419 Email and my response

Started by NewEte, February 19, 2007, 03:30:55 AM

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From: "celine samuel" <ce-sa40@hotmail.com>
Reply-To: celinesamuel1100@yahoo.com
Subject: Beloved one  In Christ,
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 05:24:28 +0000

Beloved one  In Christ,

Greetings in name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am Mrs
Celine Samuel, 69 years old widow & a new Christian
convert,suffering from long time cancer of the blood
(Leukaemia According to my doctor my condition is
critical and I might not survive.

Although as a christian,I beleive God and I know that
I will not die,but will live to declare the glory of
God. My late husband (Dr.Peter Samuel ) and my only
son were killed during the ABIDJAN-BOUAKE Crisis some
years back(take a look) Our Lord Jesus Christ is my
only comforter.

I have the sum of Five million,One hundred thousand US
Dollars($5.1m) The fund is presently deposited with a
financial company for security reasons and all the
documents concerning the fund are in the custody of my

I inherited the money from my late husband who was an
industralist and international businessman. I have
prayed concerning this donation for God's guidance and
if in your heart you geniunely and faithfully
desire-to use this fund for the propagation of God's
work in any form whether for charity,
ministry,evangelical work or otherwise in relation to
God'swork,do get in -touch with me for further
arrangements with my lawyer on how you will receive my
Charity donation.

God bless you once again and as you receive,give and
give God all the Glory.
Remain blessed in the Lord
Yours in Christ,

Mrs. celine samuel
My Reply to the 419er:

Dear Celine,

My God! This must truly be divine intervention at work
here. Just yesterday as I was performing symbiolitic
gastro fibrod surgery on a patient, my heart kept
telling me that somebody will be sent my way. As a new convert like you, all
I want to say is praise the lord. The more I
heard this message in my heart, the more attention I
paid to it. It was later revealed to me that the
individual I was destined to come across had cancerous
condition. How Ironic? That is my area of
specialization in Medicine. The next day, I got this
email from you. God really works in mysterious ways
you know. But let me get down to business here because
we must not waste any time.

I know you have faith, but my experience with cancer
is that it does care about your religious background
before it attacks you, and if proper treatment is not
pursued you will die like a rat. My job is to prevent
that from happening.

I do not think this is the time for you to be worrying
about making financial donations at this time. You
need chemotherapy, treatment and rest. I know because
I am a surgeon. Now, listen, my research company has
developed some very remarkable cancer treatment drug
and vaccines which has been thoroughly tested for 3
years on animal subjects like Apes and Chimpanzees.
The test monkeys were brought to our facility from their
natural habitat in Tanzania and Congo rain forest where their
population has been dwindling for some time now. Some of the apes were
as old as you, while other were clealy over 70 years, but kept lying about
their age. In any case, most of these Apes had advanced
cancer. Some of the apes and
gorillas even had gonorrhea but we treated them and
educated them on the use of condoms and safe sex practices. Today, thanks be
to god, cases of Stds among African primates has
declined. This is just to point out some of our
success stories.

In our research facility in Virginia, we have
developed a very state of the art and sophisticated
cancer vaccine as well as other treatment options that
do not just supress cancer but cure it completely.
This may sound too goo to be true to you, but it is
true.  The FDA (government agency) is very excited
with the results so far, but are doing more testing on
this drug called Viotexpressen Zx88 before they can
conclusively approve it for medical purposes. This
testing will take another 1 year or so. I would like
to test this treatment and vaccine on you with full
assurance that it will cure your condition and add 47 years more to your life.

You have nothing to lose here but everything to gain.
We can have a team of our experts and researchers make
plans to move you to one of our facilities in oslo,
Norway (in Europe) along with 2 family members to be
with you throughout the course of this treatment which
I assure you has a 99.99% success chance. If you ask me,
that's a very good chance to take.

Furthermore, our organization (Merry Goldwater
Pharmaceuticals and Associates, Falls Church,
Virginia) will compensate you financially for this
treatment and even compensate you more when and after the government
officially approves and adopts our standards in cancer
treatment.  Such compensation can quickly add up to
over $10 million for you.  As a
rule, we DO NOT accept donations from individuals
because we are in a high tax bracket. We only give out
donations instead, but we NEVER receive. As a matter of
fact, it is that time of the year again when we have
to give in order not to be over taxed by the
government. You obviously are not in need of financial
aid, but if you know any organization in your country
that may benefit from our generosity, please let me
know so I can open a Give activity account for them
here and we can send them a minimum of $187,000 which
is what our tax regulation stipulates.

Just so you know, we are a Multi national
phamarceutical and medical corporation and I am a
co-owner. My partner Dr. Solaris Orbit manages
our European facility. We also have a facility in
Japan, and that research center is managed by Dr.
Omasaki Bling Bling Suzuki, a foremost expert in Asian
cancerology. The point is, you have been led to the
best place and your life is about to change.

Now, we have over 300,000 people that have applied to
be test cases in our facilites, but unfortunately we
cannot take them all. You are one of the lucky few I
have selected for medical aid. 

Last quater alone, we gave out
3.5 million dollars in financial aid to some charity
organizations in Nigeria, Ghana, Mozambique,
Equatorial Guinea, South Africa and Togo. So for me,
money isn't the issue but good health.

Please when you do respond, attach a visible
photograph (3 copies) of yourself and a contact
number, so I can process the financial papers in

Get back to me if you will, my sister in the Lord.


Dr. Newman E. Ete (M.D, SS, CCS Harvard Medical)
School Board Certified; Fellow; New England Medical
Board of Physicians, Fellow; London school of
economics medical Union; Fellow; European board of
distinguished Cancerologist and crisis
(MSDD, CVM, Osaka, Japan Board
of Alien intelligence and UFO medicology.
1999 Inductee, Arab league hall of fame union of medical biologist and wellness.


you have really given the 419ner a very big blow, how i wish to see his reply to your mail.

Thank God you are not "mai kwadayi", if not, you would have fallen to her trap.

And from hence forth, you have shown us how we should deal with such people.

Take care.
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


You perfectly did a great job- replying in such a very wise move.
But, if I were you I won't have had waste my time. Because they are many whose job is like that. I have, like such e-mails, many in my Inbox and Bulk folder. Maybe if there is enough time, I'm gonna spare some with you so as to further give me insight on how to deal with them.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Dear Beloved One

Thanks for you email; The content is well noted by me, I want you to know that helping the charity is always a blessing to whoever remember that Givers never lack.

I am happy to hear that your desire is always doing good which I consider to give you the opportunity to contact our family Attorney on how to get the money for the charities.

Please always pray for me as I don't have much time to live due to my cancer problem which may result to death anytime according to my Doctor. Feel free to contact our Attorney as I have informed him about you.

Stay Bless with your family and God protection,
Yours Sister in the Lord,
Sister Celine Samuel

please contact him so that he can get you with the legal documents and send it to the bank for the transfer to your account.
The lawyer contact.
Chambers: Etude de Maitre Sidibe, Abidjan CI.
Principal attorney: Maitre Sidibe Williams Esq.
Telephone: +225 07 67 27 32
E-mail: williamsavocat@lawyer.com

Mrs Celine Samuel


Is this her reply to you Ete? You didn't clarify.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


Yes O! That was her reply. She didn't even bother about all the other things I said....lol.  All the 419er wants is to go foward with his /her 419ing agenda. Everything else is story as far he/she is concerned. Some criminal Nigerians have really destroyed our image.  Most Nigerians abroad are now hesitant to even tell people they are Nigerians.

Imagine the other day I was looking at bargains on ebay. Some guy from Michigan was selling a set of walkie  talkie for only $29.00. After the pics and purchasing detail, there was a warning in huge red fonts that read

See these ones now. I get at least 2 a week, and even my co workers get the same. They have now shifted base to South Africa, but luckily for South Africa, the international media had established that the perpertrators of these scam are Nigerians plain and simple.  If not, the 419ers would have soiled the image of other African countries by now.


Hey, Ete check this out, is there any difference with yours:

Date:           Thu, 23 Feb 2006 06:13:04 +0000
Reply-To:     mrsamina_mu2005@latinmail.com
Sender:       An interest list for the standardizing of Enterprise Rule Engines
From:          Hajiah Amina Muhammed <mrsamina_mu2005@LATINMAIL.COM>
Subject:      Assalamo Alaykom.,, please reply me

Assalamo Alaykom.
Dearest one, My sincere greetings to you,and how are you doing?. My intention of contacting you is to solicit your assistance for a project which will be mutually beneficial.Though I  know my decision to contact you is to a large extent unconventional, the prevailing circumstances necessitated my action.  I am Hajah . Amina Muhammed Libya. I am married to Late Mallam Jamil Ahmed of blessed memory was an oil explorer in Libya and Kuwait for twelve years before he died in the  year 2000. We were married for twelve years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days. Before his death we were both devoted Muslims.
Since his death I too have been battling with both Cancer and fibroid problems. When my late Husband was alive he made a huge deposit in millions of US dollars with a  Deposit Company in oversea. (I will tell you the amount as we proceed).
Recently, my doctor told me that I have only six months to live due to cancer problem. Though what disturbs me most is my stroke sickness. Having known my condition I  decided to donate this fund to either a Muslem organization or devoted Muslim individual that will utilize this money the way I am going to instructs herein. I want this
Muslim organization or individual to use this money in all sincerity to fund mosques, orphanages, widows, and also propagating the word of ALLAH and to ensure that the  society upholds the views and belief of the Holy Quran.
The Holy Quran emphasizes so much on ALLAH'S benevolence and this has encourage me to take the bold step. I took this decision because I don't have any child that will  inherit this money and my husband relatives are into some radical
organisations and I don't want a situation where this money will be used in an Unholy manner.
Hence the
reasons for this bold decision. I know that after death I will be with ALLAH the most beneficent and the most merciful.
I don't need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health, because of the presence of my husband's relatives around me always. I don't want them to know about this development. With ALLAH all things are possible. As soon asI
receive your reply on Email: I shall give you the contact information of the Deposit Company in
oversea where the money was deposited. I will also issue a letter of authority to the Deposit Company authorizing them that the said fund Have being willed to you and a  copy of such authorization will be forwarded to you. I want you and the
Muslim community where you reside to always pray for me. My happiness is that I lived a true devoted  Muslims worthy of emulation Whoever that wants to serve ALLAH must serve him in truth and in fairness. I will not stipulate any precise amount to rewar you as it will have  to be on pre-negotiated terms,based on your level of involvment.
Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any delay in your reply will give room in sourcing for a Muslim organization or a devoted Muslim for this same purpose.
Until I hear from you email my dreams will rest squarely on your shoulders.
May the Almighty ALLAH continue to guide and protect you.
Allah Hafiz.

Hajah Amina Muhammed
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Ete see another sample i received today


Dear Sir / Madam,

This mail is to bring to your notice that your email emerged as one of
our winning email address in our last lotto sweepstakes programme that
made you automatically a winner of the sum of 500.000.00(G.B.P).

Inother to claim your won prize from the lottery board you are required
to fill out the claims processing form and send it to our claims
officer here in the UK with the details below:

Name Of Claims Officer:Mr.Eva Pedro
Email address: infoevapedro001@sify.com

Below is the claims form you are required to fill:
1.FULL NAMES:__________________________________
5.MARITAL STATUS:___________________
7.E-MAIL ADDRESS:_____________________________
8.TELEPHONE NUMBER:_____________________
10.AMOUNT WON:___________________________________
11. COUNTRY________________________________

Note that you are automatically disqualified if you are below 18 years
of age and illegal dissemination of this mail is highly prohibited.

Robert Barr
On line Coordinator
Free Lotto Sweepstakes

"corgito ergo sum"


I have also been a recipient. Check this out:
After much consideration and prayer I have decided to tell you all about
myself because I believe you can be of Assistance to me and my faith and
believe in God led me to you I am the only son of my father, late (Mr.
W.Koffi) from Darfur, In Republic of Sudan.
My father was a wealthy Cocoa and Gold merchant in SUDAN before his untimely
death. After his business trip to Accra, Ghana to Negotiate on a Cocoa
business a week after he came back from Accra he was assassinated with my
mother by Arab Militia, Which my mother died instantly but my father died
after five days in the hospitals.
My father disclosed to me that he Deposited the sum of US$28,500,000 in
Accra, Ghana and the Documents covering the Existence of the Fund is
presently with me and he asked me to seek for a life time investment Abroad.
Right Now I am in Accra Ghana and I have succeeded in locating where the
Fund is in Accra, Ghana and also confirmed the Existence of the Fund. I want
you to Assist me in clearing this Fund and Transfer it to your country as a
Trustee and New Beneficiary of the Fund in oversea, and also use it for an
investment purpose.
To be a guardian and also help me with Accommodation in your country because
Right now i can not go back to my country Darfur Sudan because of the
Conflicts Between the Black Sudanese Rebels and Arab Militia also known as
Janjaweed as you can see or hear it in the News or you can find out yourself
for more information at WWW. CNN. COM/SUDAN.
I am soliciting for your Assistance to help in transferring this Fund to
your country because this is my only hope in surviving in life and also
continuing my education.

Please reply to my private e-mail: pap_koffi@excite.com

Thanks for your kind Attention and mutual understanding.
Pappy Koffi.

I sent him a prompt reply:

Ayya Pappi koffi
I am so sorry to hear of your troubles. But I wish you more of the same
troubles Its not yr pappa and mamma that should have been killed but you!
You son of a bitch. We know all about you and your scams. Think of another
way of trying to get honest ppl to disclose their bank accounts to you. This
is so yesterday. If yr dad was able to amass that kind of money, he deserves
to be killed by the janjaweed for ripping off the sudanese!!!!
Get lost!!!

Another one I received:

> IN SUMMARY:- I have 15,000,000.00 (fifteen million) U.S. Dollars and I
want you to assist me in distributing the money to charity organizations. I
agree to reward you with part of the money for your assistance, kindness and
participation in this Godly project.
> This mail might come to you as a surprise and the temptation to ignore it
as unserious could come into your mind but please consider it a divine wish
and accept it with a deep sense of humility.
> I am Mr Peter Attah and I am a 55 years old man. I am a South African
living in the Garden City of Port Harcourt - Nigeria. I was the
President/CEO of TOMOBA OIL LIMITED - an oil servicing comapny in Port
Harcourt. I was also married with two children. My wife and two children
died in a car accident six years ago. Before this happened my business and
concern for making money was all I was living for and I never really cared
about other people.
> But since the loss of my family, I have found a new desire to assist the
helpless. I have been helping orphans in orphanages/motherless homes.I have
donated some money to orphans in Sudan, Ethiopia,
Cameroon,Spain,Austria,Germany and some Asian countries.
> Before I became ill, I kept $15 Million in a long-term deposit account in
Allied Bank PLC. Presently, I am in the hospital where I have been
undergoing treatment for oesophageal cancer and my doctors have told me that
I have only a few months to live. It is my last wish to see this money
distributed to charity organizations. Because my relatives and friends has
plundered so much of my wealth since my illness, I cannot live with the
agony of entrusting this huge responsibility to any of them. Please, I beg
you in the name of God to help me collect the $15 Million and the interest
accrued on the deposit from Allied Bank and distributes it amongst charity
> You are at liberty to use your discretion to distribute the money and feel
free as well to reimburse yourself when you have the money for any expenses
you incur in the course of collecting and distributing the money to charity
organizations. I am willing to reward you for your assistance and kindness.
> Kindly expedite action and contact me via e-mail: pattah2006@yahoo.co.uk
if this proposal is acceptable to you.
> May the good Lord bless you and your family.
> Best Regards,
> Mr Peter Attah
> Contact me via e-mail: pattah2006@yahoo.co.uk

>I replied back to the SOB:

Eya Mr Attah.
Since it is death you wish for, may it come to you as fast as you call it
through emailing con letters to ppl.Look if you want to con someone, think
of a more original way than this. This route has been tried so many times.
Every one is aware of people like you, so no one is taken in any more with
this bogey about millions you cant collect!! Huh!!
Wishing you a painful death tomorrow.
Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum


Quote from: HUSNAA on February 22, 2007, 12:29:16 PM
Eya Mr Attah.
Since it is death you wish for, may it come to you as fast as you call it
through emailing con letters to ppl.Look if you want to con someone, think
of a more original way than this. This route has been tried so many times.
Every one is aware of people like you, so no one is taken in any more with
this bogey about millions you cant collect!! Huh!!
Wishing you a painful death tomorrow.

;D  ;D  ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D  ;D   Kai una go kill pesin for this forum.

"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


LOL,  Dan Borno, Husnaa, Alkanawi, Muhsin. These people never stop. Let me tell you guys something. One time I actually played along for a while and collected the 419er's contact information such as his address, email, cell phone numbers, etc. They were based in South Africa because the telephone country code was South Africa's. I got the number and address of their 'lawyer' that they keep referring potential victims to. After I got all these details, I called them pretending to be interpol and FBI (special task force on 419)

When I introduced myself as such, you should have heard the panic and denial in the voice of the crook. I told him we've been monitoring his activities, and that he should stay put because a team of SA police had been dispatched to have him and his 'lawyer' arrested for fraud, online racketeering, etc. Immediately he began shouting " No, No, No, wrong number, wrong number". He then hung up. so I called the 'lawyer', and he too was shaken up. I informed him that I knew he was Nigerian, and that we've already circulated his information and pics to EFCC and South African police, and that an arrest warrant has been issued to have picked up. He panicked so much and began shouting "NO NO NO NO". I wonder why they always shout no when exposed. So he hung up hurriedly.

I called both 419ers back, and they were obviously shaken and probably packing up to skip the area because they weren't answering their phones anymore.

But I tell you, these people never relent. I had a video clip once and I can't find it, I would have loved for you guys too see it on line, and laugh your heads off. Under cover Canadian reporter took the 419 bait and traveled all the way to Amsterdam to be 'scammed'. He met the 419ing Nigerian in a restaurant, and this guy kept telling so much ridiculous lies about how the reporter would make $2 million and also get some gold and diamonds that were so safe deposit. All this was being recorded with hidden camera. The 419er kept looking around like a crook that he was, and eventually his nerve couldn't take it anymore, so he got up and walked outside where he felt more comfortable, all the while trying to lure the undercover reporter to go with him to meet his 'lawyer'. Eventually, when the reporter got him to stand still for a minute, he explained to the 419er that he was doing a story on Nigerian scam artists, and that the men standing a few meters away were actually dutch police officers observing the meeting, and that they had everything on camera. Phew! The naija wiped his forehead first, folded the rubbish papers he was holding, and tucked it into the breast pocket of his jacket, then suddenly jumped and took off running like a thief. He was almost knocked down by a vehicle, but old boy could careless. He just kept hurling ass, and as he was negotiating a corner, he manged to look back once before disappearing from sight.

I laughed so hard. Even his boys that were around the area, took off running. Later on, he called the reporter's cell phone and left a threatening message that the reporter would be killed. The thing is, this is so out of control.


Quote from: Dan-Borno on February 22, 2007, 01:05:38 PM
Quote from: HUSNAA on February 22, 2007, 12:29:16 PM
Eya Mr Attah.
Since it is death you wish for, may it come to you as fast as you call it
through emailing con letters to ppl.Look if you want to con someone, think
of a more original way than this. This route has been tried so many times.
Every one is aware of people like you, so no one is taken in any more with
this bogey about millions you cant collect!! Huh!!
Wishing you a painful death tomorrow.

;D  ;D  ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D  ;D   Kai una go kill pesin for this forum.

Ete and Husna!

;D  ;D  ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D  ;D
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Wow Ete and Husnaa  ;D ;D ;D ;D. I've been tempted to respond to those scammers, but always thought better of it in the end.


When ete posted what he saw on ebay,i remembered a story a friend told me on how they duped one innocent Briton on the net.
They brit posted online that he wanted to sell his car for GBP3000.The 419ers Bid for and won the bid.The Nigerian then told him that he would be Visiting the UK to collect his car and make the payment.He then intentionally delayed the (imajinary) scheduled visit to see how desperate the Brit was to sell the car.To his pleasure the Brit was so eager to get rid of the car which maybe is junk to him by now cos he kept emailing the Nigerian asking him when he'd come.The nigerian now replied him that he came to the Uk but some urgent business matters have come up and he's on his way to the UK(This conversation was done on phone cos the Nigerian has subscribed to 'My UK numbers' and when he places a call from nija it'll route the calls through the UK and the recipient would actually see a UK number on his phone  8) .That way the 'Mugu' will think the call is from the UK).But since he has promised the guy he'd pay for the car,he'l send him a cheque but there's a certain simple favour he'd like te Brit to do for him.The nija guy os supposed to give a business associate the sum of GBP3500,therefore he would send him a cheque of GBP6500 and he(the brit) would take his GBP3000 and help him send the remaining GBP3500 to the business associate.
The Nija guy went to his 'chairman' and got a counterfeit cheque of a UK bank(they say it looks so so real) and sent to the brit.Luckily for him it was beginning of the month so the brit told him that he didnt want to go to the bank this time of the month and that he would gracefully send his personal cheque of GBP3500 to the business associate(who resides in the UK),then at the end of the month he would withdraw the whole sum (GBP6500) from the bank.
The deal was sealed.
Counterfeit GBP6500 cheque sent to brit>>Genuine GBP3500 cheque sent to business associate>>business associate transfers GBP2500 through western union to his friend in Nija and keeps GBP1000>>Brit now went to the bank at the end of the month only to find out the cheque is fake>>Brit calls Nigerian to tell him>>Nigerian says sorry and breaks the simcard.PAM PAM PAM

That is how they dupe these innocent lives.
Surely after suffering comes enjoyment


Ghafurallahi lana wa lakum