger Delta, no elections were conducted, that is y Alh. Muhammadu Buhari said "the problem of the NIger Delta is as a result of the illegal government in power" Isnt it illegal?
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Quote from: NewEte on January 25, 2007, 02:22:41 PM
I think there needs to be more of such interviews, debates, town hall meetings, and dialogue with the people. I mean how can you govern people when you don't engage them thoroughly and understand where they are coming from.

Dan Borno, you are a lucky dude to get a job without an interview. Stuff like that don't happen in my neck of the woods.

Malam Sabo Ete, it is a welcome idea to go for such interviews etc etc, what I was trying to draw our attention is that, the societal level of appreciating this type of debates.  May be in the near future we hope to attend this height in political awareness. 

;D  ;D  ;D How did you know that I am a lucky dude to get a job without an interview? may be its normal with where i work.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak