Aborting a Pregnancy for Medical Reasons

Started by bamalli, February 16, 2007, 09:07:18 PM

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Aborting a Pregnancy for Medical Reasons
Adil Salahi, Arab News

Q. If it is confirmed that a pregnancy will result in the child having a serious mental disorder, such as the Down Syndrome, is it permissible for the mother to resort to abortion?

A. Abortion is allowed in Islam only when there is serious risk to the life of the mother or the child, or serious health risk to the mother. This applies at any time during the pregnancy. If the health risk is to the child only and the case is confirmed in the early period of pregnancy, a number of scholars would say that it is permissible to abort, provided that the pregnancy is less than 120 days. The majority of scholars, however, do not allow abortion in such cases, on grounds that medical research could still make advancements and could be able in future to cure the abnormality. Besides, it is not for us to decide which life is worth preserving or not. Medical research has made some advancement in dealing with diseases such as the Down Syndrome, and it could make further advancements at any time. So, why should it be left to a human being, whose knowledge is limited to the present, to decide to terminate a pregnancy on account of its having a risk of some mental disorder?
Having said that, I should add that there can be no single answer to cover all cases. In fact, every case should be dealt with on its own, taking into account all relevant information and all factors that may have a bearing on its outcome. When abortion is advised by medical experts looking at a particular case, scholars have to be consulted to determine whether abortion is permissible in that case or not.