Does it really matter who becomes president?

Started by fastboi, February 15, 2004, 02:31:02 AM

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Call me a cynic if u like but I will stand by my opinion that whoever it is that God decides to allow to win an election and become president will not make any difference. Some I know will argue that the president will favour his kinsmen or religion and it's followers, but let me tell those of u who believe that it's not true. In politics today, thieving is secular.
 heard that you r addressed as you r dressed!


Assalamu alaikum,
Some people are better than others. We still have Allah-fearing Nigerians, who have the good intention and vision to  and can, insha Allah, sanitise this country.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


yes fatboi. it matters who becomes president. I mean its clear OBJ has failed in what ever aspect of leadership you consider. maybe Rimi will be a better president based on his record in Kano. but thats hindsight.
And as EMTL said, people who are GOD fearing tend to lead better than others.
Allah shi taimakemu gaba daya. amin



Assalamu alaikum,
What we had on the 19/4/04, should go to the Guiness Book as being the most corrupt election ever.
In the Affairs of People Fear Allah (SWT). In the Matters Relating to Allah (SWT) Do not be Afraid of Anybody. Ibn Katthab (RA).


Well its really a pity for Nigeria that we don't have any formidable candidate from either the North or the south,what i mean is we don't have fresh hands that didn't taste power at the highest level,all those paraded are President,chairmen of a big parastatal or Governor's,they want to remain relevant in all aspect of Governance,that's why corruption is high,they can do whatever and went to any extent to be recognised,though some have the opinion that Nigeria needs somebody who is familiar with the terrand but for me i quite disagree,lets make example with Kano state for instance Malam shekarau was not a politician b4 this dispensation yet when he came out people supported him[though he had buhari factor]so why can't we look else where for president lets get a fresh hand,all those that dominate the scheme of affairs let them retire,all what we need from them is advise,if we did that with all the commitment then we can witness a great change in this country. :-[


Kilishi, you truly make sense. I really don't think as of right now that it matters who's the president of Nigeria. Most people who are outside of Nigeria don't even think a president exist in the country. I read the book by Hillary Rodham Clinton and all I have been thinking through out reading that book was "WOW!!! Nigeria is really screwed up".
color=pink] Knoledge Saves Lives--- FAAWIN[/color]


It does matter a lot when you have a President that :

Only thinks of himself and trbesmen/women
Arrogantly believes he was always right
Talks, walks and behaves like a clown
Jets out when his constituency is burning
Spends money recklessly and misplaces priorities
Violates the constitution with impunity
Deceptively corners lawmakers
Failing to take action on insecurity of lives and property of his people


Ze nigerian folitical system is one op ze most rusted folitical strategy in ze whole world. Our leaders dont eben habe a peeling zat zey r being watched by Allah n ze habe corrupted ze inner fart op zeir minds, which habe resulted in2 series op pinancial depiciencies @ ebery lebel op administration in Nigeria.

Por zat mallam Fastboi, it is bery bital por us 2 consider ze worthy ferson 2 rule Nigeria ip we want it 2 regain it's Folitical pigure op ze early times...and so i sink it does really matters who becomes ze fresident!....or am i wrong my onliners????
...He begot not, nor is He begotten!


Wonderful post fastboi, but lets head for the big question...

QuoteDo we really have elections in nigeria?

Here is another: Does it matter who becomes president or can we determine who becomes president?
Ofcause it will be unthinkable to say no Nigerian is God-fearing enough to govern the country irrespect of race or region. However, the "latent ruling councel" in this country has never chaanged...the same people ruling are still ruling. Thats why we do not see any change but to the worse. Anyone with a God-fearing good heart irrespect of race or region is condemened not to talk of giving a chance to stand agaist the evil of the latent bla bla bla.....
 In other words, it will be a miracle to have a better Nigeria. Those of us who will get to the top will have to be in the cycle of those latent bastards and will also become one.
Nigeria...sorry for u.
Safety and Peace


Most of the replies are exactly as I thought they would be, you are either hopeful that things will change or you've already given up on the country and any good future for it. Well I still think it doesn't really matter who becomes president here no matter what your beliefs and values are. And this is simply because as the last post above stated it's like a group of the same old "bastards" that have ruled this our beloved country since her creation are still around calling the shots either indirectly or directly. And if some of them are currently dead, there are either sons and daughters that they have groomed to take thier places or other non-relatives that have been trained well to serve as predecessors. Really, this is true. And they have been at the top for so long, since during the times when majority of Nigerians weren't aware of the reality of things ( I mean like upnorth here when there weren't as many educated people as there are today), that they have no other way of doing things but to continually "rape" and plunder and take away what is for everyone. Patriotism, integrity, nationalism, that sense of wanting to see the country move forward, loyalty, honesty and a million others are absolutely, utterly non-existent in the country right now. This is an obvious exagerration but it is closer to the truth than anythingelse. Even if you have these values and qualities, you will not survive past the door of your house, because everyone else around thinks "oppositely". You are considered a fool and someone who will spoil the fun for everyone else. So they venture into eliminating you. I have seen vivid examples in real life people. This is the unfortunate condition our country is in. This is the prevalent mindset of the average and virtually every nigerian today.
But what do you then do after realising this sad truth? What is next? What is there to do to change things? I have come here to exactly discuss this with you, my fellow kano onliners. I have not given up on Nigeria, and I am not likely to do so in the near future, but I srtongly feel that we need to start changing the way we think and therefore the way we do. I am a muslim and in my faith I am taught that God puts in the position of leadership people whom the society they lead deserves. Simply, a leader is a reflection of his or her society. Now I am not blaming we the people of this great country for our endless problems, solely. But I am trying to insinuate that we as a society should first of all change our way of doing things, everyday things, things between us and God, between us and our other fellow human beings and so on.
No, this is not a sermon people, I am simply sharing my ideas and opinions with you all, and would greatly appreciate your responses,  what you think, so that I know whether what I am saying is true, correct and the right thing. I am a realist to the core, so a Nigerian Utopia is not what I have in mind, but I do think things can change. It's just that there's a lot of hardwork ahead of us, we that will inherit this country from the old "bastatrds" at the helm of affairs.
 heard that you r addressed as you r dressed!


QuoteMost of the replies are exactly as I thought they would be, you are either hopeful that things will change or you've already given up on the country and any good future for it.

Is there any other choice?
Safety and Peace


thanks to fastboi and other alumni of kanoonline, this thread was
started in february, 2004 and i see no reason why a new thread
will be posted, hence i decided to resurrect the old ones.

when fastboi and the guduma's were busy making this contribution
little did they know that after obasanjo, yar'adua will climb the
mantle of leadership - and now, its goodluck that is in power.

the central theme of the thread as you can see is, does it really
matter who becomes president?

before the demise of yar'adua, a lot of brawls has caught up with
almost all nigerians from different section of the country, most
northerners see the coming of goodluck as betrayal while others
see it violating the unconstituional agreement entered into by
one out of 30something party in nigeria that the presidency must
be a rotational one.

the constitution of this country has proved some that they are
very wrong (including the Legendary Waziri of Kanoonline who
refer to the unconstitutuional agreement as gentlemanly agree-
ment) i see nothing gentle in that agreement because it doesnt
favour any part of the country but only few individuals at the
corridors of power.

a credible candidate that is acceptable to all the regions of the
country should be our priority whenever the issue of presidency
comes up - be it muslim or christian, northerner or southerner
because from our previous records of presidency, almost all sections
of the country have tested the presidency, yet, its the ordinary
nigerian man that suffers (i refer you to watch the recent documentary
by BBC tagged "Welcome to Lagos") where an hausa man and
an igbo man both do business at the dumb, it shows the unification
of this country.

however, as i said earlier, some scrupulous politicians and business
men who benefit the most from the divisions among people or if
crisis arises, advocate that this or that most be the president or
the president must come from either north or south.

everyone could be the president of this country so long he can
deliver the dividends of democracy to the people.  the long hardship
suffered by nigerians due to absence of electricity, portable drinking
water, access road, quality education, etc should come to an end.

na gaisheku
"My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for" - Tupak


Good write up, DB.

But it does matter, to me, who becomes president. I may elaborate it sometime inshaAllah.
Get to know [and remember] Allah in prosperity & He will know  [and remember] you in adversity.


With all honesty, it shouldn't matter who becomes president of Nigeria.(if Nigeria were a right country)
That isn't the reality in the country however.
It does matter who becomes president presently because the nation has already been divided long ago.
The south accuses the north of clinging to power since independence. Whoever reads the print media (or whichever media) will not find it surprising if the North is villified for ruling the country for 2/3 of its existence after independence.
If it is going to go by popular vote,the north might rule the nation for God knows how long.
So,seeing the pressure and percieved bias (with great help from the media) from the southern part, the north agreed to let go of power (is this democracy or what) and cede it to the south.
It was with the nations unity at heart that the PDP elders met and agreed to rotate power between the north and south from 1999-2015.
After that time, then Nigeria might have gotten more matured and the agitations by the south to have a bite of the power have been satisfied then we carry on.
The agreement reached was not part of the constitution. And also there is no part of the contitution that is against one section of the country ruling for most of the country's existence.
So i see no reason why people see the gentleman agreement as undemocratic. To me it is an effort made to foster unity of the country at that time.
So why would the effort of some people to unify the country be ridiculed only after those who have been accusing the north of clinging to power have got the power?

DB i hope you will clear you mind and see the agreement as in favour of national Unity.

Surely after suffering comes enjoyment