Forum Avatars

Started by HUSNAA, February 15, 2007, 02:32:45 PM

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Something struck me subconsciously a long time ago but it wasnt until MYSELF put up a brand new avatar that the something crystallized in to cohesive thought. I hope that I manage to convey what I mean.
Because we only 'see' some of us online as avatars, those avatars have subconsciously become synonymous with the usernames of the ppl who display them, and there is a strong association between the username  the avatar and the actual person in my mind.  I also imagine that the persons closely resemble in features, the avatars displayed against their names.
Lets start with GGNK, because he is the one who formed the strongest association in my mind and at the same time he is the one who always surprises me.  GGNK's avatar suggests to me a simple smiling quiet village lad.:P What surprises me no end is that when I read his posts a highly intelligent reflective and articulate person emerges who is in total contrast to the avatar, except that I still feel that he is a quiet person. That is the only commonality that is expressed between him and the avatar. The other thing is that every time I see a different person using the same avatar, I feel a sense of incongruity because of the strong link i formed between the username ggnk and the avatar. 
Second in line is Ummita. When I look at her avatar, I am reminded of a girl I used to know. I think it is the pointed nose and the short spiky hair in the avatar.  However Ummita is completely different from this other girl. Ummita sounds fierce from her posts, but she is a genuinely friendly person (I found that out on good authority, but I wont reveal my source).
The third is Fateez. Fateez's avatar. Funnily enough, I have never looked closely at Fateez's avatar. I used to see an innocent looking face of a young girl in patient contemplation.   Then when I read her post, I feel this very kind hearted individual coming out of the posts, and yes I have associated her avatar with her username. Yet today I looked at the avatar closely and I find that Fateez is not there!!! :-\ Instead I see a sulky downcast looking female pouting. ??? Anyway, I have imbibed enough of Fateez's cyber spirit to know that this pic will not make any difference in the way I imagine her. Only that the association between the posts and the avatar will weaken.
MYSELF is next. MYSELF has two girls in her avatar. The avatar actually reminds me of two girls I used to know in BUK some years back. I have a feeling that it is a real pic of two girls that has been  digitally sharpened to make it look like that. The avatar is still new so there is still no concrete attachment between post, name and avatar. But I keep wondering which one of the two girls I will eventually associate MYSELF with? Already the one in the foreground looks like a strong contender, because she looks more like a northerner than the girl on the left. ;)

There is Muda. the NBA league  player. The player's bald head really makes a statement and I keep wondering if it is just a fashion statement or a genuine case of 'no mohair'! Somehow, I imagine Muda wearing a tazarce all the time. I think it is because the name Muda sounds like what the average dan birnin kano would call himself and I know that upper crust samarin Kano love to wear tazarce made from the most expensive shadda available, or they did anyway. ;D

The last is  Dan Borno. Aristocracy to the bone!! Yet I am still to associate his avatar with the name and the posts. I think it is because I don't look at the avatar directly, I just have a sense of someone on horseback from the avatar. The pic  does look like that of  a bafaden sarautar Borno looking at it closely. I still haven't built a strong picture of Dan Borno. He is something of an enigma. He lets others make the statements, yet when he gets going, he is a surprise also.  ;D
Other ppl with avatars are infrequent visitors to the forum so there is nothing to say there. 
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


A gaisheki Aunty.

Today Today, we must see your avatar to finish up this thread.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


That's right Mr Dan barno!
Husna, no comment till we see ur Avatar.......We are waiting!  :)
!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!


Interesting. I thought i was the only one linking people to their avatars.
You are sounding like Sybill Patricia Trelawney  :P.Some of your 'prophecies' are quite true.

You should take a look at Hafsy-lady's avatar and link it to her posts.I think she matches the lady in the avatar perfectly.

I kinda also link the font and font colors to the person.Like Fateez and her pink color,ummita and her blue,muda and his green.All help me in forming an image of the person.

I think everybody should tell his picture of each konliner.
Kuma Husnaa should put up an avatar

Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Gaskiya nima I've been looking at Fateez's avatar for a long time and  always thought that she might just look like that.I would love to see her real face.Also,whenever I see GGNK's I think of the same thing that Husnaa has said.Maybe he looks like that simpleton.
I would have loved to put up mine (that just looks like me),but Hafsy has already used it :).


Quote from: gogannaka on February 16, 2007, 07:30:18 PM

I kinda also link the font and font colors to the person.Like Fateez and her pink color,ummita and her blue,muda and his green.All help me in forming an image of the person.

The colors Fateez and Muda use give me a headache.I dont think my brain can stand such shocking pink and green on my computer screen.I always enjoyed reading Fateez's posts before the "pink" started.Now I actually just skip and tell myself I'll read them later.



LOL Waiting for sdanyaro's review Husnaa.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Quote from: sdanyaro on February 18, 2007, 05:36:42 AM
HUSNAA, any Forum Reading on my Avatar?

Quote from: sdanyaro on February 18, 2007, 05:36:42 AMLOL Waiting for sdanyaro's review Husna.
Salaam every one!
OK  Admin's question, the answer is no. No reading. Because admin's photo is available, we the forum members  can all recognize him anywhere we see him. Therefore there is no mystery attached because his avatar is the pcture of himself. The latitude for imagination has been removed. The picture of the straw hatted courtier has been dominated by the main photo, that I have never given much attention to it.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Husnaa, what would you start doing next? Reading our Palms


Quote from: Bakan~Gizo on February 20, 2007, 06:06:48 PM
Husnaa, what would you start doing next? Reading our Palms

Hahahahahaha!!  ;D
Lol, I am just voicing what a lot of ppl have been thinking of as per other members of the forum who have character avatars instead of object avatars like yours. Its difficult to formulate a personality based on an object.
The only thing I know about palms is what everyone else knows, that there is 1 and 8 are engraved  on the  right palm and 8 and 1 are engraved on the left palm. 18 and 81. Added together, they come to 99. If u add the 8 and 1 it comes to 9 and if u add the 1 and 8 it still comes to 9. Put ur palms together u get the number 9 and 9 on both palms. So still 99.  Ninety nine represents the 99 names of Allah. Allahu A'alam.
PS the numebers are in arabic numerals
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


HUSNAA, any Forum Reading on my Avatar??


Lol Admin!! None for ur avatar!!. I am only imagining the members throu their avatars. However as yr photo is right there by yr posts, one sees the real u and therefore associates ur picture with you. Like I said, your photo is so dominant that it overshadows ur avatar... (that is a local emir isnt it?) At any rate supposing u hadnt put up a photo of u and it was only the avatar, I'd say the association would be that of a presiding personality, which that avatar is really. Someone who looks after his little kingdom.... i.e this forum ;D. It would be a benign presence that raps our knuckles every now and then when we get out of line as some in the general board are apt to do........
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Now what do you think?.....;D ;D ;D
And what is the secret of not having one? we wanna know  :)
!!!........................I STAND 4 ISLAM..........................!!!


Wow! Wow! wow! Fierce!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its a really super avatar!! Its the best female avatar I have seen so far in this forum Lol! I dont know where to get a good one. I tried some sites in the internet but I didnt like them.
U know an avatar is a personality or a new friend. One has to get used to it to associate the posts with the avatar. So we'll get there eventually. Not having an avatar, well its like not having a personality.. that is the best I can think of. :) Sometimes when we choose avatars we are unconsciously trying to send a message to ppl of what we feel we are or would like to be. That is when u have ppl having really powerful avatars. On the other hand, ppl who choose simple avatars like GGNK for example are almost trying to hide who they really are. I really dont know about when it is an object like bakan gizo's who has a shield as an avatar.
I noticed that this girl (this amazon rather ;D.... )almost has the same facial bone structure as one of the other girls in yr last avatar.. the one that looked like a northerner. So maybe ur looks are similar to these girls in reality and that is why u choose them subconsciously. I am only guessing though...........
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum